Term Papers on Book Reports |
Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... Simon’s body after he has been savagely killed.
Simon’s body and the creatures around it also show his holiness. Light images of the creatures that surround Simon glorify his body, and as light falls on his corpse he is transfigured into an icon of expiation. Also, the water covers Simon in a “coat of pearls” and “creatures” (interpreted to symbolize angels) begin to spread a layer of silver over him. The apotheosis of Simon is complete, as he becomes completely silver. As Simon’s body is carried out to sea, the angels create a halo (phosphorescence) around his head .....
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Original Gullivers Travel Stor
Number of words: 1505 - Number of pages: 6.... Each item was placed in a navigational direction: north, east, west, and south. I also was aware that my hands were placed in the direction, northeast. I collected my things and began walking, I must have walked for quite awhile because when I left, the sun was just overhead and when I thought to check again, the sun was already even with the horizon.
I noticed something covered with shroud, it was a sign in English but it did not make sense to me. Upon further investigation I learned that the sign must signify a warning of some sort, for there was a hole right behind it. Just then I .....
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Friendship In Mary Shelleys Fr
Number of words: 1135 - Number of pages: 5.... for a long time. He becomes mad and sickened after the monster’s awakening and has never felt true horror and fear such as this. With the arrival of Clerval his emotions change when he states, “But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life”(p.91). Victor rejoiced his spirit with pleasure on the arrival of his friend. Victor recollected the pleasant thoughts of his home and family through Clerval. He found that he could fall back on Clerval to forget the pain. With Clerval .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 1158 - Number of pages: 5.... is a poor woman, but is very neat and tidy. She appreciates her the small things in life and respects what she has. Although she is old, she has extremely dark hair, wears a red bandana, and has much “life” within her:
Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden color
ran underneath, and the two knobs of her cheeks were illumined by a yellow burning under the bark. (87)
It is almost as if she is a part of nature herself, when Eudora Welty describes her as having a t .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: The Use Of Clothing
Number of words: 1203 - Number of pages: 5.... at the bottom of the road
at sunup the next morning. Janie is torn because Jody "does not represent sun-up
pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke of the far horizon....The memory of
Nanny was still strong." (pg. 28) When Janie decides to leave the next morning
for, if nothing else, a healthy change, she looks down and sees the apron which
has stood for all the things she has had to do for Logan," and flung it on a
small bush beside the road. Then she walked on, picking flowers and making a
bouquet." (pg. 31) When Janie threw the apron on the bush, it represented a
major change in Janie's .....
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The Influence Of Reading On Anna Karenina And Madame Bovary
Number of words: 1529 - Number of pages: 6.... increasingly as the novel progresses on her
fantasies. The lechery to which she falls victim is a product of the
debilitating adventures her mind takes. These adventures are feed by the novels
that she reads.
They were filled with love affairs, lovers, mistresses, persecuted
ladies fainting in lonely country houses, postriders killed at every relay,
horses ridden to death on every page, dark forests, palpitating hearts, vows,
sobs, tears and kisses, skiffs in the moonlight, nightingales in thickets, and
gentlemen brave as lions gentle as lambs, virtuous as none really is, and alw .....
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Compare Two Biographies Of Wayne Gretzky
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... his lacrosse, baseball basketball
and cross country coach. He was not only coach, but also trainer and
chauffeur. Gretzky called him dad, his name was Walter. However, in the
book "Gretzky and Taylor", it did not show anything in Gretzky's childhood.
It was started when Gretzky became the NHL player, a member of Edmonton
Oiler's rookie. How he became the hall of the frame. The description of
this book was very interesting. The writer show the thing through the game.
For example the first chapter was talking about the 1984 Stanley Cup final
between the Edmonton Oilers and New York Islande .....
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Tyler's "Accidental Tourist" And "Searching For Caleb": Individualism And Belonging To The Family
Number of words: 1062 - Number of pages: 4.... that Macon feels now that
he has moved back into the unchanging past (Reisman 1980).
Then Macon met a woman, Muriel, and "he felt content with
everything exactly the way it was. He seemed to be suspended, his life on
hold." (161) With Muriel he was isolated from his family. He is an
individual who does not need family to rule his life. However, Macon
finally returns to his wife and family. He returns because of his desire
for attachment to his sister and brothers who live in a tight family unit
(Magills 1976).
Several other characters in The Accidental Tourist move back and
for .....
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Black Like Me: Racism Is A Foolism Misunderstanding Of Man
Number of words: 781 - Number of pages: 3.... it was not his
personality, his age, but his blackness that made him a disgrace in the eyes of
an average white person. If he were white, a white store owner would have not
hesitated in the slightest to allow such privileges. How could these people be
so blind as to not see that a black person breathes the same air, eats the same
food, and has the same internal functions as themselves? This misunderstanding
stares them in the face and they can't see it. Their selfishness and fear is
completely unnecessary but it remains because the whites have never been exposed
to any other way of life .....
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George Orwell Wrote 1984 As A Political Statement Against Totalitarianism
Number of words: 2930 - Number of pages: 11.... The first is Animal Farm, a satire describing the leaders of the Soviet Union as animals on a farm. The second novel is 1984, a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the world after the Allies lost in World War II. The government in this novel gives no freedoms to its citizens. They live in fear because they are afraid of having bad thoughts about the government of Oceania, a crime punishable by death. This is the gem in Orwell's collection of novels against totalitarianism. This paper will show how George Orwell wrote 1984 as a political statement against .....
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