Term Papers on Book Reports |
Battle With Fate
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... the crew never had time to realize it. The ocean was cruel despite its beauty. The crew was being smashed to pieces, the ocean doesn’t care. They were always trying to survive the unforgiving ocean. When the crew was finally within sight of land, and after all they had been through to stay alive, the ocean was still relentless holding the boat back from shore so it wouldn’t smash into the rocks and forcing the crew to swim in on the brink of exhaustion. The ocean was cruel despite the crew’s every effort the ocean was unforgiving.
From the beginning fate was against the crew sen .....
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Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 2848 - Number of pages: 11.... end of caste, and of its cruelties (Allen 260).
Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was born in Florida,
Missouri, in 1835. During his childhood he lived in Hannibal, Missouri, a
Mississippi river port that was to become a large influence on his future
writing. It was Twain’s nature to write about where he lived, and his
nature to criticize it if he felt it necessary. As far his structure,
Kaplan said,
In plotting a book his structural sense was weak; intoxicated by a
hunch, he seldom saw far ahead, and too many of his stories peter out from
the author’s fat .....
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The Pearl: A Review
Number of words: 1242 - Number of pages: 5.... bit my a scorpion. The families needs to
see a doctor but the doctor won't see them because they have no money. Kino
decides to go pearl hunting in an attempt to get some money. He dives and,
after removing some shells, catches a glimpse of something shiny out of the
corner of his eye. He removes the oyster that he saw the gleam from, and
returns to the surface. Inside the oyster he finds a huge pearl that becomes
known as, the Pearl of the World. Almost immediately there after, people try to
steal it. The doctor tries to steal it after giving the baby a medicine to make
it seem ill, .....
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The Scarlet Letter; Rev. Dimme
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... and religious fervor has already given the earnest of high eminence in he profession.” (p. 62. 3rd paragraph)* The people loved and respected him. He was thought to be “…a godly pastor,”(p. 48) of Hester. But the people do not know his secret. They do not know the dark sin that he holds in the deep recesses of his heart. This causes him much pain.
“It is inconceivable, the agony whit which this public veneration tortured him! It was his genuine impulse to adore the truth, and to reckon all things shadow-like, and utterly devoid or weight or value, that had .....
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The Sound And The Fury Essay
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... anything. Another example of a person who depends on time is Mr. Quentin. Many of the Compson family members have had some connection with time itself.
The Compson family hold fast to time and signifies loss. They are more focused on the old south rather than the new. In the Dilsey section there is the sermon about the resurrection that Reverend Shegog gives on Easter day. The resurrection is a rebirth of God coming back from death just as the south is trying to move forward from their "death" in the past. During the Reverend's sermon he says," I tells you, bredden, en I tells yo .....
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"A Wrinkle In Time"
Number of words: 1522 - Number of pages: 6.... as a tesseract?' Meg's father had been experimenting with this fifth dimension of time travel when he mysteriously disappeared. Now the time has come for Meg, her friend Calvin, and Charles Wallace to rescue him. But can they outwit the forces of evil they will encounter on their heart- stopping journey through space" (L'Engle 215)?
The story begins with the unsolved disappearance of Mr. Murray in the midst of one of his scientific experiments. The blunder was the quest to find out what happened to him and bring him back home to relieve mothers heartache. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin .....
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Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... girls are just lying. Have you even taken into consideration how many children's mothers will hang? Or how much pain the families of the victims will have to endur? I'm telling you as a friend and a villager, Please stop all these murders! These people do not have to die. I know that in some of these cases the evidence was leading towards witch craft, and I agree that those girls were very believable, but if you would have looked very closely, you could tell it was staged. Did you even notice that whenever Abby would collapse or scream that the other girls would start to scream shortly after? .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Speaks Her Ideas
Number of words: 705 - Number of pages: 3.... and
think." She shows her grandma that she is not happy with her
Janie's next husband, Joe Starks was very nice to her and gave her
everything she wanted. When it came to Janie wanting to talk or speak her
mind, he would not let her, and that made her feel like she was less of a
person than he. Until one day, towards the end of their long marriage,
when Jody made a very mean comment about Janie's body. She came back with,
"When you pull down yo' britches, you look lak de change uh life." After
these words came out, Jody hit her. These harsh words could never be
forgiven. At the .....
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Uncle Tom's Cabin: Influence Of The Setting
Number of words: 1195 - Number of pages: 5.... again, the time period and where it took place. However
this was not the only thing that persuaded the characters because they
influenced each other. The citizens followed the crowd and did not have
their own opinions. If some person's idea differed from that of the
majority, he/she would not dare speak up because they feared rejection.
Legree was one of the people looked up to and respected even though what he
was dong was totally wrong. Since he had power and money though, he was
admired. The only three people that actually did take a stand, if you will,
were George Shelby Jr., Augu .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities: Faults Of The Social Structure
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... is themselves.
Another fault the Dickens points out about the social structure in the society is the lunacy associated with the revolution. The way the people of St. Antoine get crazy from being in such a violent situation is the fault that is being described here. When the wood-sawyer starts talking about his saw as "his little guillotine" it shows that he is affected and is a "typical revolutionary", with a cruel regard for life. Another place where Dickens describes this revolution lunacy is when the crowd of "five thousand demons" come around the corner "dancing" to the Carmagnole, th .....
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