Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Prince: Politics And Science
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5.... because uncertainty is a sign of weakness. Fortune controls half of human's actions, and man's will control the other half. Virtue is the best defense for fortune, and virtue must be used in order to keep fortune in check. The prince must take advantage of situations based solely on if it is best for the state. He should choose his decisions based on contemporary and historical examples. A prince cannot consider whether his acts are moral or immoral, and he instead must act in an unbiased manner for the state. Also, it does not matter how the state achieves its goals, as long as these .....
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Joy Luck Club 2
Number of words: 1490 - Number of pages: 6.... was a disaster. She was married to a bad man who left her after a short time to follow other women. Her love for him turned to hate, and she killed her unborn baby. This act gave her remorse for all her life since she considered it a murder. Tortured by this incident, she had a mental breakdown, for a period of time, when her second son -- with her second husband, St. Clair -- died at birth. She saw it as a punishment for her previous behavior.
After leaving her first husband's house and returning home, she abandoned herself to whatever life offered her. She lived like a shadow, letting o .....
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The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... instinctively and without hersitation. But
she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and
taken baggage with them.
Therefore, Nike Carroway's analysis was right by these clear observation.
However, Nike Carroway is a good narrator, he sees everything happen and does not trust everybody easily. So during the people discuss about something at a time, he does not believe it is true. After he proves it, he will accept the truth.
Moreover, when Nike went to Gatsby's party, there is a drunk lady telling everyone Gatsby killed a man before. .....
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The Lovesong Of J. Alfred Prufrock: Love Or Love Not
Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2.... trousers and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
I do not think they will sing to me (120-125).
The mermaid being his love which might reject him if he so dares to ask the question.
Prufrock is a procrastinator and the older he gets, the less likely he will propose his love. He stalls by saying to himself “there will be time”(23) for “a hundred decisions”(32) as he focuses on not disturbing the universe and not disturbing the women “who come and go Talking of Michelangelo”(35-36). Prufrock is a shy man that does not take risks. He is sca .....
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An Analysis Of Why Jimmy Doyle Will Never Succeed In Life Due To His Father
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3.... growing up. When Jimmy went away
to college, he spent more time socializing than he did studying. "Jimmy did not
study very earnestly and took to bad courses for awhile. He had money and he
was popular; ..."(p.25). Jimmy liked better to be in the company of peers
rather than study, and his father condoned it. When Jimmy was not doing well at
Dublin University, his father let him go off to Cambridge where he could "see
life a little". While there he seemed to run the bills a little high, and his
father took care of all the expenses because he wanted to show off the money
that he had a .....
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Frankenstein By: Mary Shelley
Number of words: 1203 - Number of pages: 5.... He longed for a friend who take away his pain. See, his family and best friend Clerval were back at his native home - Geneva. And he wasn't exactly making friends at the university. This was the being of Frankenstein's creation, or he decided to make a human being. Who can not relate to this? Who wants to be lonely for their lifetime? Noone. He work for 2 years on making his creation. And when he was done - it was the being of his horrorable life.
There was no lightening bolt that woke up the being. Frankenstein did not scream, "It's alive! It's alive!", and then do that madman's lau .....
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Field Of Dreams: Ray Kinsella A Classical Hero?
Number of words: 1070 - Number of pages: 4.... person he
was, he was not discouraged and continued to persevere.
Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the viewers and
himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart.
After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray
risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly
to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical,
but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon
the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball
player who had b .....
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The Truth About The Big Two He
Number of words: 854 - Number of pages: 4.... themselves steady in the current with wavering fins. As he watched them they changed their positions by quick angles, only to hold steady in the fast water again (472).
Hemingway is trying to show that the trout are better then Nick, since they are not bothered by emotions or their surroundings. Nick is, he is bothered by the war, which created internal emotions that he is trying to resolve. Hemingway used the trout in the river to represent the inner peace that Nick is trying to gain.
When Nick got to the country he saw that it was untouched by the fire that had burned the town down. H .....
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Literary Analysis Of The Woman
Number of words: 1902 - Number of pages: 7.... also presents seven evaluative criteria to which my interpretation applies: consistency, proportionateness, adequacy, completeness, depth, sensitivity, and integratedness. Of these, my interpretation best
fulfills the evaluative criteria of consistency, completeness, and integratedness.
It is evident that the narrator, Kingston, has many conflicts with what is being taught at home and what is experienced in the American society. Through the myth and reality stories Kingston tells, she establishes her beliefs and values of the Chinese culture and contrasts them with the expectations of .....
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The Chronicles Of Narnia: Book Report
Number of words: 1734 - Number of pages: 7.... several different types of rings on the table.
Suddenly Digory saw someone stand up from the chair, it was uncle Andrew.
He told Polly not to touch the rings, but it was to late. She disappeared into
the air. Digory was confused. He wondered what the rings did. Did Polly just
disappear or did she go to some distant land? Uncle Andrew explained how that
one ring would take you to this land and that the other one would bring you back.
Uncle Andrew was not sure that it worked yet because the only things that
entered before were guinea pigs.
Digory put two rings in each pocket with glov .....
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