Term Papers on Book Reports |
Battle Royal
Number of words: 1028 - Number of pages: 4.... take a deeper look into all of the symbolism
in the story, one would find that the summation of all the symbolism is equal to
not only the struggle of this one black boy, but the struggle of all blacks at
the time in which this story takes place.
I think that if one were to analyze the grandfathers dieing words, one
would find the view of most conformist black Americans. The only way for a black
person to excel at that time was to conform to the white society. Any rebels
that tried to stand up for their rights were mostly killed by anti-black groups
such as the KKK.
There was one symbol i .....
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Rip Van Winkle As A Folktale
Number of words: 1060 - Number of pages: 4.... of the farm and his wife. This was the start of his long, endless journey to a mysterious future...
Two of the elements in folklore is the use of supernatural and journey. Rip went on a adventure up the Kaatskill Mountains. The adventure consisted of some unusual happenings especially meeting up with the supernatural. The first element of a folktale, journey, ties in the second element, the supernatural. Irving displayed this when Rip met up with a ghost. The images of Henry Hudson’s crew displayed this. Rip and a stranger met up with the crew while they were playing nine-pin. .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3.... Tom. Atticus tries his best to be a fair lawyer like he always
was, and knows that Tom didn't commit the rape. The trial comes around,
and Mayella Ewell is very confident she will win the case because if her
standing in society as a respectable woman who would never lie over her
honor. When it comes time for Atticus to question Mayella, he proves that
indeed Tom couldn't have committed the rape. Mayella is silent, and then
the jury leaves to come up with a verdict. Although they know Tom was
innocent, the case now becomes a trial of honor; of whom to say is wrong.
When they come back, .....
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Moby Dick And The Scarlet Letter: Unpardonable Sin
Number of words: 2430 - Number of pages: 9.... of the industrialization of society. That the theme of the unpardonable sin conveys feelings and attitudes of a pre-industrial society which are carried by individual members of the same society a hundred years later. This gives the theme of the unpardonable sin personal importance and understanding of the social causes that happened over a lifetime before the effects that still linger.
Reading Hawthorne’s Ethan Brand, Rappaccinni’s Daughter, and Young Goodman Brown, in this order elucidates a view of Hawthorne’s theme of the unpardonable sin. The story of Ethan Brand defines .....
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Song Of Solomon: Milkman Dead - Respecting And Listening To Women
Number of words: 1673 - Number of pages: 7.... he gets into. Milkman
considers himself Macon, Jr., calling himself by that name, and believing that
he cannot act independently (120). The first lesson his father teaches him is
that ownership is everything, and that women's knowledge (specifically, Pilate's
knowledge) is not useful "in this world" (55). He is blind to the Pilate's
wisdom. When Pilate tell Reba's lover that women's love is to be respected, he
learns nothing (94).
In the same episode, he begins his incestuous affair with Hagar, leaving
her 14 years later when his desire for her wanes. Milkman's experience with
Hagar is a .....
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The Sexes
Number of words: 951 - Number of pages: 4.... Petrucio surrounds himself with neither tame nor conforming people. You can even see this in his servants. His servants like him very much and enjoy his entertainments. An example of this is when Petrucio and his servant man Grumio get into a disagreement about knocking on the gate. Reflective of this is Petrucio’s methods to “woo” Katherine. His methods are game like and outrageous. Such as when he beats up Grumio because Kate’s horse stumbles, or showing up late to the wedding. While showing Katherine how ridiculous she is about things, he is also making her f .....
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Contrasting The Characters Ral
Number of words: 994 - Number of pages: 4.... you that smoke is more important than the pig, however often you kill one (Golding pg .75)" Jack on the other hand, does not care about making homes, only about hunting. When Jack is the leader, evil takes over and all good is destroyed. Under Jack's power both Simon and Piggy are killed.
Just the two characters decisions clash, so do their personalities. Jack is unkind, caring about no one but himself and how he can benefit. Jack simply wants to hunt and have a good time. He makes fun of Piggy, humiliating him, making him feel small and unworthy. "...You would, would you? Fatty.... .....
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"The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey"
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... they know is theirs. The supervisor must learn to give out work
that is not theirs so that they have time to do supervisory functions. (p.
30) If they are busy doing everyone else's work who is going to do theirs.
Once the supervisor puts the work back on the workers it belongs to
she needs to make sure everything is going according to plan. This can be
accomplished by following the 4 "Rules of Monkey Management." (p. 59) Make
sure that the "next moves" are set before you let the subordinate go with a
project. If my supervisor gave me a project to work on and I just left her
office wi .....
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Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... in. The shades that belong to this circle have not sinned, but are condemned to hell because they have not been baptized or came before Christ's birth. They receive no pain from their punishment. Yet, they must live without ever seeing God. This random condemnation rubs me the wrong way because it condems people for events out of their control, their birth. It also condems them for not being baptised which seems to go against the “forgiving God” notion. In Canto V, and Virgil descend into the Second Circle of Hell, Lustful. At the gate to the circle stands Minos, son of Zeus and Europa .....
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The Giver: The Setting
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... Also since everyone sees in black and white there isn't much difference in the appearance of one and other
The setting has increased my knowledge of the specific time and place. It takes sometime in the future because of the way people see things and how it is nothing like now. also the laws that the people have are stupid, like females under the age of nine are to have their hair ribbons tied neatly at all times, and you could not receive a bicycle until they turned nine.Another thing that happens is the food at night for dinner is brought to every home. In this society you hav .....
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