Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Significance Of Food In "Like Water For Chocolate"
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... Food is equated with life and excitement, two subjects into which
this story pursues. Sex, food and magic are mixed in sparingly in the
story, which revolves about Tita, third daughter of a Elena.
The time is the early 1900's and the Mexican Revolution is raging,
but in the kitchen of the family ranch, the emphasis is on cooking. The
family servant, Nacha, Tita's surrogate mother, teaches the her secrets and
makes her the next in an ancient line of great family chefs. From Nacha
and her mother Tita learns the art of cooking. While all the food did not
center around Tita, most of .....
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The Moral Life And Leviathan: Ideas Of Hobbes And Pojman
Number of words: 983 - Number of pages: 4.... power. Hobbes believes that any account of human action, including morality, must be consistent with the fact that we are all self-serving. His theory notes that humans are essentially equal, both mentally and physically, so that even the weakest person has the strength to kill the strongest (p.44). Given our equal standing, Hobbes believes that there are three natural causes of quarrel among people: competition for limited supplies of material possessions, distrust of one another, and glory so that people remain hostile to preserve their reputation. With these natural causes of quarrel, H .....
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Alice Munros Boys And Girls
Number of words: 1121 - Number of pages: 5.... that he, by virtue of his gender alone, is invested with identity and is to become a master. This stereotyping in names alone seems to suggest that gender does play an important role in the initiation of young children into adults. Growing up, the narrator loves to help her father outside with the foxes, rather than to aid her mother with "dreary and peculiarly depressing" work done in the kitchen (425). In this escape from her predestined duties, the narrator looks upon her mother's assigned tasks to be "endless," while she views the work of her father as "ritualistically important" (425 .....
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Milton's Presentation Of The Fallen Angels
Number of words: 1981 - Number of pages: 8.... are introduced to the individuals, Milton
depicts an enormous army of different species, each of changeable size and
form. The image of a "pitchy cloud / Of locusts" to describe them as they
rise from the burning lake is especially apt, given the destructive nature
of, and biblical references to these insects. Milton states that they lost
their original names after the Fall ("Got them new names, till wand'ring
o'er the earth") and that they became known to man as the heathen idols of
the Old Testament and the pagan deities of Egypt and Greece. A rich
portrait of mythological and biblical .....
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The Time Machine
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... how the time machine works.
The whole time he is demonstrating it the other four scientists don't
know what to think. And then it disappears into thin air. All of his
friends can't believe it and leave. Except one of his friends, David
Filby a good friend of his. He tries to talk him into not going through
with this whole time travel notion, and then he leaves.
The time traveler descides to try it anyways and goes into his
laboratory. The first thing he does is sets his pocket watch to the same
time as the clock on his desk and then he starts to proceed with the
experiment. He gets .....
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Short Stories - "Spelling" And "Differently": Female Relationships
Number of words: 1453 - Number of pages: 6.... by Flo and shows that there has always been a distance
between the two.
The title is derived from a patient Rose met at the nursing home whose only
communication was spelling words. After meeting this patient, Rose dreamed
that Flo was in a cage and spelling words like the old patient she met in
the nursing home. Rose tells Flo about her visit to the nursing home and
is obviously trying to influence Flo into going to the home. Flo is
suffering from some sort of dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's. In this story
the author doesn't tell the characters ages, Rose's occupation, and other .....
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Dead Man Walking
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... killers had done, but tried her best to comfort them in their time of loneliness, sorrow, and need.
Sister Helen’s first case, Patrick Sonnier, better influenced my opinion on capital punishment. Her strategies in dealing with a convicted killer were brave and courageous. She was always willing to meet with Patrick and to talk about anything he liked. She helped him to realize his mistake, but more importantly, helped him to become a better person. She was always reminding Pat that God had the power of forgiveness, and that if he were truly sorry, God would forgive him. Sister Hel .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism Of The Letter A
Number of words: 1507 - Number of pages: 6.... The Puritans
view this letter as a symbol of the devil. The letter also put Hester
through torture: "Of an impulse and passionate nature. She had fortified
herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely
wreaking itself in every variety of insult but there was a quality so much
more terrible in the solemn mood of popular mind, that she longed rather to
behold all those rigid countenances contorted with scornful merriment and
herself the object"(54). This implies that Hester's sin of bearing a child
without the presence of a husband will always be remembered.
In .....
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Scarlet Letter Proof Of Atroph
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... theory untrue. During Chillingworth and Hester’s talk about who had wronged whom. Chillingworth says “…I shall contrive aught against his life…”(Hawthorne 70). Speaking of Dimmesdale, Chillingworth goes on to say, “…he be a man of fair repute” (Hawthorne 70). This passage alone shows that Chillingworth did not want to kill Dimmesdale, but would rather let him suffer through what he had done because after all he was suppose to be the epitome of puritan society and Chillingworth knew he would be grieving because of this. Another part in the n .....
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The Great Gatsby: Unfaithfulness And Greed
Number of words: 416 - Number of pages: 2.... make the other more jealous.
Honesty and Love, two words know only by the faithful, George Wilson.
George certainly had his flaws, but he loved his wife dearly and couldn't live
without her. "He was his wife's man and not his own." When he became aware of
Tom and Myrtle's affair, he was "really sick, pale as his own pale hair and
shaking all over." He locks her up in fear that she will run away with Tom
forever. He stated that, "She's going to move stay there until the day after
tomorrow, and then we're going to move away." George thought that by moving
out West, where Myrtle wanted .....
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