Term Papers on Book Reports |
Alice Walker's Everyday Use
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... were unsure of themselves. I was puzzled by
why some did not feel surer of themselves and their heritage. I was also
surprised that some had the pride that could carry them through any
Maggie is a classic example of poor self-esteem. She has little
pride in herself. She is not as pretty or smart as her sister is. She was
also scared in a fire. She has spent her entire life playing second fiddle
or at least feeling like it. Dee wants the quilts that rightfully belong
to her but instead of fighting she only says, “She can have them Mama”.
Her mother describes her voice of .....
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Risen From The Ashes Of Earthl
Number of words: 2661 - Number of pages: 10.... years old (Dinsmore 69). She became his inspiration for almost every major work he created and he viewed her as his savior, first temporally and later spiritually (Fergusson 165, Inf. II, 109-114). His La Vita Nuova is a collection of poems and prose commentary inspired by Beatrice and collected after her death in 1290. Dante's love, however, was unrequited, as he himself says in a conversation with a lady recounted in La Vita Nuova:
"What purpose have you in loving this lady, when you cannot bear her presence? Tell us about it, because surely the purpose of such love must be very strange." .....
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Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 788 - Number of pages: 3.... all the stories up in order to win the argument with Pertelote, but, this seems unlikely because he does not take heed to his own advice and stay away from the fox that encounters him later. He is educated enough to know these supposed quotations but not intelligent enough to understand the real meaning of them. It is if he simply brings because they help him win the argument with his spouse and not because he actually believes what they say. Chaucer is using the idea that the Aristocracy has schooling throughout their childhood, but it is only done to have seemingly important but empty c .....
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Political Criticism On The Eng
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4.... go into the army, the next brother would be a doctor, a brother after that would become a businessman. An old tradition in his family"
(Ondaatje, 1992, #201)
The tradition however, was transgressed due to conflicting propensities of the eldest brother who chose to resist the indigenous British rule rather than fight on their side. In light of the resulting imprisonment of his brother, Kirpal chose to fill the void by enlisting in the army. Following his enlistment, Kip chose to join the bomb-squad whose duties were to nullify the unexploded hazards and eliminate booby traps, thus saving .....
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Les Miserables: Jean Proves That He Is Trustworthy
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3.... opportunity to stay under a roof.
In another incident Jean Valjean, receives a exclusive letter from
Marius, a young man that is in love with Cossete. The letter is addressed
to Cossete, and even though Jean Valjean regrets the possibility of Cossete
leaving him, he turns the letter over to her. Jan Valjean proves that he
does not have a mind of a criminal and could be trustworthy.
Jean Valjean shows that he does not care about himself, and that he
has only a dedication on helping others. When Jean Valjean first enters
the city of M____ sur M____ he goes to drastic meas .....
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Injustice In To Kill A Mocking
Number of words: 341 - Number of pages: 2.... which everyone deserves. He handled the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of what he really was.
The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn't leave his house, people began to think something was wrong. Boo was a man who was misunderstood and shouldn't of suffered any injustice. Boo did not handle the injustice because he didn't know about it.
In conclusion, the person who deserves the deepest sympathy is Tom Robinson. He did .....
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Memoirs Of The Geisha
Number of words: 1743 - Number of pages: 7.... company comes across her while he’s walking with his business associates. He takes notice of her and goes up to see what is the matter with her. As he lifts her chin up and looks into her eyes, he is marveled by the beauty her eyes posses. All he can do is stare. He gives her a handkerchief and a few compliments and tells her not to worry because everything will be fine. The Chairman then leaves but he never leaves Chiyo’s thoughts or dreams. He is the only person who has been kind to her all her life and for the past years, all she dreams about is meeting this wonderful man ag .....
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Analysis Of Maltese Falcon
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... is callous, avaricious, and shares a similarity with Mike from ‘The House of Games.’ Why I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid O’Shaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty much the same thing Ford asked Mike in the airport. Brigid’s comment (p. 211-212) “You’ve been playing with me? Only pretending you cared-to trap me like this? You didn’t-care at all? You didn’t-don’t-I-love-me?” Ford’s “You used me...” speech is strikingly similar to Brigid’s including the reaction .....
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The Diary Of Anne Frank
Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6.... hiding but were, unfortunately, later found. The cruelty of the Nazis not only affected those in Germany but people everywhere felt its impact.
In addition to changes in the lives of Jewish people, normal existence changed for others as well. Everyone, Jewish or not, had to register to record their name and address. Those who were Jewish could then be singled out. In order to separate them, they were given identification cards and made to wear a yellow Star of David. Anne makes reference to this segregation in her diary when she tells about going to her secret place. “We could see by .....
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The Sound Of A Voice
Number of words: 1124 - Number of pages: 5.... the sound of
another human being can be desolate. Further examples are given when the
women feels days have no meaning without sound. She doesn’t believe anyone
should be left in silence. She feels lonely when she’s without sound. She
feels sad and abandoned when it is quiet. She speaks of how lonely it is
when no other living thing is around. The woman never really had a
permanent companion. Everyone that had visited her, left for some reason
or another. She states that it is hard to sleep at night without sound.
However, she soon becomes reassured knowing that she will hear .....
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