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Term Papers on Book Reports

Summary Of The Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3

.... Buck was thrown into a pen with a man who had a club and learned one of the two most important laws that a dog could know in the Klondike. The law of club is quite simple, if there is a man with a club, a dog would be better off not to challenge that man. Buck learned this law after he was beaten half to death by the man who had the club. No matter what he tried, he just couldn't win. Buck was sold off to a man who put him in a harness connected to many other dogs and eventually, he learned the way of trace and trail. Buck had to learn many things if he was to survive in this frig .....

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The Secret Sharer By Joseph Co
Number of words: 672 - Number of pages: 3

.... turn in without setting an anchor watch” (941). The captain is so self-conscious and insecure about his actions that he reacts almost painfully to the crew’s judgement of his orders. He also states that he perceives himself to be a stranger amongst the others. Among his insecurities, the captain also sees himself as a stranger to himself and not fit to run his ship. The captain thinks, “But what I felt most was my being a stranger to the ship; and if all the truth must be told, I was somewhat of a stranger to myself. The youngest man on board (barring the second mat .....

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The Hound Of Baskerville
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4

.... were the main characters in The Hound of the Baskervilles. Sherlock Holmes is a brilliant english detective. He pays great attention to the slightest detail. He is a tall, slightly athletic man who smokes a pipe. He will do anything to solve a case. He can change cases and focus intently from one to another quickly showing his great ability to brain storm about subjects. Dr. Watson is an inch or two shorter than sherlock, and a little bit less in shape than him, he as well smokes tobacco but in a ciggarette form. Dr. watson yearns for holmes' approval and to gain the talents holmes possesse .....

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A Tale Of Two Cities: Summary
Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2

.... There her father recovers from the effects of being in prison for so long. She and her father become very close to each other. Meanwhile, over in Paris the tension is mounting. The Monseigneur, and the Monsieur the Marquis are murdered by the French Resistance. Much secrecy occurs among the French peasants. The Defarges are two of the main characters in the resistance. Charles Darnay and Lucie Manette are eventually married and have a daughter. It turns out Charles Darnay is really the nephew of the French Marquis that was murdered. Darnay goes back to France to try and save a man named .....

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Eight Men Out
Number of words: 1959 - Number of pages: 8

.... book, a movie is more of something you experience than learn about, and as such, for a movie to work, one must, as a viewer, share in the experience of one of the characters" (pg.108). Since this story is about ballplayers who threw games and accepted bribes, this poses a difficult problem in asking the audience to share the feelings of the conspirators. That is the problem throughout the movie that Sayles fails to resolve. Where do the audience's sympathies lie? It is hard to maintain sympathy for the players with the likes of Swede Risberg and Chic Gandil behind the fix. Players like .....

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I Am Joaquin Vs. The First Sev
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3

.... tells of a work with “no end”. The people want an end to this tiring work they have done for years with no reward. Feld from “The First Seven Years” wants his daughter to marry someone who will make the shoemaker’s next generation one that is not making shoes. Feld thinks that if his daughter marries a shoemaker, his dream will be ruined because she will not have a better life than her mother did. Therefore, what is wanted in both selections is not only a better life, but a new life as well. Both works present different ways of realizing their similar versi .....

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The Great Gatsby: Is Nick Genuine?
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2

.... Nick's character is showing some development of genuineness. Another time that Nick shows his development into a more genuine person is when he helps rekindle the love between Jay Gatsby and Daisy. He does this by setting up a surprise meeting at his house. Gatsby knew of this because he had asked him to do it. At this time in the novel is when Nick says "I'm going to call Daisy tomorrow and invite her over here to tea." (Gatsby, p.82) This shows that Nick is genuine because he is trying to rekindle the love between Gatsby and Daisy. After this period in the novel Gatsby and Nick became .....

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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2

.... our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied” (65). Another example is Jane’s first morning at Thornfield. A positive mood was foreshadowed when Jane described the weather as, “The chamber looked such a bright little place to me as the sun shone in between the gay blue chintz window and carpeted floor, so unlike the bare planks and strained plaster of Lowood, that my spirit rose at the view” (90). Thus, this not only foreshadowed the positive mood of Jane, but also the experience she’ll have in the near future living in Thornfield. She will soon discover .....

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Catcher In The Rye And Of Mice And Men: Go West Young Man
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4

.... lan’.”(Steinbeck 14) What George wanted most of all was to not be lonely. “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place.”(Steinbeck 13) George has been saving up money to buy a piece of land for Lennie and him to live on. He finally has enough money for the land when Candy decided to join them and use his money to help pay for the land. George’s dream died when Lennie died because without Lennie, George would have too much freedom and he would spend his money carelessly instead of saving it. .....

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A Circular Life ( When The Leg
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0

.... .....

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