Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Little Prince: An Analysis
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... reflections off as nothing and a young adult would find meaning.
In the desert when the pilot is fixing his plane, there is a time when the
little Prince is about to embark to an unknown well of water. The pilot
sees the Prince wondering off and says, “Where are you going?” The little
Prince replies, “to the well”, with great contentment. An adult might pass
that off as simply just part of the plot. If they would ask, “why?” and
read on they find that there is a curious Prince with and open mind
clashing with the pilot who's database of so called impossibilities te .....
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Romanticism’ In Jude The Obscure
Number of words: 2210 - Number of pages: 9.... assumptions central to modernist literature: that in our time men wishing to be more than dumb clods must live in permanent doubt and intellectual crisis; that for such men, to whom traditional beliefs are no longer available, life has become inherently problematic …and that courage, if it is to be found at all, consists in readiness to accept pain while refusing the comforts of certainty.
This was based upon which a relationship is built between male and female is the main idea of “Jude the Obscure”. The security of the relationship depends upon the depth of the founda .....
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The Great Gatsby: Moral Responsibility In Gatsby
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... escape with her. Even knowing this, Tom still had the indecency
to tell George it was Gatsby's car. Tom can also be morally blamed for the
killing of Gatsby because of his affair with Myrtle. George killed Gatsby
not only because he thought he killed Myrtle, but also because he was under
the impression that Gatsby was the one having the affair with his wife.
Tom knew George was thinking this and when George talked to him, Tom seized
his opportunity to get off the hook for his sin and directed it to Gatsby,
making himself even more morally incorrect for doing it. It is clearly
justifiable .....
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Subject: Giovanni & Lusanna-by Gene Brucker
Number of words: 591 - Number of pages: 3.... social status would be greatly hurt to marry some one
in the working class of Florence. This is another example of why today¦s
society is so much different from how it was when they lived. Another
strange thing about their society is the open humiliation that people were
subjected to. It was said that Lusanna first husband was called a ¦cuckold
¦ to his face. People who were said to earn money in a dirty fashion often
had blood or paint thrown on their steps. These kinds of things are just
not normal or permitted in today¦s world. It is true that they do
sometimes occur, but the respo .....
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Contaminated Motives
Number of words: 1271 - Number of pages: 5.... it does not counter the negative effects that are induced during the process. Therefore, money is the root of all evil.
Despite the two novels possessing slight differences, they coincide in many aspects. When Pip acquires the money from the unknown benefactor, he moves away under Jaggers guidance and barely ever returns to his hometown. In the beginning, his reasons for coming back were to visit Joe, Biddy, and Miss Havisham, but eventually he changes and seeing the people previously so important to him appears to become a chore. This is ironic because not even a year ago he looked .....
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Plato's Republic
Number of words: 1868 - Number of pages: 7.... to be further developed in The Republic (Cornford xx).”
But here, Plato was referring to the politics of his time, and critics who
sided with Crito believed that The Republic was Plato's way of introducing a
political system in which he would feel comfortable supporting (Plato 204).
Conversely though, The Republic itself is summed up this way:
Well, one would be enough to effect all this reform that now seems so
incredible, if he had subjects disposed to obey; for it is surely
not impossible that they should consent to carry out our laws and
customs when laid dow .....
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Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2.... stressed at all times. The emotional seesaw that Hemingway puts the reader through is an invigorating experience but even more stimulating since he can maintain the overtones of depression.
Hemingway’s ability to pull so many tragedies together to stress the themes of depression, despair, a futility in humanity also make this novel very impressive. Just the setting of a love affair during wartime implies a dark reckoning upon the two lovers. Everything about the book drives the idea of fate and futility even when the idea and promise of hope is thrown in.
Although the author drive .....
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Billy Budd: A Story Of True Goodness
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... of the spectrum contrast one another in a plethora of ways. Where Billy is sweet, John is bitter. Where Billy is naïve, John is knowledgeable. Where Billy is content, John is jealous. Lastly, where Billy is good, John is bad.
The ugliness that results in the death of both men portrays the triumph of sinister forces over the meek. John Claggart, who is a powerful and feared man aboard Bellipotent, lashes out at Billy who is for the most part defenseless. This is an injustice of biblical proportions.
What could have prevented this from happening? Perhaps, if Billy picked up on John’s ma .....
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Jane Eyre: The Preserverance Of The Personality
Number of words: 2290 - Number of pages: 9.... she suffers from John and Mrs Reed (the book flung at her, shut up in the red-room) points out that the fountainhead of her emotional life is the experience of oppression. Yet, her little self is full of fiery energy (as one of the servants observed: "Did ever anybody see such a picture of passion!" ), which like a volcano erupts at times in the form of revolt against the "tyrants". It seems that the child's most burning question is what kind of role she plays in the Reed house: if young John is her "master", she consequently has to be a servant, yet, she is regarded less than a serva .....
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The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... hit by the car of Gatsby, driven by Daisy. After doing some investigating, and after being misled by Tom, Wilson believes that it is Gatsby that is having the affair with his wife. Before his wife’s death, Wilson was simply content to move his wife away; however, after her death, he is out to make her lover pay. With pistol in hand, Wilson sets out to find Gatsby and kill him. Upon reaching Gatsby’s estate, he finds Gatsby alone and shoots and kills him. After killing Gatsby, Wilson feels so terrible that he turns his pistol on himself and takes his own life. After the hustle an .....
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