Term Papers on Book Reports |
Frankenstein: Good And Bad Choices
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... "animate lifeless clay and
body-parts", to become a being. The choice he made would haunt him for the
rest of his life. When Zeus finds out that Prometheus has stolen his fire,
he took Prometheus to a top of a mountain and chains him to the mountain.
Every day an eagle comes down and rips him open and eats his insides.
During the night Prometheus would recover during the night.
After Victor Frankenstein created his being, he called it pure evil,
but in reality, Victor made his being evil. When Prometheus opens the box
that his bother sends to him (Pandora's box) he lets out all the evil .....
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The Great Gatsby: Nick Was A Neutral Character
Number of words: 812 - Number of pages: 3.... called her instinctively and without hersitation. But she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and taken baggage with them. Therefore, Nike Carroway's analysis was right by these clear observation. However, Nike Carroway is a good narrator, he sees everything happen and does not trust everybody easily. So during the people discuss about something at a time, he does not believe it is true. After he proves it, he will accept the truth. Moreover, when Nike went to Gatsby's party, there is a drunk lady telling everyone Gatsby killed a man before. Somebody told me they thought he killed a .....
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Mildred Taylor's "Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry": Hardships Of The Logan Family
Number of words: 283 - Number of pages: 2.... events that happen to her family.
These events make Cassie a much stronger person and help her to understand that
having land of their own is her family's source of pride and strength.
Cassie also found herself coming to conclusions about everyday life for
a black person and their family living in Mississippi. The land, the 400 acres
of land her family owned, was more important than anything. It was what kept
Logans together.It gave them their livelihood and their courage, and nothing,
not even Mr.Granger, could take it away from them. Or could he? With this land,
the Logans possesse .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Holden Caulfield
Number of words: 1043 - Number of pages: 4.... his entire life in dorms at prestigious schools, and has learned quite well how to be on his own. This tendency of teenagers took place in even in ancient history, where the freshly developed teen opts to leave the cave and hunt for is own food. Every teenager tries, in his or her own way, to be independent. Instead of admitting to ones parents of a wrongful deed, the teen tries covering up the mistake or avoiding it in hopes that they won't get in any trouble. They feel that they have enough intelligence to think through a problem without going to their parents for assistance. When Holde .....
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Wuthering Heights (comments)
Number of words: 1965 - Number of pages: 8.... present in both generations.
Afterwards, Mr. Lockwood leaves the place after a visit to Wuthering Heights where he observes the growing love between Cathy and Hareton (chapter17, Vol.2). Lockwood comes back some months later and Nelly tells him the end of the story, which is also the end of Heathcliff, and the future wedding of Hareton and Cathy.
Mr. Earnshaw found him in Liverpool and he took him to Wuthering Heights. His origins are unknown and this gives him an air of mystery.
As a child, the first impressions we get of him are through Nelly’s words; for he .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... With his newfound riches, Dantes buys the title of “” and resurfaces in society, namely the French aristocracy. He rewards those who were good to him in the past and schemes and plots slow and painful punishments for those who wronged him. Through exacting his revenge, there are underlying subplots of young lovers, innocents, and people seeking redemption who the Count helps.
Dumas’ main purpose in his writings is said to be his desire to reflect history (or rather the current events of the time). He always spoke of French history, since by a stroke of luck, he worked for the Duc .....
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The Fifth Child
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... that human nature is unchangeable and strongly believes in the “nature” vs. “nurture” theory of personality.
From the time of birth, Harriet had conceived Ben as being a belligerent infant whose main purpose in the world was to harm. When he was in her womb, Ben would be “trying to tear its way out of her stomach (38),” in a rage of vigorous jabs and kicks. When Ben was born, he was a rebellious child, always trying to hurt something or someone. Only having been a couple months old, Ben broke Paul's arm. “...and Ben had grabbed the hand and pulled Paul hard against the .....
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Summary Of Willie Morris' "Good Old Boy"
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... killed while saving his passengers lives.
The last legend mentioned was about a race of giant Indians who supposedly
lived on the land that Yazoo City was built on.
Next, the book told about the childhood life of the author, Willie
Morris. Willie, his dog Skip, and friends had many exciting adventures
together in that small town. They ranged from school day pranks to having
saved the town from a band of thieves.
They usually spent a lot of their time in Bubba's Model A Ford.
Bubba was about eleven or twelve and had a car. They mainly stuck with the
guys, but Rivers Applew .....
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Cue For Treason
Number of words: 1255 - Number of pages: 5.... Peter, his father, his brother Tom and his neighbors plan to throw down Sir Philip’s wall. They were angry at Sir Philip for his threat to repossess their land. During this siege, Peter was tolled to stand on guard. He fell asleep while he stood on guard and awoke only to see Sir Philip and his army approaching the house. He alerted the others that Sir Philip was headed their way. To stall Sir Philip and his army, Peter threw a rock at them. Fortunately when they shoot at Peter, they only nicked his hat. He was not hurt and returned safely home, but he had returned without his hat. .....
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A Review Of Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 3443 - Number of pages: 13.... out why there's war in the world, when
abandoned kids on an deserted island can't make peace. The happenings on
the island are something that the author uses as an image of the world war
2, were Jack symbols Adolf Hitler, a dictator. Ralph and Piggy symbols the
judes - the hunted ones.
The Plot
A group of boys has been dropped on a tropical island somewhere in the
Pacific Ocean, their plane having been shot down. A nuclear war has taken
place; civilisation has been destroyed.
Ralph, a strong and likeable blond, delights in the fact that there are "no
grownups" around to supervise them. Th .....
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