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The Force Of Evil
Number of words: 1448 - Number of pages: 6.... it is too late; he is already in the midst of the very place that was spoken of. Appalled at first, by faced with no other choice than to confront the very source of evil, General Zaroff, face to face, Rainsford realizes the danger of his position and takes what he is dealt right in stride. He was now the wanted prey of the most dangerous of hunters. "He had not been entirely clear-headed when the chateau gates snapped shut behind him. His whole idea at first was to put distance between himself and General Zaroff. . . Now he had got a grip on himself, had stopped, and was taking stock of .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Description, Narration, And Symbolism
Number of words: 942 - Number of pages: 4.... than human. Hawthorne’s use of the word “creature” implies that Pearl stands out in her society and shows the obviousness of her label as an outcast. He then calls Pearl a “lovely and immortal flower” which shows her physical beauty, which is ironic because he has already labeled her a “creature”. Hawthorne uses description and symbolism to show how Hester Prynne feels about her daughter. “But she named the infant “Pearl”, as being of great price, -her mother’s only treasure” (62). Hester feels proud to have her daughter because she’s “her mother’s only treasur .....
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Orwell's Animal Farm: Summary Of Characters
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... cause. When he hurts his hoof and is unable to work, Napoleon is
uncaring and sends him off to the slaughterhouse since he is of no further use.
Some of the animals come to realize what is happening and are mad at Napoleon,
but Napoleon talks his way out of it by convincing the animals that they are
mistaken and the hospital uses vehicles marked "slaughterhouse" to pick up
injured animals. Stalin's character was similar as he used people for his own
advantage, and when they were not further useful to him, he eliminated them.
The dogs represent Napoleon's secret police. Napoleon ra .....
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A Summary Of A Christmas Carol
Number of words: 1769 - Number of pages: 7.... heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm,
no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he…Nobody ever
stopped in the street to say, with gladsome looks, ‘My dear Scrooge, how are
you? When will you come to see me?'. No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle,
no children asked him what it was o'clock, no man or woman ever once in all his
life inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge." (Dickens 14).
Next there is Tiny Tim, he seems to be a symbol of hope in this story even
though he has to use a crutch to walk and .....
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Big Two-Hearted River
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... which a
character speaks in the first person. It occurs in "Big
Two-Hearted River: Part II", an intensely personal story
which completely immerses the reader in the actions and
thoughts of Nick Adams. Hemingway's utilization of the
omniscient third person narrator allows the reader to
visualize all of Nick's actions and surroundings, which would
have been much more difficult to accomplish using first
person narration. Nick is seen setting up his camp in "Big
Two-Hearted River: Part I" in intimate detail, from choosing
the perfect place to set his tent to boiling a pot of coffee
before going .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... his voyage. Marlow finds out about the death of Kurtz, the climax of the novel, when the manager’s boy said to Marlow, “Mistah Kurtz—he dead” (Conrad 64). Another death occurs when the attack on the steamer leaves the helmsmen dead with “the shaft of a spear in the side just below the ribs” (Conrad 64). Marlow decides to “[tip] him overboard” because “if [his] late helmsmen was to be eaten, the fishes alone should have him. He had been a very second-rate helmsmen” (Conrad 47). Second, corruption overshadowed all other themes as the major theme of the novel. As Marlow .....
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Huckleberry Finn Learns He Must Grow Up Fast If He Wants To Survive Life
Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... life at a tedious level. They have
their highs and lows, but mainly life is not all it is cracked up to be. For
Huck, he must experience having a horrendous father who beats Huck to a pulp
any time he is sober. And for Jim, the fact that his family is not considered
human by society but rather chattel that can be bought, sold or even traded at
the slightest whim. Together Huck and Jim must work together to escape the
society which has allowed them to live the vile life they had, and move to a
place where society will let them start a brand new life.
When Pap , was not around, Hu .....
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Women In China During The Long
Number of words: 1260 - Number of pages: 5.... two opposite types of energy which must be kept in balance with one another. Neither is greater than the other, or more important than the other. In respect to gender, yin is female and yang is male. Yin is private life within the family and yang is public life outside the family. Men were to focus on public life and outside affairs and support the family while women were to focus on private life and support the men.
For many men resisting the pressures of scholarly careers, women appeared
as guardians of stability, order and purity. The woman’s quarters, secluded
behind courtyards and .....
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An Economic Intrepration Of Th
Number of words: 2767 - Number of pages: 11.... like it was a party. Once the “lucky” participant has been chosen their cries of compromise are let out and this has no effect on the crowd at hand. Being one of the stoners, you are unwilling to recognize the screams of pain and the sights of blood. This sacrifice ensures the town’s economic success and their ability to feed the families. Crops are the lives of these families and if they fail there may not be enough food to feed this small town.
Killing one person a year to theoretically save the lives of three hundred people does not seem that bad. Sure the town .....
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Benvenuto Cellini
Number of words: 711 - Number of pages: 3.... was Cardinal Patriarch Marco Cornaro, of the powerful Cornaro della Regina family of Venice. By his own account Cellini played a role in the ultimately unsuccessful defense of Rome in 1527, slaying the Constable of Bourbon in one attack and later killing Philibert, Prince of Orange, as well. After a brief stay in Florence, where he concentrated on producing medals (including "Hercules and the Numean Lion" in gold repousse and "Atlas Supporting the Sphere" in chased gold), Cellini returned again to Rome. Among his works for Pope Clement VII during this period were a peace commemorative m .....
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