Term Papers on Book Reports |
Number of words: 1030 - Number of pages: 4.... be animals by the party. The main leader of this
government is Big Brother. The novel is told in third person and partly
first person, and is also divided into three parts. In the first part the
main character and his conflicts with the world he lives in are revealed.
Winston Smith is a bureaucrat who works for the government by altering
history at the Ministry of Truth. He begins to ponder the reason things
are so bad and commits a terrible crime. In the second part, he falls in
love with Julia, and is taken in by a man named O'Brien, a member of the
anti-party society called the Broth .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1059 - Number of pages: 4.... that after both had been wounded and were on a train home, when Albert became sick and was scheduled to be taken off at the next stop, Paul went off with him. After this stop they were sent to a hospital to be treated for their wounds. Paul after a few weeks ended up healing fine, the opposite was true for Albert. An infection spread through his leg leading for the need for it to be amputated at the thigh. When Paul returned to the war these two friends parted, never to see each other again.
Josef Behm
Josef Behm was described as a plump fellow who, at first, did not want to join .....
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Curlys Wife--of Mice And Men
Number of words: 355 - Number of pages: 2.... emotionally damaging to the wife.
Another important scene in which Curley’s wife is portrayed in a sympathetic manner is during her conversation with Lennie before her death. She confesses to Lennie that she dislikes Curley because he is angry all the time and says that she comes around because she is lonely and just wants someone to talk to. She speaks to Lennie not because she specifically cares for him, but because she lacks human interaction. Like George and Lennie, she once had a dream she sought for, of becoming an actress and living in Hollywood. Her dream went unfulfilled .....
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Catcher In The Rye (Depression
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country: Differences Of The Ruled And The Rulers
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... Steven became concerned since he had heard no word from his son. When he travels to Johannesburg to search for his sister and son, he is abject to find that his sister, who had become very frail, was forced to become a prostitute to support her child. Then discovers his son had murdered a white man who ironically was abetting the black people.
The first portions shows how work forced the ruled Africans to migrate from rural areas into cities, causing deviation from their heritage, where they were forced into immoral and illegal activities. The second portion of the book explains how s .....
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Satire In Huck Finn
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... their own servant. Eventually it becomes apparent to Huck that the Grangerfords are feuding with a neighboring household, the Sheperdsons, this seems to be the central angle Twain uses to satire.
The two chapters dealing with the Grangerford and Sheperdson feud allow Twain to satire aspects of civilized culture. The main aspect he satirizes is the feud itself. The Grangerfords being the representatives of civilization, Twain reveals the senseless brutality and needless manslaughter involved in their arbitrary concept of honor. For Twain, such a feud goes against his common sense and anything .....
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1984: Abolute Power In 1984 And Government Power In Today's Society
Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... action against the government would be seen or heard by the telescreen.
The Party even controlled the thoughts and ideas of the people. A thought crime is any thought or idea about going against Big Brother or The Party. To the government a thought crime is considered one of the worst felonies. “Thoughtcrime dos not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death (Orwell,pg27).”To prevent thoughtcrimes people must use the concept made up by The Party. This concept is called doublethink. Doublethink is having to different conceptions of one thought. Each conception completely contradicts eac .....
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Lord Of The Flies Theme Analys
Number of words: 470 - Number of pages: 2.... who will save the ship from killing other ships or being killed? In this way the society of the outside world mirrors the island society on a larger level. Remember that the novel takes place during World War II. Golding got the idea for the book because of his experiences in the war, where he served in the Navy and learned the inherent sinfulness of man. It’s interesting that the war is mentioned indirectly at the beginning and end of the novel but nowhere in between. This is a remarkable literary device of Golding.
After reading any significant portion of this site, it will become obv .....
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The Heart Of Darkness: The Horror!
Number of words: 1453 - Number of pages: 6.... with noble intentions. He thought that each
ivory station should stand like a beacon light, offering a better way of life
to the natives. He was considered to be a "universal genius": he was an orator,
writer, poet, musician, artist, politician, ivory producer, and chief agent of
the ivory company's Inner Station. yet, he was also a "hollow man," a man
without basic integrity or any sense of social responsibility. "Kurtz issues
the feeble cry, 'The horror! The horror!' and the man of vision, of poetry, the
'emissary of pity, and science, and progress' is gone. The jungle closes'
round .....
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A Farewell To Arms: Style
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... richness flow directly from Hemingway's and his
characters'--beliefs. The punchy, vivid language has the immediacy of a news
bulletin: these are facts, Hemingway is telling us, and they can't be ignored.
And just as Frederic Henry comes to distrust abstractions like "patriotism," so
does Hemingway distrust them. Instead he seeks the concrete, the tangible: "hot
red wine with spices, cold air that numbs your nose." A simple "good" becomes
higher praise than another writer's string of decorative adjectives.
Though Hemingway is best known for the tough simplicity of style seen in the
first .....
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