Term Papers on Book Reports |
Kerouac's On The Road: Living In Clip
Number of words: 1688 - Number of pages: 7.... an era still clinging to the proverbial values of Middle America, and that is why Kerouac's works continue to enthrall the masses at large. On the Road exemplifies Kerouac's search for "IT," and the road is Sal Paradise's single guide; however, Sal's escapades with Dean Moriarty are most certainly energetic spurts of motivation and pure insanity.
On the Road is the charismatic adventure of two men, hungry for life, taking the reader on four journeys across America in search of identity through experience. In actuality the story was written in three short weeks; however, the trip itself la .....
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Farenheit 451
Number of words: 414 - Number of pages: 2.... Guy a new way of life. This is the basis for the changes that happen to Guy, emotionally, later in the book. After Clarisse serves her purpose in the plot, she is killed off.
The other character that we feel is influential in the book is captain Beatty. Beatty opens Guys eyes to the truth as he sees it. He Finally tells Guy about the way things really used to be. He tells him the truth about what firemen used to do and the way the world used to work. But unlike Clarisse, Beatty likes the new world more and he tells Guy the way things used to be in a way that is distorted a little to make it .....
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Catcher In The Rye: How Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And Violence
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... is the number one cause of death amongst teenagers. Studies show
that among high school students age 14 - 17, 60% of the students use
alcohol once a week, 75% use it at least once a month, and 85% have used it
once in the year.
In the novel, Holden Caulfield has very easy access to alcoholic
beverages. Throughout the novel, it seems that every time Holden gets
depressed, he turns towards alcohol. in Chapter 12, Holden is at Ernie's
night club and he got served even though he was only a minor. In Chapter
20, Holden gets drunk. The way he acted when he was drunk shows how
pathe .....
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Wuthering Heights: Use Of Atmospheric Conditions To Emphasize Events And Highlight The Mood Of The Characters
Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2.... a severe winter storm raging outside foreshadows the unfriendly
environment he is about to enter and the chaotic events that he is going to
witness through Nellie's story telling. When Nelly begins to tell the story
of the two neighbouring households, she describes Old Mr. Earnshaw setting
out to Liverpool on a "fine summer morning" (p.34). Yet, when Old Mr.
Earnshaw dies she relates that "A high wind blustered round the house, and
roared in the chimney; it sounded wild and stormy" (p. 41).
Emily Brontë often uses the weather to accentuate the personality
traits and moods of .....
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Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... life by his job. When Sammy made reference to him making a song up for when he was done ringing someone's groceries through the till, "'Hello (bing) there, you (gung) hap-py pee-pul (splat)!' - the splat being the drawer flying out.". Sammy knew he had been working there for a long time and was getting sick of working there. I believe Sammy felt as if he was placed in the job and was never going to move. Sammy was given the job from his parents knowing the manager. I don't think Sammy had the feeling that he went out and got that job for himself. Sammy probably felt very weak in his h .....
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Odysseus A Hero
Number of words: 1214 - Number of pages: 5.... encounters, and how he obtained his status as a hero.
Ancient Greece has always been an interest of mine. In 6th grade a teacher that I had know for my whole schooling showed a movie every week. One week we watched “Jason and the Argonaughts”. Ever since then I could never get enough Greek mythology. In freshman year of high school we read the annotated text book version of The Odyssey. Lucky for me, I transferred English classes at the semester and I was able to read The Odyssey twice. And since then Odysseus has been a hero to me.
The story starts in book 9, Odysseu .....
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An American Tragedy
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4.... to know girls, which ends up being his major problem in the end. Soon Clyde falls in love with Hortense Briggs. She is a beautiful, yet conniving woman. She plays with Clyde’s heart and mind, which I believe really confused him about women and how to go about treating one. This is the first girl that he ever thought he loved, and she took him for all that he had. Clyde became a social butterfly, going to dinner, drinking, and dancing the nights away. He became very detached from his family and when his mother needed him most, he was not there. This is when the deviation of Clyde beg .....
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A Violent Illumination Of Salvation
Number of words: 1701 - Number of pages: 7.... The price of redemption is high.
O'Connor violently shocks her characters, illuminates their shortcomings,
and prepares them for redemption as seen in: "A Good Man is Hard to Find,"
"Revelation," "The River," and "The Lame Shall Enter First."
Walters reasons, "The instruction of pride through lessons of humility is,
in each story, the means by which the soul is prepared for its necessary
illumination by the Holy Spirit" (73). The grandmother in "A Good Man is
Hard to Find" and Rudy Turpin in "Revelation" is each convinced that she is
a lady of elevated status. When threatened by supe .....
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Humor In Wonderland
Number of words: 1209 - Number of pages: 5.... or a watch to take out of it, .
.."(Carroll 7-8). Even the mouse becomes humorous as he recites
"historical facts about the Anglo-Saxons..." "...which are the driest
things he knows, to restore Alice and the other creatures after their
involuntary swim in the Pool of Tears"(Avery 325). After the Caucus-race
in which everyone wins, the Dodo solemnly performs a humorous ceremony for
Alice saying "We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble"(Carroll 23).
They presented the thimble to Alice as a prize for the race which nobody
won. A caterpillar becomes a humorous creature in Wonderland .....
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Crucible 3
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... up in town. The townsfolk become highly agitated over this situation, and the scenario is blown completely out of proportion. Soon after this happens, trials dates are set.
The church has a great deal of influence over the government in The Crucible. Sins and crimes are very closely connected; whereas, if one is committed, the other is likewise. Since the authority of the church, such as reverends are looked at as “high and mighty” these “sinless” people are also often the heads of, or have a lot of say in the town’s government. At one point in the bo .....
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