Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Stranger - Immersed In Sensuality: A Contemptible Trait
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... allowing society and the consciousness of society dictate his actions.
Mersault does not make his own decisions, instead, he allows sensuality to dictate all aspects of his life and is contemptible for his indifference (Parker). Albert Camus expresses this contempt for indifference through the setting in his novel, The Stranger, as shown by Mersault being put to death for allowing the sun, a sensual object, control him at Maman’s funeral and in the murder scene.
While it is typically human nature to be upset, even hysterical at the passing away of your mother, Mersault was not. When a .....
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Ragged Dick
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... offers to show Frank all around the city, and take him to all the famous places. Young Frank accepts the proposal, and in exchange, his uncle buys Dick a new suit, and helps him clean himself up. This was the real turning point in Richard Hunter’s life because Frank’s family was able to help young Dick. They did this by providing shelter and more importantly, friendship for him.
From this point forward, Richard Hunter was no longer on the streets, and was determined to never look back. He was able to get a job, earn more money, and eventually succeed in achieving his dreams. .....
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God V. Man In Antigone
Number of words: 1977 - Number of pages: 8.... King and properly bury her brother, Polyneices, or leave his body unprepared for death as Kreon wished, she chose to obey the wishes of the gods and bury him. At the time of the drama, the Greeks believed that a decent burial was essential for the soul to be at rest. Kreon accused Polyneices of fighting against his own country and forbade all citizens of Thebes to prepare his body. Instead, it was left to decay on the field on which he was killed. When Antigone first hears this news, she immediately reacts by telling her sister, Ismene, that she wants Polyneices’ soul to be at rest, .....
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The Crossing
Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3.... repetition. A possible reason for this is that the author wanted to give the reader the same feeling the narrator had: one of total mental exasperation and exhaustion. When discussing the wolf, the author uses run-ons to string together ideas in much the same way a person under intense mental or emotional stress would. Also, the repetition of the word “and” mimics a child. The failure to pause to form the sentences
correctly gives the impression of a child telling a story; not so much worried about the grammatical structure, but more focused on the matter at hand. This immat .....
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Jay Gatsby: The Dissolution Of A Dream
Number of words: 944 - Number of pages: 4.... her well-loved eyes." Everything in Gatsby's house is the zenith
of his dreams, and when Daisy enters Gatsby's house the material things
seem to lose their life. Daisy represents a dreamlike, heavenly presence
which all that he has is devoted to. Yes, we should consider Jay Gatsby
as tragic figure because of belief that he can restore the past and live
happily, but his distorted faith is so intense that he blindly unaware of
realism that his dream lacks. Gatsby has accumulated his money by
dealings with gangsters, yet he remains an innocent figure, he is
extravagant. Gatsby is not in .....
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Essay On Eustacia Vie Return O
Number of words: 1195 - Number of pages: 5.... Vie appears doomed almost from the moment she walks onto the stage of Egdon heath and Hardy uses classical allusions of Greek tragedy to force the audience to reflect upon the implications of her suffering. The heroine is labelled a witch by some of the heath dwellers on account of her power over men. Her dark form and figure and allusions to darkness in general support the superstitious accusations. Furthermore, her total selfishness could, at some points be defined as almost fiendish. Eustacia's character is intriguing because it is one which Confuses the audience; as much as they long to .....
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Animal Farm: Allegory Of Stalinism
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... appeal, gets trough to the uneducated and plain
animals and, as in all revolutions, the planning begins in euphoria and idealism.
No voice is raised to ask relevant question or call for a considered debate.
The appearance of rats at the meeting raises a question: ”Are rats comrades?” A
democratic vote results in a ringing ”Yes!”. And Old Major proclaims, ”No animal
must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are
all brothers. All animals are equal!”
It was however generally understood that the pigs were the cleverest of the
animals, so the work .....
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The X-Files, X Marks The Spot: Book Report
Number of words: 265 - Number of pages: 1.... chapter. I didn't want to put the book down. I sometimes have trouble
trying to find a book that's actually interesting, but I didn't have any trouble
with this book. I got through the whole book fast, I was always reading it in
study hall, and trying to get as far as I could in readers workshop.
It was easy to understand. I've read a lot of science fiction books that are
very complicated. Some books have too many characters to remember, or they have
something that is really weird or unrealistic. Some science fiction books get
way too far out. This book was nothing like that.
The events .....
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Number of words: 1634 - Number of pages: 6.... the only outlet for her talents. However, Elisa needs something more in her life than a neat house and a good garden. Their marriage is childless and conventional and she has begun to sense that an important part of her is dying and that her future will be predictable and mundane. Elisa is a barren woman who has transferred her maternal impulses to her garden, a garden full of unborn seedlings. On the other hand, Elisa would never consider a lurid affair, when a dark mysterious stranger appears at their quiet farm dwelling looking for work. A complete contrast from her husband, an adventurer .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Breakdown Of Social Order
Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2.... and acting somewhat rebellious. In one case,
Jack takes the two boys who were tending to the signal fire on a hunt,
meanwhile a ship passed by the island unaware of the group's presence
because the signal fire was dead. When Ralph confronts Jack about letting
the fire go out, Jack retorted by saying they needed meat and to hunt. When
Jack has a feast, he invites the other boys to follow him, saying that they
will hunt and have fun while they are on the island.
The situation that occurs in the novel, could have arisen had there
been only a group of boys in question, who were obedient to .....
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