Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Crucible 2
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... dancing in the woods and one of them falls sick, rumors circulated about witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl has been bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened as being accused as witches, so Abigail, the main character and the principle accuser, starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. They lied not only to protect themselves but the reputation of their families. The accusations grow and grow until the jails overflow with accused witches. Once the scam started, it was too late to stop, and the snowballing effect .....
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Book Report On A Tale Of Two C
Number of words: 1899 - Number of pages: 7.... had found her just before their deaths.
Another scene I particularly enjoyed was the scene in which a large cask of wine had dropped and broken in the street. Because many people had very little to eat or drink, a large crowd gathered around the dirty puddle and began drinking what they could of the spilled wine. This scene was very descriptive, explaining how the people tried to scoop up the wine in their hands, and how they soaked it up with handkerchiefs from women's heads and squeezed the wine into infants' mouths. Other people licked the stones in the street or sucked on the piece .....
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Animal Farm: The Effect Of Propaganda
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... for Snowball and the three day week…” (p.34) Snowball spread
propaganda that would promote Animalism by building a windmill. This
windmill was to be used for luxuries that would make life better for
everyone on Animal Farm. Snowball also said that although the construction
would be difficult all animals would benefit in the long run. His positive
attitude, ideas and propaganda excited the animals so much that they wanted
to build it, until the demise of Snowball and his crimes of treason.
Napoleon decided to use propaganda in a negative manner to destroy
the reputation of Sn .....
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In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Poem Cafe: Natural Laws Over Man Laws
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... accepted in society.
The author uses literary elements to convey the message of natural laws over man laws. He uses characterization to show the different kinds of morals people had. Huck lived with the Miss Watson, he did not live with his parents because his father was an alcoholic and we do not know where his mother is. His father was in and out of town. Nobody really knew where he was and if he was alive or not. Huck has an imagination, yet he is very level headed. He knows what is right and wrong but he is also very impressionable. What people say influence him a lot. An exa .....
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Heart Of Darkness: Themes In Garden Of Evil And Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1533 - Number of pages: 6.... seeing with Mr.Kurtz and within himself he
has to conquor the evil that could take him over. It is a Quest for Marlowe
to search for his self being.
Independent Novel Study-Style
1. Irony-Occurs when a set of circumstances turn out very differently from
what was expected..
Foreshadowing-Gives the reader a hint to what will happen later in the
Flashback-When they look bac at what they have done before.
Point of View-The point the story is told from.
Imagery-When a sentence or passage gives a good picture as to what is
going on.
Archetype-Struggl .....
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Beowulf-canterbury Tale Alagor
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... sorrow sharper for Scylding earls,
When they first caught sight, on the rocky sea-cliff,
Of slaughtered Æscher's severed head.
The water boiled in a bloody swirling
With seething gore as the spearmen gazed.
The trumpet sounded a martial strain;
The shield-troop halted. Their eyes beheld
The swimming forms of strange sea-dragons,
Dim serpent shapes in the watery depths,
Sea-beasts sunning on headland slopes;
Snakelike monsters that oft at sunrise
On evil errands scour the.”
This quote is very bluntly using the lake to represent hell. Using the blood and the s .....
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Literary Questions On Lord Of
Number of words: 1486 - Number of pages: 6.... the novel we see many changes in Ralph’s character since he is always in conflict with Jack Merridew, the novel’s antagonist. These many changes put Ralph into the category of a round character, one who is more human as opposed to a flat character who is one dimensional. Ralph’s contribution to The Lord of the Flies is his representation of law and order or an organized society.
Simon is an introverted boy who cannot speak in front of the assembly. Golding describes him as being "a small skinny boy" with "a pointed chin, bright eyes and a broad forehead." He is al .....
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Song Of Solomon
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... and fall apart, or if he got too close to the sun, the wax in his wings would melt, and he would lose the ability to fly. Ignoring Daedalus' warnings, Icarus flew too high and the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. Icarus fell into the Aegean Sea and died.
Solomon, a slave, had been a leader when he worked in the cotton fields in the South. One day he decided to fly back to Africa with his youngest son, Jake, leaving behind his wife Ryna and their twenty other children.
Black lady fell down on the ground
Come booba yalle, come booma tambee
Threw her body all around
Come kon .....
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Blood And Belonging
Number of words: 1782 - Number of pages: 7.... hatred. A terror so strong and historically
persistent, it has driven people to a desperate state to do
anything. This is a large contributor to the reasons for the
extreme violence present there today. The author states, "A
Croat, thus, is someone who is not a Serb. A Serb is
someone who is not a Croat." This quotation profoundly
expresses the short-sighted mentality present in their conflict.
In his travels in Germany, the author points out an important
question. Does the nation make the state, or the state the
nation? This question by far does not stop here, especially
when Germany is the .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist As A
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... true friendship. "Have you never loved anyone?" his fellow student, Cranly, asks him. "I tried to love God," Stephen replies. "It seems now I failed." The force that eventually unites these contradictory Stephens is his overwhelming desire to become an artist, to create. At the novel's opening we see him as an infant artist who sings "his song." Eventually we'll see him expand that song into poetry and theories of art. At the book's end he has made art his religion, and he abandons family, Catholicism, and country to worship it. The name Joyce gave his hero underscores this aspect of his cha .....
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