Term Papers on Book Reports |
Bless Me, Ultima: Conflicting Lifestyles
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... They
lived off the land. The family led a simple life, and believed that by
worshipping the land it would provide for them. To be happy and prosperous
one did not need the comfort of towns or advantages of education, one only
needed the vast open plains of the llano. Gabriel's wife encouraged him to
give up the wild lifestyle and move into town where they could build a
family together. He did this but it crushed his adventurous spirit. He
was forced to give up his land, herd of animals, and close group of vaquero
friends who in turn condemned him for leaving. His life in town .....
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Alvarez Shows Language Is A Tremendous Difference In Everyone's Lives In His Story
Number of words: 1292 - Number of pages: 5.... she was forced to
conform to the rigid Hispanic values. This conformity kept her at bay. She
couldn't experience the things necessary to become a whole person.
Rudolf B. Elmhurst was a young man from a liberal family in the United
States. His parents were easy-going people, with thoughts of letting Rudy
develop on his own. He learned English much the same way Yolanda learned Spanish.
He was taught by his parents. He also absorbed the culture around him and he
learned the American way of doing things. Rudy had quite a bit of freedom. He
could have come and gone as he pleased. He had n .....
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The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 605 - Number of pages: 3.... He abused his position by taking money from people who came to confess. He told them that they would get absolution if they pay him and thus broke the vow of obedience because it is against the Catholic Church. He broke the vow of chastity by having adulterous relationships with other women. By wearing expensive clothes, spending his time with wealthy people rather than helping beggars or sick lepers, he broke the vow of poverty.
The Pardoner is a person who says prayer for dead people so that the sins they had committed in life would be forgiven. The Pardoner of abused his position by se .....
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The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer: Summary
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... the village.
In the story Tom had to whitewash his aunt's fence which he did not
want to do. Later on Tom's friend Jim came along he had to get a pail of
water from the town pump so Tom said that he would get the water if Jim
would whitewash some. Jim said no so Tom was stuck with whitewashing until
Ben Rogers came eating a apple, and said "Hello, old chap, you got to work,
hey?" Tom told him that it wasn't work it was fun. Then Ben stoped eating
his apple, and said "Say, Tom let me whitewash a little" Tom told him no
because his aunt wanted this fence to be whitewashed carefuly. Then Ben .....
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The Murder Of Art From The Sou
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... fed up with what the painting makes him do, and after murdering Hallward, the creator of the evil painting, he decides to get rid of this dreaded piece of art once and for all. Dorian takes the same knife that he killed Hallward with, and stabs the portrait of his older self. A sudden scream echo’s, leading the servants to his room a short time later. There, dead on the floor, is an old unrecognizable man who they find out is Dorian. The only evidence that this thing was once Dorian Gray was by the rings on his hands. He lay there, dead on the floor, with a knife stabbed through h .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1165 - Number of pages: 5.... the youth, and is a brilliant strategist when it comes to rallying support for his cause. Napoleon, throughout the novel, fails to present an idea that is original, but tends to take credit for the ideas of others (Meyers 108). Like Stalin, Napoleon is not a good speaker and is certainly not as clever as his political opponent. However, he makes good use of his resident "smooth-talker," Squealer, to insure that his subjects see the purpose of his evil and demented ideas, while those who oppose him are merely torn apart by dogs that Napoleon accumulated to protect him and distribute justice as .....
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1984: A Political Statement Against Totalitarianism
Number of words: 1422 - Number of pages: 6.... punishable by death. By employing literary devices such as diction,
foreshadowing, and symbolism, Orwell composes a novel "1984" which proves
to be a gem in Orwell's collection of novels against totalitarianism.
Orwell wrote 1984 as a political statement against totalitarianism.
Orwell's word choice drives the plot of the story in that they introduce a
new dimension, a world where everything takes place in a modern controlled
society. The phrase "Newspeak" was created by Orwell to describe a
derivation of the English language, which this new world uses to
communicate, and to represent .....
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Pudd'nhead Wilson: Summary
Number of words: 698 - Number of pages: 3.... would have to be the
The antagonist in this book would have to be the people of Dawson's
Landing. They judged him for what he said before even knowing him for very
long. You can't judge a person for one wrong thing that they said.
Pudd'nhead proves the rest of the town wrong when he solves a big murder
case by using one of his best abilties. The town should have never judged
him, yet instead listened to him and give him a chance. I would say the
people of Dawson's Landing would definitely qualify for the antagonist part.
Pudd'nhead Wilson comes to Dawson's Landing .....
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Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 966 - Number of pages: 4.... The boys swear never
to speak of this again. Soon after this Tom falls in love with his
new neighbor, Becky Thatcher. Eventually the two become
engaged but the engagement falls through when Tom
accidentally mentions his former love while talking with Becky.
The two fued and do not speak. Meanwhile, the whole town is
gossiping of the murder of Dr. Robinson and the prosecution of
Muff Potter. A trail quickly forms and Muff is put on the stand.
Tom knows he can not let the innocent Muff go to jail so as the
trial comes to a close Tom testifies, proving Injun Joe guilty.
This is the .....
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Social Criticism In Literature, As Found In George Orwell's Animal Farm And Charles Dickens' A Tale Of Two Cities.
Number of words: 1545 - Number of pages: 6.... vengeful and, for some of us, overly ambitious. Both these books are similar in that both describe how, even with the best of intentions, our ambitions get the best of us. Both authors also demonstrate that violence and the Machiavellian attitude of "the ends justifying the means" are deplorable. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, ". . . to discredit the Soviet system by showing its inhumanity and its back-sliding from ideals [he] valued . . ."(Gardner, 106) Orwell noted that " there exists in England almost no literature of disillusionment with the Soviet Union.' Instead, that country is vie .....
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