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The Key To Greatness (great Ga
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Suffering In Crime And Punishment
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... visions of the crime. Raskolnikov never again recalls the massive amounts of blood everywhere, the look on Lizaveta’s face when he brings down the axe on her head. These things clearly show that the crime isn’t what might cause him suffering, or pain, it is something else.
After Raskolnikov is sent off to Siberia, he doesn’t feel remorseful. His feelings haven’t changed about his crime, he feels bad at not being able to living up to his own ideas of greatness. He grows depressed only when he learns of his mother’s death. Raskolnikov still hasn’t found any reason to feel remorse .....
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Joining The Tribe: Homosexuality
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... she said it was hard for her because of the reputation that is required of high school girls. A good reputations depends on "walking a tight rope between being too loose and too rigid, but in order to get up on the tightrope at all, you have to be popular, fun, and heterosexual" pg. 88. She feels tormented that she has to hide her real self to be accepted in this society. She explains how her friends probably wouldn’t hang around with her if she came out. They would be worried that she was looking at them. Information is not taught regularly in class rooms about homosexuality. So chil .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bir
Number of words: 322 - Number of pages: 2.... had saved Jem and Scout from Mr. Ewell. When Scout told Boo it was alright for him to pet Jem, it was better described in the book.
The third point is that the pageant the night that Jem and Scout were attacked was shown in the book but no in the movie. The movie only showed them walking up to the stairs, then the scene changed and they were walking back from the pageant. The book described how scout fell asleep during the pageant and came a long time after her cue.
Many differences can be seen between the book and the movie of To Kill a Mockingbird. Most of them are very obvious. .....
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Rumors : Summary
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... about ten minutes ago, and as we were getting out of our car, we
suddenly heard this enormous_ thud_ It seemed Charley had tripped going up
the stairs_ no, wait, down the stairs. Down the stairs. But he's all
right," (13). Finally, Chris manages to explain to the doctor that Charley
had not really hurt himself in the first place and that she felt sorry to
have bothered him at the theater. After hanging up the phone, the Gormans
put Charley in the shower to wash off the blood, wrap a towel around his
head to stop the bleeding, and go back downstairs to wait for the rest of
the par .....
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A Worn Path: Phoenix Jackson
Number of words: 698 - Number of pages: 3.... at her surroundings when suddenly a little boy appears out of nowhere. The little boy is bringing her and a slice of cake. As Phoenix begins to reach for the slice of cake, the boy vanishes. The young boy is merely a figment of her imagination Confused and disoriented, she continues her journey. This particular incidents suggest that she is senile and instantly gains her pathetic sympathy with the readers.
Another example of her being senile follows shortly after. She continues walking when she views a ghost. This view further credits the idea that she is senile, but it also gives .....
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1984, Science-fiction Or Reali
Number of words: 1016 - Number of pages: 4.... windows”(Orwell 4). However unlikely it may seem, our government has the capability to watch us just as “the party” watches the citizens of Oceania.
As we speak, hundreds of satellites orbit our planet, each capable of watching everything we do outside. This technological advancement highly mimics that of the telescreens in 1984. If our government wished, it could use helicopters to peer into our windows just as “the party” did in the novel. “‘I didn’t want to say anything in the lane,’ she went on, ‘in case there .....
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Odysseus Truly A Hero
Number of words: 745 - Number of pages: 3.... will do anything to get back to Ithaca and see his wife and son, no matter how crazy it is. He even goes into the underworld to speak to a prophet about how to get back to Ithaca. Being
brave and courageous is all about being willing and able to go to the extremes to help or possibly save people or even a place in need.
As well as having courage and bravery, Odysseus is also a strong warrior and leader. Living as king of Ithaca, he leads his fleet of warriors across Poseidon’s sea into a great battle against the Trojans. It is here where Odysseus and his fleet of warriors defeated the .....
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Jane Austen: Background Of Her Novels
Number of words: 2491 - Number of pages: 10.... or the history of Buonapart‚,
or anything that would form a contrast and bring the reader with increased
delight to the playfulness and general epigrammatism of the general style".
In 1809 Jane Austen, her mother, sister Cassandra, and Martha Lloyd moved
to Chawton, near Alton and Winchester, where her brother Edward provided a
small house on one of his estates. This was in Hampshire, not far from her
childhood home of Steventon. Before leaving Southampton, she corresponded
with the dilatory publisher to whom she had sold Susan (i.e. Northanger
Abbey), but without receiving any satisfa .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 2
Number of words: 408 - Number of pages: 2.... Atticus that treat her as an invitingly. In the south the tradition and society is more important which is the individual is more important! He makes them learn everything by themselves, Therefore she tells us how she is getting educated.
Jim was a very active boy, He has manners. He was the son of atticus. Scott was the daughter and narrator of Atticus. Atticus was a well known man. He was brave because he shot the dog. He was a lawyer. Calpurnia was the housekeeper of atticus, always helping out the kids when they needed them. Boo Radley was given a monster image by the kids. He is one .....
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