Term Papers on Book Reports |
Music And Ednas Awakening
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... take away the excuses and guilts, those toward herself, from which she suffers. This revelation of previously hidden conflicts gives birth to dramatic emotions within Edna. It is so powerful that Edna wonders if she "shall ever be stirred again as...Reisz’s playing moved" her that night (p.38).
For Edna, the times that Reisz plays are times when she "take[s] an impress of the abiding truth" and realizes her true desires(p.34). When Edna visits her, Reisz first improvises at the instrument and then plays the Impromptu which itself has original and adventurous themes. Through .....
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Stoker And Rice's Books About Vampires
Number of words: 1925 - Number of pages: 7.... a greyish-green mist. He uses these powers so
humans dont detect his presence. As a gas he can pass by humans without them
even noticing and as a bat he can cover more ground in a shorter amount of time.
Rice's novels mention nothing of being able to morph into a bat, mist or
anything else for that matter.
The ability to fly is used in each novel but they are used very
differently. In Dracula the count can fly but, in order to do this he must
turn into a bat and fly as a bat would fly. More powerful vampires in The
Vampire Chronicles can fly as , for example, super man would fly. In .....
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The Old Man And The Sea
Number of words: 1458 - Number of pages: 6.... day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago needs him for .....
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Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4.... “...the monster’s great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I...”(Beowulf, lines 167-169). During the fight, Beowulf's strength takes over and Beowulf wrestles with Grendel until he is able to rip one of the monster's arms out of its socket. Superhuman feats also appear in the fight with Grendel's mother. When Beowulf enters the water, he swims downward for most of the day before he sees the bottom. “For hours he sank through the waves;...”(Beowulf, line 572). He does this without the use of oxygen. During the battle with Grendel's mother, Beowulf r .....
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Love Medicine
Number of words: 1146 - Number of pages: 5.... Devil was not within her and that she could succeed even as the wife of an Indian.
There are relationships in the novel that contained true love. Many of these relationships were not marriages, but they outlasted everything. Nector Kashpaw is possibly the most significant character in that sense in the novel. His love life ties the lives of the two main characters of the novel, Marie Kashpaw and Lulu Lamartine. In Nector’s youth he had promised to marry Lulu, but then found himself in the arms of Marie. He marries her instead and has children and a life with her. Lulu goes from man to .....
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Madame Bovary: Memorable Scene
Number of words: 837 - Number of pages: 4.... Then she grew bored with the ordinary
life of a student in a convent, and the stories of love and passion called
to her more than ever.
She remembers how she had longed for the love affairs that she had
read about in her romance novels, and how she had imagined her future. She
recalls how her imagination had carried her away into the depths of the
story; perhaps it is her imagination that is at fault for implanting these
ideas in her head. Life certainly has not turned out the way she dreamed.
Next, she remember the few precious moments in her life: the
waltzes, lovers, etc. She then decid .....
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Joseph Conrad Heart Of Darknes
Number of words: 1469 - Number of pages: 6.... families that sacrificed property, liberty, and life in the futile struggle for independence.” (Gillon-3) His father, Apollo, “joined a radical patriotic group which was working for another uprising.” (Gillon-4) Apollo was jailed, and then was exiled to Vologda, in northern Russia. Joseph and his mother, Evelina were allowed to go with Apollo. During this time, Joseph’s mother died because of Russian officials refusal to treat her with care. The remaining two Conrads moved to southern Russia. Conrad had few friends because his family was exiled, his mother was dead .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... to the pigs, and Squealer is sent to explain the uneven distribution of farm resources. “‘Comrades’ he cried. ‘You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?’” (Orwell 42) He goes on to explain, “ ‘Milk and apples (this has been proved by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being
of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers (42). Here, Squealer tries to convince the animals that it’s for health reasons that they take the apples and milk, but he tries to .....
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The Cather In The Rye
Number of words: 1318 - Number of pages: 5.... zijn leren zwarte jas helemaal dicht en sloop de nooduitgang uit. De lamp buiten sprong aan. Zonder naar te denken zette Bertus het op een lopen en verdween in de donkere nacht. Toen hij thuis kwam sloop hij zachtjes naar de schuur. Tegen de wand stond een breekijzer, hij wikkelde deze in kranten en hield het ijzer onder zijn jas. In zijn hoofd ging hij alle mogelijkheden na. Had hij alles? Kon iemand hem? Of nog erger HAD iemand hem gezien? Hij zette deze gedacht uit zijn hoofd en liep zachtjes naar buiten. Hij liep zonder na te denken naar de afgesproken plaats waar hij Arie zou ontmoeten. .....
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Huckleberry Finn's Struggles With Conscience
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3.... lives with them and was trying to teach Huck spelling.
From Huck's standpoint, “Miss Watson she kept on pecking at me, and it got
tiresome lonesome” (5). Huck's immaturity is obvious as he expresses his
dislike of how Miss Watson wanted him to sit up straight and stop fidgeting.
Huck's immaturity is clear in the beginning of the book.
All of Huck's discipline leaves his life as the book progresses,
and Huck's father shows up to take him to live in a cabin in the woods.
All of the bad habits from his past return. Even though Huck does not
miss the rules of the Widow Douglas, he real .....
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