Term Papers on Book Reports |
Allegory In Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 2425 - Number of pages: 9.... is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before.
When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil.
The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a .....
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Classic Tales Of Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... most vivid memories of this story come from the striking
descriptions of the physical aspects of the story. Mark Twain immediately
brings the story to life with his introduction of the characters and their
surroundings. From here, the familiarity of the characters and setting
continues to grow. The depictions of the characters, both in mannerisms
and dialogue, are so picturesque that Tom's superstitions and fantasies
soon cause no great surprises, Aunt Polly's religious sayings and hidden
affection for her “mischeevous” Tom come to be expected, and Sid's sly
attacks on Tom appear de .....
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Essential Writings: Review
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... What is the logical connection between this paragraph and the previous one? Where is the transition that will link the two? Also, the paragraph itself, obviously, is somewhat compressed; the author has not bothered to spell out his thesis clearly. There is a certain degree of editorial sloppiness too. For example, ""de facto", ""sarkar"," "ancien regime"" are all italicised, but not ""shastric"." The meaning of ""sarkar"" is explained within parenthesis immediately after the word, but since the preceding two words have also been italicised, this device is more confusing than e .....
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Race Relations With Huck Finn
Number of words: 1478 - Number of pages: 6.... (14). Jim, Miss. Watson’s run away slave in the story, is part of the black class. We see the sub ordinance that blacks were placed in America, because blacks were not allowed to be in the house, because they were uneducated, and had to be working in the fields.
Another example of the classes we put each other into is when Huck, the main character, and Jim were heading south. Jim and Huck are sitting on the banks of the Mississippi River, and Jim says “I owns myself en I’s wuth eight hund’d dollars.” (54). This shows the reader that blacks are so l .....
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A Thousand Acres: The Monopoly Game
Number of words: 1151 - Number of pages: 5.... from playing in spite of all the work that had to be done (81). The tournament is significant to the book in that it illustrates the another aspect of their lives that Smiley left out.
The infamous monopoly tournament between Ginny, Ty, Rose, Pete, and Jess went beyond a mere harmless board game played to pass the time and fill pages of the book. Beneath the seemingly innocent game lays the symbolism and significance Smiley used to describe the characters in a different light and to tie the tournament to the rest of the novel. Within these few scenes the reader acquires a wider vision of .....
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Wuthering Heights: Summary
Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2.... unable to control
them. To the point of causing her own death. Before she dies, she says that
she wants both Heathcliff and Edgar to suffer-Edgar, because he never understood
heraffection for Heathcliff; and Heathcliff, because he never understood why
she married Edgar. Cathy has a mind of her own and some of Catherine's
willfullness. She is also capable of great sympathy towards Linton, whom she
marries and finally Hareton Earnshaw.
Heathcliff is a strange mix-ture of the refined and incouth; slovently, yet
dresses and acts like a g gentleman. While being dark with the look of a gypsy .....
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Intensity : What An Understatement
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... sifted down like a snowfall.” Pg.23. Things become suspenseful already. As mentioned in a book review by Mark Harris, Chyna doesn’t act like a horror-movie teenager and run into the hall. She does like most of us would do; she hides under the bed. Koontz really makes it feel like you could be the one squished under that bed. When the killer leaves the room Chyna searches the house undetected and finds her friend and everyone else had been brutally but quietly murdered. With revenge burning inside her, she rides undetected with two corpses on Edgler’s motor home. On the rid .....
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Crime And Punishment: Protagonist And Antagonist Essay
Number of words: 1691 - Number of pages: 7.... that he resides in, and we get to know his family situation as we read
the long letter from Raskolnikov's mother. Then we witness the murder as it is
graphically described by Doestoevsky. After reading this graphic description of
the murder, how can the reader be sympathetic towards Raskolnikov? How can the
reader believe that a murderer is the protagonist? It is, in fact, not hard to
accept this murderer as the protagonist. Raskolnikov believed that by murdering
the pawnbroker, he rid society of a pest. We realize that if the victim would
have been someone other than an evil old .....
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Macbeth A Character Analysis O
Number of words: 464 - Number of pages: 2.... that he sees her as his equal in authority. Most people see people in power and authority as being solid characters. Lady Macbeth might have been a solidly built woman, perhaps brunette, and elegantly dressed, for her husband was of importance and they probably were higher in the social ladder.
Through her actions and words, Lady Macbeth’s personality can be summed up in one word: deceitful. She would have done anything to get her way and made sure to do so. In act 1-7 she stated that she easily would have killed her own baby if she promised to do so. She is not trustworthy of .....
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The Pardoner's Prologue And Tale
Number of words: 1833 - Number of pages: 7.... Pardoner's Prologue has some vague similarities with the figure Faux-Semblant (False Seeming) found there.
As seen in the General Prologue, a pardoner is a layman who sells pardons or indulgences, certificates from the pope by which people hoped to gain a share in the merits of the saints and escape more lightly from the pains of Purgatory after they died. This particular Pardoner works for a religious house notorious for fraud in this trade. Just as the indulgence bought with money seems to make confession, absolution and repentance unnecessary, so the fact that pardoners had permission to .....
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