Term Papers on Book Reports |
Animal Farm: Utopia
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4.... land and clime,
Hearken to my joyful tidings,
Of the golden future time.
Soon or late the day is coming,
Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown,
And the fruitful fields of England,
Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Rings shall vanish from our noses,
And the harness from our back,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture,
Wheat and barley, oats and hay,
Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels
Shall be ours upon the day...(p.22-23)
After the song the animals were even more excited. They sing the song so loud it wakes Mr. Jones up. .....
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Michael Korda's "Defining Success"
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... unless they got
lucky on becoming a movie star or on a cover of a magazine because they were
noticed or spotted by some important person. Without education then you wouldn't
have any ideas where to start on how to become successful. Also, you wouldn't
have any confidence because you would be afraid and wouldn't know how to face
obstacles that might be in the way of your dream. Education would at least give
you ideas on where to start and how to prosper. Education makes you a more
excellent person. It helps you to socialize better with other people. It takes
more than just a common sense. .....
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The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas
Number of words: 1199 - Number of pages: 5.... picture of slavery. His poignant speeches raised the ire of many Northerners, yet many still felt the slaves deserved their position in life. Douglass, for his own safety, was urged to travel to England where he stayed and spoke until 1847 when he returned to the U.S. to buy his freedom. At that point, he began to write and distribute an anti-slavery newspaper called "The North Star". Not only did he present news to the slaves, but it was also highly regarded as a good source of information for those opposed to slavery.
During the Civil war, Douglass organized two regiments of bl .....
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The Good Earth: Wang Lung - A Man Of Determination And Loyalty
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... strength. When all
is well, Wang Lung returns home to start his life all over.
Also during the drought Wang Lung spares food and money for his uncle,
uncles's wife and their son. The uncle is a poor old gambler who would rather
gamble his money away than to spend it on his family. During the drought he
shows up in Wang Lung's fields begging for money. At first Wang Lung refuses to
dish out money to his uncle. After a time of arguementing Wang Lung finally
gives in. He states " 'It is cutting my flesh out to give to him and for
nothing except that we are of a blood' ".(46) Wang Lung is .....
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The Island By Gary Paulsen
Number of words: 408 - Number of pages: 2.... Wil's parents' nerves in the
The atmosphere in the story is that of a small hick town in northern
Wisconsin:open,friendly,relaxed and very laid-back. It strikes me as being
very much like "cottage country" in northern
Ontario:lakes,forest,fishing,small town life. The time is the late 1980's.
The novel ends with Wil seeing that his father is watching him from
shore. Wil rows over and finds that his father is tired and sad,his eyes
rimmed with red from crying. Wil invites his father over to the island and
realizes that this saga will only end when Wil finds an island bi .....
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Native Sun: Themes Of Racism, Violence, And Social Injustice
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3.... were afraid though, of getting caught for robbing a white man. They
know the police don't care about blacks, and would probably accuse them of
many more crimes. Luckily for Bigger, though, the Relief Agency did find
him a job with the Daltons. When Bigger went to the Daltons house for the
first time, he brought his gun, because it made him feel equal to the white
When Bigger got to the Daltons house, he didn't know whether to enter
the house by the front or back door. He looks for a way to the back, and
realizes the only way in is through the front door. As he rang the d .....
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Stephen Leasock's "Arcadian Adventures With The Idle Rich": Satire
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... Leacock's technique combines
money with humour, and accompanies his moral message with ironic characters;
their exaggerated actions, and a constant comical tone to prevent readers from
being offended.
Leacock's utopian world is filled with humorous labels that represent the
"Plutonian's" personalities. "Ourselves Monthly"; a magazine for the modern
self-centered, is a Plutonian favourite. To fill their idle days, the Plutonian
women are in an endless search for trends in literature and religion. Without
the distractions of club luncheons and trying to achieve the "Higher
Indifference", .....
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A Comparison Of Catcher In The
Number of words: 2100 - Number of pages: 8.... presented in their themes. These themes teach that being middle or upper class does not guarantee happiness, treating others with good manners and equality are important, and pronunciation and terminology can “put you in your place” in terms of class.
Throughout the world’s history, pronunciation and the way a language is spoken indicates one’s place in society. This is quite apparent in Pygmalion. Eliza is a classic victim of being “put into her place” based on the way she speaks. She goes to Professor Higgins in hope that he will give her lessons o .....
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Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Friendship Is The Key
Number of words: 1055 - Number of pages: 4.... boys his age don’t realize. The unrecognizable feeling was ignorance towards others and the way they feel. Many times Huck could be found causing trouble for others. One situation was when Tom and Huck decided to play a trick on Jim by putting his hat above a tree he was lying by, leading Jim to think he was "bewitched" by witches.
Tom said he slipped Jim’s hat off his head and hung it on a limb right over him, and Jim stirred a little, but he didn’t wake. Afterward Jim said the witches bewitched him and put him in a trance… (15).
Ignorance was a tool for Huck in the beginning of t .....
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“Do You Believe In Fate Neo,”
Number of words: 1215 - Number of pages: 5.... “nut” in jail.
To Bigger’s chagrin he is not in control of his life. His life is dictated by a large group of white people’s false belief of superiority. With every cause there is an effect, and the effect that this burden has on Bigger turns him into an animal, living for only one thing, survival.
“There he is again, Bigger!” the woman screamed, and the tiny, one-room apartment galvanized into violent action. A chair toppled as the woman, half dressed in her stocking feet, scrambled breathlessly upon the bed. Her two sons, barefoot, stood tense and motionless, their eyes s .....
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