Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Swimmer: Themes Of Loss And Social Status
Number of words: 1076 - Number of pages: 4.... first pool at the Grahams, they responded to him with open arms. The Grahams are marvelously surprised by his visit and offer him a drink. Merrill did not want to seem rude but he did not have the time to stay. He swam across the pool, spoke with them for a few moments and then moved on to the next pool.
Men and women were gathered together drinking at the Bunker’s house for a small poolside party at Merrill’s next stop. Once again, the hostess Enid Bunker, is happy to see Merrill drop by unexpectedly and leads him straight to the bar for a drink where “a smiling bartender he had .....
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The Handmaid's Tale
Number of words: 1764 - Number of pages: 7.... altar or something: your
gang are supposed to be such chaste vessels. They like
to see you all painted up. Just another crummy power trip."
- page 228
The Commander's Wife also takes advantage of the power she has over Offred's life. In return for performing the illegal act of having sex with a man other than the Commander, the Wife will produce a picture of Offred's long-lost child. This form of blackmail cruelly introduces hope to Offred, a notion which has been foreign to her for many years. She suddenly envisions hope of regaining her previous life, along with all of the right .....
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A Separate Peace: Three Symbols
Number of words: 703 - Number of pages: 3.... and falls into the Naguamsett because Quackenbush
calls Gene "a maimed son-of-a-bitch," Gene surfaces from the Naguamsett
feeling grimy, dirty and in desperate need of a bath (71). Much like the
clean, refreshing water of the Devon and the ugly saline water of the
Naguamsett, Gene's carefree attitude of the summer session vastly differs
from the angry, confused attitude of the winter session.
Likewise, the two sessions, the summer and winter, give a different
sense of feeling toward school and life at Devon School. The summer
session allows Finny to use his creativity. Finny invents bl .....
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Frankenstein: Morality
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk.
The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of .....
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Huck Finn: Conflict Between Society And The Individual
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2.... Huck's dead body than rescuing his live one from Pap.
This is a society that is more concerned about a dead body than it is in the
welfare of living people.
The theme becomes even more evident once Huck and Jim set out, down the
Mississippi. Huck enjoys his adventures on the raft. He prefers the freedom
of the wilderness to the restrictions of society. Also, Huck's acceptance of
Jim is a total defiance of society. Ironically, Huck believes he is committing
a sin by going against society and protecting Jim. He does not realize that
his own instincts are more morally correct than those o .....
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Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"
Number of words: 2762 - Number of pages: 11.... formidable source of
pervailance over the mystical realm of power. There fore, this form of guidance
can only exist from the mind, and as product of thought, thus the ideas within
a philosophy.
The Ideals warp between the covers of, The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand's
philosophical revolution of Individualistic power, is her solution to society's
request for a cure. She believe that the highest order of power stands above
all alternatives as the power belonging to an individual and her mission is to
prove the greatness of individualist power within the hero she christain the
name Roark.
Ratio .....
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Man's Journey Into Self In The Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... contact with savage natives.
As Marlow ventures further up the Congo, he feels like he is traveling back through time. He sees the unsettled Wilderness and feel the darkness of it's solitude. Marlow comes across simpler cannibalistic cultures along the banks. The deeper into the jungle he goes, the more regressive the inhabitants seem.
Kurtz had lived in the Congo, and was separated from his own culture for quite some time. He had once been considered an honorable man, but the jungle changed him greatly. Here, secluded from the rest of his own society, he discovered his evil side .....
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The Light In The Forest: Analysis
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... society we seem
to concentrate on technology, while such oneness with nature is almost non-
As an author, Conrad Richter appears to be a skilled writer. I found
numerous strengths and only two weaknesses. One strength was his use of strong
visual images. "What he hungered for most was the sight of an Indian face
again-his father's, deep red, shaped like a hawk's, used to riding the wind,
always above the earth, letting nothing small or of the village disturb him-his
mother's, fresh and brown yet indented with great arching cheek wrinkle born of
laughing and smiling, framing .....
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The Canterbury Tales: Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 862 - Number of pages: 4.... Samaritan:/‘Thou hast yhad five housbondes,' quod
he,/‘And that ilke man that now hath thee/Is nat thyn housbonde'” (P16).
Despite this quote from the holy writ, the Wife states that ther are no
other arguments “Eek wel I woot he [Jesus] saide that myn housbonde/Sholde
lete fader and moder and take me,/But of no nombre mencion made he [Jesus]-
-/Of bigamye or of octagamye” (P30). She maintains her position and
dismisses the one contention in the Bible by stating in relation to the
above quote “Wat that he mente therby [she] can nat sayn,/But that I axe
why the fifthe man/Was noo .....
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Lady Audleys Secret
Number of words: 2396 - Number of pages: 9.... used, including proximity and familiarity to the audience, deceit rather than vindictive malice, lack of character development and especially the role of social status.
The sensational novel is usually a tale of our own times. Proximity is indeed one great element of sensation. A tale which aims to electrify the nerves of the reader is never thoroughly effective unless the scene be laid out in our own days and among the people we are in the habit of meeting. In keeping with mid-Victorian themes, Lady Audley’s Secret is closely connected to the street literature and newspaper accou .....
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