Term Papers on Book Reports |
Character Study Of Blance Dubo
Number of words: 1061 - Number of pages: 4.... literally this does not seem to add much to the story. However, if one investigates Blanche's past one can truly understand what this quotation symbolizes. Blanche left her home to join her sister, because her life was a wreck. She admits, at one point in the story, that "after the death of Allan [her husband] intimacies with strangers was all I seemed able to fill my empty heart with" (Williams 178). This “desire” is the driving force, the vehicle of her voyage. It was this desire that caused her to lose her high school teaching position, and it is this desire that brings her to the nex .....
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Catch 22: Satire On WWII
Number of words: 2539 - Number of pages: 10.... the contemporary Jewish society.
Throughout these two novels, Catch-22 and Good as Gold, Heller
criticizes many institutions. In Good as Gold it is the White House and
government as a whole, and in Catch-22 it is the military and medical
In Catch-22 the military is heavily satirized. Heller does this by
criticizing it. Karl agrees with this statement by offering an example of the
satire of both the military and civilian institutions in Catch-22:
The influence of mail clerk Wintergreen, the computer
foul-up that promotes Major Major, and the petty
riva .....
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A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
Number of words: 463 - Number of pages: 2.... will to get an education and make things easier for her family. At the end of the book Francie is getting ready for some big occasion and she looks across the lot and sees herself 7 years ago when she was ten and still lugging junk to Carney’s for pennies. She calls out to the girl saying “Hello Francie!” and then the girl gets a defensive and starts telling Francie that she is Florry and that Francie knows it. That confuses you right? Francie calls Florry Francie when Francie knows Florry is really Florry, ugh a mouth full. Francie sees that she was exactly like Florry a .....
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Spelling And Differently - Ana
Number of words: 1451 - Number of pages: 6.... Flo and shows that there has always been a distance between the two.
The title is derived from a patient Rose met at the nursing home whose only communication was spelling words. After meeting this patient, Rose dreamed that Flo was in a cage and spelling words like the old patient she met in the nursing home. Rose tells Flo about her visit to the nursing home and is obviously trying to influence Flo into going to the home. Flo is suffering from some sort of dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's. In this story the author doesn't tell the characters ages, Rose's occupation, and other information nec .....
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Religion In Jane Eyre
Number of words: 1328 - Number of pages: 5.... the same meals that we do, and wear clothes at our mama's
She receives no love or approval from her family. The only form of love
that she does have is the doll she clings to at night when she sleeps. Mrs. Reed
is a conventional woman who believes that her class standing sets her to be
superior, and therefore better than a member of her own family. As a result of
Jane's tantrums, quick temper, and lack of self-control, society classifies her
as an immoral person. She speaks up for her herself when she knows she is not
supposed to, and her family believes that she acts mo .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 1548 - Number of pages: 6.... so and you have no pity” (Bronte 68). Here I make my first declaration of independence, contending that I will no longer be a secondary member. The love that gives desire and power which sustains life, is obvious by the fact that my “fear” of the consequences of a fully developed emotional response leads to its own destruction (Blom 91). Because I am “too passionate” – that is angry, rebellious, and prone to retreat into my richly imaginative inner world for solace, all takes part in winning the love of others. I cannot “bear to be solitude and hated” by others (Blom 91). T .....
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Social And Personal Ethics: The Subject Of Abortion
Number of words: 447 - Number of pages: 2.... of a human being has two parts a genetic and moral. She argues that genetic part is not necessary or sufficient for personhood and she argues that are not persons in the moral part does not have characteristics that are central to personhood. She has six concepts that define central personhood and they are sentience, emotionality, reason, the capacity to communicate, self-awareness, and moral agency. She also argues that fetuses are people or part of the moral community. She thinks that if there are laws passed to deny women the right to have an abortion it will go against the moral .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout's Development
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... he thinks it gives him an unfair
advantage over other living things.
The main event of the novel is a trial, in which Atticus is the defendant's
lawyer, against a black man who has been falsely accused of raping a white
woman. Atticus does his best to prove Tom Robinson's innocence, to a degree
where any objective jury would surely have found him not guilty, but it
sentences him to death, as it is expected to do by the general populace. Prior
to the trial, Scout and Jem are mocked by other children at school, which have
been told by their parents that Atticus will defend the offending .....
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Satire In Huck Finn
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... their own servant. Eventually it becomes apparent to Huck that the Grangerfords are feuding with a neighboring household, the Sheperdsons, this seems to be the central angle Twain uses to satire.
The two chapters dealing with the Grangerford and Sheperdson feud allow Twain to satire aspects of civilized culture. The main aspect he satirizes is the feud itself. The Grangerfords being the representatives of civilization, Twain reveals the senseless brutality and needless manslaughter involved in their arbitrary concept of honor. For Twain, such a feud goes against his common sense and anything .....
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The Other Side
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... was standing on ." (358), makes the reader aware that she is still a very able lady at her age.
When the woman crosses the river she begins her jaunt to the house she once lived in. There are a few lines in the story that clue the reader in that it has been a very long time since she has been back here. She explains, " The road was much wider than it used to be but the work had been done carelessly (358)." She also says as she approaches the house, " It was strange to see a car standing in front of it (359)." These couple sentences make appear that she grew up here a long time ago and .....
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