Term Papers on Book Reports |
Duddy Kravitz 2
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... we finally are able to see where the story is headed and we are able to settle down and develop a true sense of who Duddy Kravitz is. At this point the author slows down the rate of which events come and allows the character development to happen more naturally. The book became much easier and more enjoyable due to this. The reader could begin to feel the connection with the main character by realizing the impact on Duddy through his ordeals. For example, when Duddy almost lost his roulette game the reader felt anxiety and sorrow for the character. Mordecai Richler did an excellent .....
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Frank Norris' "McTeague": The Three Major Themes
Number of words: 1353 - Number of pages: 5.... for money was in all of the characters. Zerkow was viewed as a
"lost" soul and Trina as a proper young lady, yet they were both almost
exactly alike. Here are some quotes on greed. "Miser, nasty little old
miser. You're worse than old Zerkow, always nagging about money, money, and
you got five thousand dollars. You got more, an' you live in that stinking
hole of a room, and you won't drink any decent beer." "She don't care if I
get wet and get a cold and die. No, she don't, as long as she's warm and
got her money." Greed in the novel is one of the strongest point. Social
Darwinism's problem i .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Comparison Of Movie And Book
Number of words: 1032 - Number of pages: 4.... boy, Ralph, meets another boy, "Piggy". Soon after that they
find the other boys . The other boys are from a British choir/academy
school, and they were all wearing uniforms. The oldest was Jack Merridew,
he was he was the captain of the all the boys from the academy. Then there
was Maurice he was next in size in the choir. There was a very shy boy who
no one really knew. He kept his distance from everyone. Later in the book
we find out that his name is Roger. Then all of their other names were Bill,
Robert, Harold, Henry, Samneric and Simon.
In the film the boys build an elaborate shelter .....
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The Bluest Eye
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... beauty in the dandelions and in Pecola. However, Pecola knew that this was not likely because of society's hate for her and she knew that, "Nobody loves the head of a dandelion" (Morrison 47). Pecola soon realizes that she will never be beautiful just how she is. As she looks affectionately at the dandelions, "they do not look at her and do not send love back" (Morrison 51). Pecola realizes that the dandelions are ugly and like them, she is merely an unwanted weed because she cannot be beautiful, like people she saw around her.
Pecola saw many other things around her that she could not .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities - Syndney
Number of words: 686 - Number of pages: 3.... his sin, just as Christ's death washed
clean man's accumulated sins.
For readers who choose the negative view, Carton's death seems an
act of giving up. These readers point out that Stryver's jackal has
little to lose. Never useful or happy, Carton has already succumbed to
the depression eating away at him. In the midst of a promising
youth, Carton had "followed his father to the grave"- that is, he's
already dead in spirit. For such a man, physical death would seem no
sacrifice, but a welcome relief.
Some readers even go so far as to claim that Carton's happy vision
of the fut .....
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The Last Of The Mohicans: Summary
Number of words: 519 - Number of pages: 2.... He fights under command of her father, and despite her
fathers initial dislike for Hawkeye, and his great liking for Duncan, Cora
does not feel the same love for Duncan that he feels for her. Magua is a
member of the Huron tribe and has a great hatred for Colonel Munro, and
has made it is life's mission to kill Munro as well as his children to
wipe out the Colonel's seed forever. Magua is a very seditious man, and is
set on achieving his heinous mission.
The plot begins to unfold when Hawkeye and is family decide to
guide Colonel Munro's two daughters as well as Duncan to Fort Will .....
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The Pearl: Summary
Number of words: 171 - Number of pages: 1.... is stung by a scorpion. Kino
takes the baby to the rich doctor who will not treat him because they are poor.
So Kino gets into his boat to find a pearl. He finds a pearl "the size of a
seagull egg" , and they think there trouble is over.
Kino and Jauna ultimatly have to go to the capital to trade their pearl in. Some
trackers follow them to get the pearl. What insues is a chase through the
mountains ending up with the death of Coyotito. Finally , they come back home
and destroy the pearl forever.
this book has a good message about greed and humans. It tells us it .....
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Summary Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Number of words: 1565 - Number of pages: 6.... with them.
After arriving in America, they are taken to Packingtown to find
work. Packingtown is a section of Chicago where the meat packing industry
is centralized. They take a tour of the plant, and see the unbelievable
efficiency and speed att which hogs and cattle are butchered, cooked,
packed, and shipped. In Packingtown, no part of the animal is wasted. The
tour guide specifically says, "They use everything about the hog except the
Jurgis' brawny build quickly gets him a job on the cattle killing
beds. The other members of the family soon find jobs, except fo .....
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Heart Of Darkness: Heart Of Controversy
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... England was sure to expect far
harsher. Educated people reading Conrad's novel should understand the
differences between the past and the present, and be forgiving of his
The deeper the expedition progressed into the center of the
continent, the more isolation was felt by the crew. In a sense, Central
Africa IS the antithesis of Western Europe -- it lacks not only the hectic
urban structures but also the Social Darwinist attitudes of the time. It
is in this remote environment that man must face his true self without any
illusions, and the darkness of the human sou .....
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A Analysis Of Jack London Nove
Number of words: 2895 - Number of pages: 11.... by all ages. Londons life was diversified and so were his writings. Today, London is mostly known for his "dog stories", The Call of the Wild and White Fang. In addition to those great works London wrote many other stories and novels, all of which were published in the seventeen years that he wrote professionally. Londons writings vary in quality as well as in subject, his from the cheapest and worst kind of pieces to the beautiful works like The Call of the Wild and Sea Wolf. In this literary analysis the focus will be on Londons more well known and enjoyed works.
Londons life .....
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