Term Papers on Book Reports |
As I Lay Dying
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... dead over a
week, and all of the bridges to Jefferson are washed out, he is still determined
to get to Jefferson.
Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie, or is he driven by
another motive? Anse plays "to perfection the role of the grief-stricken
widower" (Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting another wife
and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes necessary to drive the wagon
across the river, he proves himself to be undeniably lazy as he makes Cash,
Jewel, and Darl drive the wagon across while he walks over the bridge, a
Anse is also stub .....
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The Color Purple, The Bell Jar, Franny And Zooey, And Ethan Frome: Internal And External Forces On The Character's Lives
Number of words: 810 - Number of pages: 3.... coupled with his desire for a woman he could not pursue, created severe internal and moral conflict. Salinger’s Franny was faced with the expectation of others that she succeed to the level of her genius brothers as well as to fit in with society. She strove to feel normal and integrated in the abnormal world in which she was raised. All four characters were confronted with internal conflicts of the self and external pressures of the outside world.
Celie grew up in a poverty stricken environment where education was not available to her. She always had the desire to be educated, as we .....
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The Portrayal Of Women In The Novels "One Hundred Years Of Solitude" By Gabriel Marquez And "The House Of The Spirits" By Isabel Allende
Number of words: 1482 - Number of pages: 6.... is worthy of consideration. This was a
patriarchal society where men of whatever age were always superior in
standing to women. As a woman aged, her position in the social hierarchy
would increase. Furthermore women had few career choices; all were linked
to some form of domestic service whether solely as a wife and mother or as
a nanny or a combination. Religion played a very important role in this
predominantly catholic area. The role of women as portrayed by the church
was somewhat of a paradox, simultaneously acknowledging and praising women
for the gift of child bearing and yet depict .....
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Old Man And The Sea: Themes
Number of words: 1458 - Number of pages: 6.... day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal
pool with life called `Cannery Road'.
This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It
mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other
characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of
biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin,
his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might
be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of
time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago
needs .....
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The Return Of The Native: The Opening Chapter
Number of words: 1022 - Number of pages: 4.... is on Eustacia. The fact that Clym delayed sending his letter to Eustacia, coupled with the fact that Captain Vye unwittingly kept the letter from Eustacia until it was too late, suggests that perhaps destiny is against her. It is under the downpour of the rain, on the rugged heath where Eustacia laments her fate. Eustacia’s own remark, “how destiny is against me!” (354) and “I have been injured and blighted and crushed by things beyond my control!” (354) affirm the existence of such a force, the power of fate.
On Egdon Heath, night and darkness comes before its “astronomical ho .....
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The X-Files, X Marks The Spot: Book Report
Number of words: 265 - Number of pages: 1.... chapter. I didn't want to put the book down. I sometimes have
trouble trying to find a book that's actually interesting, but I didn't
have any trouble with this book. I got through the whole book fast, I was
always reading it in study hall, and trying to get as far as I could in
readers workshop.
It was easy to understand. I've read a lot of science fiction books that
are very complicated. Some books have too many characters to remember, or
they have something that is really weird or unrealistic. Some science
fiction books get way too far out. This book was nothing like that.
The events .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 1149 - Number of pages: 5.... through a series of events, Bernard uses the curiosity of the society to his advantage, fulfilling his subconscious wish of becoming someone important; a recognized name in the jumble of society. This ends when the curiosity of others ends, and as a supreme result of his arrogant behavior, he is exiled. The instigator of this curiosity as well as the author of Bernard's fame (and folly) is an outsider known as the Savage. Bernard brings in the Savage from outside of the utopian society as an experiment. He faces "civilized society" with a bright outlook, but eventually comes to hate it bit .....
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The Fountain Head: Individualism
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... Howard into
his way of thinking. The general public who read the Banner had been
convinced that Toohey new what he was talking about on all subjects. His
plan to manipulate the public and gather them as a whole was directly
countered with every move that Howard made. One of these major moves was
the building of the Stoddard Temple. With the temple, Roark had the
freedom to build whatsoever he choose. This gave him a medium to express
his viewpoint without having any restrictions. After the delayed unveiling
of the temple, it was condemned by the public. At the head of this gro .....
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Power Shifts In Intergovernmental Relations: A Result Of Fiscal Federalism
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4.... reforms have begun to return power to the states.
Policies and precedents of the New Deal centralized power in the
national government. To remedy the devastation of the Great Depression, it
assumed a more direct and prevalent role in the lives of the people. Congress
passed the 1935 Social Security Act, providing retired persons pensions and
benefits for the unemployed and disabled. In addition to Social Security, the
government also established the Federal Emergency Relief Administration in 1933
which provided states with money for the needy. The Aid to Families with
Dependent Chil .....
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The Medea: Women's Rights
Number of words: 944 - Number of pages: 4.... her. "If I can find the means or devise any scheme to pay my husband
back for what he has done to me - Him and his father in law and the girl
who married him." (260-263) It may have seemed in the beginning of the
monologue that Medea was out to join forces with the other women in
complaint to the way they are treated, but Medea was out for revenge. That
was underling everything she said.
When one looks at the women's liberation movement that occurred in
the united states history, one will see that the women wanted to appear
stable and sane. The women wanted equal rights and t .....
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