Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Mayor Of Casterbridge
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... deserve a punishment, he is a grown man and such punishments like those fall into the category of cruel and unusual. A simple deduction in his pay would have been suitable, Henchard however decides to humilate him. Hardy is showing that, even in the most powerful people, human flaws make people do the worst of things. Hardy further shows this in Henchard’s relationship with Donald Farfrae. Farfrae is a young Scottish man that Henchard woes to become the manager of Henchard’s wheat business. As time passes, Henchard becomes wealthier because of Farfrae’s talents. Farfrae beco .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 506 - Number of pages: 2.... She wears colorful clothes, is
extremely smart, pretty, and nice. More often than not, she shows her
intelligence and free thought, a trait of the Romantics. One of Pearl's
favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. (The reader will
recall that anything affiliated with the forest was evil to Puritans. To
Hawthorne, however, the forest was beautiful and natural.) "And she was
gentler here [the forest] than in the grassy-margined streets of the
settlement, or in her mother's cottage. The flowers appeared to know it"
(194) Pearl fit in with natural things. Also, Pearl is alwa .....
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The Stranger 2
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... (Camus, 29) It really made no difference to Meursault if he was stated as a friend of Raymond’s or not. The way that Meursault does not contribute to the conversation and that it is just “fine with [him]” to be friends creates an image of indifference. This image continues to grow as Raymond continues to talk to Meursault. Raymond goes on to tell of his problems with women, and Meursault still remains silent. After his Raymond’s confessions are over he once again thanks Meursault for being a pal: “I didn’t mind being his pal, and he seemed s .....
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“Pearl: The Scarlet Letter Endowed With Life”
Number of words: 1368 - Number of pages: 5.... daily punishment to Hester, and a living conscience for Dimmesdale. Yet, Pearl is the one who saves Hester from death and Dimmesdale from eternal sorrow. It was Pearl who acts as a guardian angel to Hester and Dimmesdale. She both guides them and teaches them the true lessons of life.
In the beginning of The Scarlet Letter, the infant Pearl represents the immoral love affair between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. The whole town recognizes the fact that Hester had committed adultery because her husband had not been seen for over two years, and Hester had just bore a child who was o .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1609 - Number of pages: 6.... of his
pre-enlistment and innocent days. Further, he is repulsed by the banal
and meaningless language that is used by members of that society. As
he becomes alienated from his former, traditional, society, Baumer
simultaneously is able to communicate effectively only with his
military comrades. Since the novel is told from the first person point
of view, the reader can see how the words Baumer speaks are at
variance with his true feelings. In his preface to the novel, Remarque
maintains that "a generation of men ... were destroyed by the war"
(Remarque, All Quiet .....
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Rosemary Well's When No One Was Looking: Ambition
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... even blames herself. Kathy proves she was at the ball
game the night of the murder. She regains her confidence, and works her way up
to the top.
Julia and Kathy have been best friends since they were in first grade.
Because of Julia's wealth, she is different, and is treated just that way.
Kathy would defend her when she used to get picked on. Since then, Kathy and
Julia are inseparable. They have such a good relationship, that they would do
anything to stop the other from getting hurt.
Ruth Gumm has no special talent when it comes to tennis, she is just
okay at the sport. When Kathy com .....
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Beloved: We All Look The Same In The Dark
Number of words: 743 - Number of pages: 3.... mother. Sethe also had to deal with the fact that she was not brought along when her mother tried to escape (unsuccessfully) from the plantation. Sethe was breaking, but not yet broken. The emptiness of Sethe’s relationship with her mother only increased Sethe’s motherly obsession for her own children. As a parent with two kids and another one on the way, Sethe needed to escape slavery. She felt she had to place her children outside the horror of slavery, even if it meant taking their lives.
A life was lost. Sethe refused to allow herself and her children to be dragged back into the e .....
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The Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 1343 - Number of pages: 5.... ugly old woman. A handsome young knight happens upon the old
woman. She asks him what he is seeking. The young knight explains to her
that he, as punishment, was sent on a quest to discover what women desire
most. The old woman's answer is a simple but costly one. In exchange for
her assistance, the old woman demands that he oblige her one request. The
knight hastily agrees that he will allow her the request. Thus, she has
taken her wisdom and used it to her advantage, much like the Wife of Bath.
The tale is filled with similarities between the Wife of Bath and the old
woman. The reaso .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Imagery And Symbolism Of The Conch Shell And Ralph
Number of words: 499 - Number of pages: 2.... over the boys though they still listened to the person who was holding the shell. By the time Piggy was killed though the conch had changed to a bleached color though, and was very brittle. When Piggy died the conch went with him it shattered into hundreds of pieces. The conch symbolizes how the civilization was drained from the boys. The more and more wild the boys got the whiter and more fragile the conch got.
Ralph was the other symbol I decided to write about, he was the leader, he knew what was best for the boys and him and he wanted to make sure he handled them with the right a .....
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The Handmaids Tale
Number of words: 1482 - Number of pages: 6.... then."(p. 24)
Nobody believed it could happen to them. When the Sons of Jacob took over and
began to take away their freedom, they accepted it. They were afraid and the
Sons gave them some security. Because they accepted the first few laws, it was
hard to refuse to not go along with the ones that followed.
When the women were finally stripped of their identities, they felt as
though they had deserved it because they had done nothing to try and save any of
their other rights.
"We looked at one anothers faces and saw dismay, and a certain shame, as if wed
been caught doing something w .....
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