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All The King's Men: Man As A Slave To Knowledge
Number of words: 1344 - Number of pages: 5.... in
corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the
shroud. There is always something (49).” He is saying that everyone has
something to hide, a skeleton in the closet. Stark knows that everyone has
some bit of knowledge to hide, and that the knowledge makes man a slave as
he tries to hide the bit of knowledge. Stark often wields the power of
knowledge to enslave others to do his bidding. He finds the dirt on someone,
the secret bit of dark knowledge, and then has them do his bidding. When a
certain Byram B. White tried to get rich, Stark had him sign an undated
re .....
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Comparison Of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein To Movies And TV Show's Frankenstein
Number of words: 418 - Number of pages: 2.... doctor who created the monstrosity. Before the
doctor created the monster he was a work of art.
"I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful!," this is what
Victor said when he saw the monster before it was alive. Afterwards it was the
ugliest thing the doctor had laid his eyes upon. Unlike the movies, the monster
was very nimble and could do anything an actual living human could. The monster
chased after Victor in the wastelands to exact his revenge for his being.
Nobody would love or care for him so he decided to kill Victor as an act of
The intellect of the m .....
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Night: A Summary
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... in the bible, would build a fire to offer an animal sacrafice to God. Originally Abraham was to sacrafice his son Isaac by fire. But God stopped him. I'm sure that as Elie moved forward in the line that he thought that the Nazis were using fire for something God hadn't intended. He was also angry at God for allowing them to use fire in such a horrible way. God daved Isaac, why couldn't he save them? Although Wiesel doesn't make note of it, several other Holocast survivors say that although the fire was awful due to the smell of the burning bodies, it kept them warm in the frigid cold ev .....
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Pride In The Iliad
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... Acheans
altogether, and won the war for the Trojans. The result of Hectors pride
was his death and the betrayment of his fellow warriors and friends.
Another person within the Iliad whose pride was the downfall of his
character, was Patrocleus. Patrocleus was a great warrior, friend, and
asset to the Achiens. But, he made foolish choices on account of his pride.
For instance he chose to wear Achille's armor into battle when Achilles
refused to fight. This was only for his self-glorification. "…Once you have
beaten off the lethal fire, quick, come back to the ships-you must not
battle .....
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How The Main Characters In "Crime And Punishment" And "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich" Cope To With Their Sufferings
Number of words: 1575 - Number of pages: 6.... the main characters of each novel manage to cope
with each of their individual sufferings.
In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the main character, Shukov, is
coping with a tremendous amount pain. "But try and spend eight years in a ‘
special'- doing hard labour. No-one's come out of a ‘special' alive."
This shows how severe the conditions are as no-one has ever lasted a mere
eight years. "A couple of hundred grams ruled your life." Here, he tells
the reader that a few hundred grams of bread would determine a man's life
in that camp showing how little food is given to the priso .....
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Mice Of Men
Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... Another way that death and loss is evidenced by this novel is when Lennie killed Curley’s wife. When Lennie is in the barn (after killing his new puppy) Curley’s wife came into the barn and came on to Lennie. Lennie not knowing what was happening let her lull him into touching her hair. To Lennie it was like petting any other animal. Curley’s wife became flustered when Lennie became scared and would not let go of her hair. She started to scream and Lennie tried to cup her mouth, which concluded in him killing her. Lennie was truly remorseful after this action. S .....
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Helen Of Troy Willing Resident
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... running down her cheeks."
Once she gets to the battlements, Priam calls her over to sit by him. He feels sorry for her and tries to take her mind off of her situation by asking her to point out members of the Achaian army. She responds by first telling him that she wished she had never come to Troy.
"Helen answered: 'You do me honour, my dear goodfather! How I wish I had died before I followed your son here, and left my bridal chamber and my family, my beloved daughter and all my young friends! But that was not to be; and so I pine away in sorrow.'"
In the battle between Alexandros and .....
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Chrysalids 2
Number of words: 708 - Number of pages: 3.... some
kind of contact with a woman from Sealant (Zealand, On page 134). The help
that the sealant woman promised is on their way to the fringes. The plot
is greatly influenced, David learns more things as the time goes on. He
discovers who is the Spiderman(Gordon) and where is Sophie. He meets them
and learn what it is like to live in the fringes. When the sealant woman
rescues David, Rosalind and Petra they are brought to a big, developed city
like the one in David's dreams. Because of the telepathy David discovers
that such a city really exists but most of all through Petra the .....
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Good Versus Evil: Wars In A Separate Peace
Number of words: 1266 - Number of pages: 5.... described as today's equivalent of summer
school. But, as the story unfolds, we are forced to ask ourselves, are
they friends as the appear to be at the start of the novel or are they
mortal enemies as Gene begins to hint with this quote at the point Gene
thinks Finny is finally going to "get away" with something he did. "This
time he wasn't going to get away with it. I could feel myself becoming
unexpectedly excited at that."(page 20) This shows us that even though
they are friends, Gene feels that Finny is too perfect and he needs to see
a sign that he is human, that he is not the sup .....
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Othello 2
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... to finance the enforcement of his plan and to do the “dirty work.” This is probably the most unscrupulous component of his plan. It produces sympathy for the other characters because they are oblivious to Iago’s actions and the part they play in the scheme of things. At the same time, it produces a feeling of repugnance toward Iago for his scheming and calculating ways.
As we become more familiar with Iago’s character, his motives become more apparent. Once we learn of Cassio’s promotion, Iago’s jealousy and his resentfulness toward Cassio become unmi .....
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