Term Papers on Book Reports |
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... novel, but the story told is like a non-fiction book; giving readers a sense of realism. As a Chinese reading , I understand the narrator’s feelings and predicaments. Although she is an Asian, her thinking lies more on the American side. Leila wants to move out to stay with Mason but yet she fears leaving her mother alone and also of what her mother might say in regards to a girl staying with a man before marriage. In Asian culture, cohabitation is not popular and widely accepted. In the book’s narrative hierarchy, I find the narrator placed herself at the top, always wanting or hopin .....
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Rebecca By Daphan Du Maurier
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... by Mrs. Danvers. While spending much time at the house, Mrs. De Winter discovers information about the former Mrs. De Winter, Rebecca. All along, the young lady understands that everything she does is compared to Rebecca. She becomes furious and fed up with all the reactions she receives and is convinced by Mrs. Danvers to kill herself. Close to suicide, Mrs. De Winters confronts her husband.
After a long conversation about Rebecca, he admits that Rebecca spirit is haunting them and keeping them from becoming close. Finally, Rebecca’s secrets are revealed about how she was killed .....
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Animal Farm: Utopia
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4.... Beasts of every land and clime,
Hearken to my joyful tidings,
Of the golden future time.
Soon or late the day is coming,
Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown,
And the fruitful fields of England,
Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Rings shall vanish from our noses,
And the harness from our back,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture,
Wheat and barley, oats and hay,
Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels
Shall be ours upon the day... .....
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The Great Gatsby Book Report
Number of words: 472 - Number of pages: 2.... Jay prospers in all his intentions.
Daisy highly regards Gatsby because of his determination of getting anything he wants. Hence, love is not shown very profoundly by Daisy towards Gatsby. She has already married Tom and has a daughter by him. She married him during the time Gatsby joins the military, with a thought of him not coming back. Before Gatsby joins the military, Daisy and him made a promise to one another that when Gatsby returns, they will get married. She does not keep her vow to Gatsby, which only shows that she is not taking it seriously. Even though she is not happy with he .....
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Number of words: 1400 - Number of pages: 6.... name of a tribe that drove the Gauls out of what would ultimately become German territory. Ever since those times, the name "Germany" was believed to inspire terror when heard.
Tacitus makes mention of the fact that within sections of their mythological and religious structure, Hercules and Ulysses carry significant influence and this contributes to his theory (along with their distinctive looks) that the Germans developed their particular cultural/racial niche from intermarriage with foreigners.
Tacitus further comments on the German culture, as being one that is less able to bear la .....
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Power
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4.... around the
room shaking hands, introducing himself to everyone, even the chronics. He
taught the acutes how to play cards and he taught them to gamble. His very
first bet though was that he could get the best of nurse Ratched within the week,
and he did. She wasn't going to back down though. To try and stop all the
gambling going on she rationed the cigarettes, so they no longer had anything to
bet, but that never stopped them, they used money instead.
The patients admired McMurphy because no one had ever stood up to her
before, and he would do things for them such as arranging basketbal .....
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The Scarlet Letter: The Symbolic Scaffold
Number of words: 411 - Number of pages: 2.... illegitimate child), and Pearl (the illegitimate child). Here, we find that the Reverend’s guilt over his sin becomes too much to bear alone. Dimmesdale goes to the scaffold to confess to God. Soon after, Hester and Pearl arrive, and join Dimmesdale on the scaffold. A meteor that appears and leaves an image of the scarlet A across the sky illuminates the three. This scene is symbolic because it shows how the Reverend wishes to confess his sins and overcome them. The final scaffold scene takes place at the end of the novel. Once more, Dimmesdale joins Hester and Pearl on the scaff .....
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The Jungle By Sinclair: A Man Of Many Colors
Number of words: 411 - Number of pages: 2.... earned mony immoraly. He does not do this
for himself, but for the welfare of Ona and the family. Eventhough he
inevidably fails, he does everything in his power to be an ideal husband.
Rudkis, like many other good-hearted people, had to circumb to the
evil powers of greed. He buys an expensive house that he could not afford.
He could settele for a house of lesser value that suits his needs just as
well, but he doesn't. Eventhough he is somewhat conned into buying it, his
greed still convinced him. Shortly after this, he is so eager to get more
money, that he starts to behave immoraly. .....
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Number of words: 1776 - Number of pages: 7.... of getting rid of the piece of wood and handed it over immediately, but
just as the two hands transferred the wood the piece of wood cried out
"Pollendina"! Geppetto outraged at being ca lled this scr eamed at the
Cherry for he did not know that the wood had said it, so Ôúú‰ú?ú€%úÔ
Cherry then said that ÃúÃÃÃÄÄÄúÄthe wood had said that, Geppetto furious
struck Cherry for thinking he was a imbecile and a huge fight occurred.
After the fight the two men got up and shook hands and promised to be
friends forever. As soon as Geppetto got home he began work on the pu .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Character Analysis Of Jem
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2.... Tom could not have done it Jem sees his
first real glance of corruption in the world. It upsets him as well as
making him see and believe in evils in the world, such as racism. His
beliefs in why Boo Radley stayed in the house all the time changed too.
When he was young he thought Boo was just crazy and that's why he stayed in
the house. But he comes to believe that Boo stays in the house because he
doesn't want to come out, because he doesn't like the world outside.
His interests change too. When he was young his main focus was Boo
Radley. He worked all summer, every summer, to try to g .....
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