Term Papers on Book Reports |
Of Mice And Men 5
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... brush" (15). George separates from the group and went to the area stated to Lennie if he got in trouble. The readers' perspective would think that George did Lennie a favor in shooting him to put Lennie out of misery or suffering caused by the other characters. Therefore, since he knew Curley would not give up till Lennie was dead, he took the responsibility of killing him in a tactful way. Another way Gorge could justify the shooting is when he took the effort to describe the dream that Lennie loves to hear so much before the unexpected shooting occurs. Lennie has absolutely no idea t .....
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Romeo And Juliet- A Thin Line
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... intermittent portrayals of the jealousy and feelings of malice to which a person subdues because of love. The most memorable of these portrayals is the first scene of Act Three. Love inspires rage in this fight scene in which Mercutio loses his life. Such a scene is an important rendering of how there is a thin line between love and hate; the men have a love for each other to inspire defense, and a hate fueled by the murder of their mate. This demonstrates how much of an impact love has in Shakespeare's story, not only for the lovers, but also for a friend.
A friend who has been with a pers .....
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Visions Of The Future
Number of words: 1193 - Number of pages: 5.... , reason, and the laws of nature such as mathematical formulas,
brought about more sense of thinking. Great thinkers and mathematicians
such as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Newton, etc., are
just of the few who expanded ideas. They began to use the inductive
method as a step-by-step to their understandings. The new outlook
generated by the Scientific Revolution served as the foundation of the
Enlightenment. The Scientific Revolution gave thinkers great confidence in
the power of the mind , which had discovered nature’s laws, reinforcing the
confidence in .....
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A Critical Analysis Of Herman Melville's Moby Dick
Number of words: 2254 - Number of pages: 9.... characters as Queequeq, Starbuck, and the captain of the ship, Ahab, all
journeyed together.
Not long once at sea, the captain of the ship, Ahab reveals his plan to
hunt down a white whale named Moby Dick. Ahab was veteran sailor, a man that had
a heart of stone. Ahab had a personal grudge against Moby Dick. Moby Dick was
responsible for taking off Ahab's leg in a previous voyage. Ahab's plan was
essentially an unauthorized takeover, what the whaling company had not in mind.
Ahab was very irrational and ludicrous; his plan seals the fate for himself and
the crew of the Pequod. In the .....
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Picking Up The Pieces: An Analytical Look At Why The Village Of Umofia Fell Apart
Number of words: 1525 - Number of pages: 6.... his own father, Unoka, and that his father had
not received any titles as a clansman. He was determined to be a respected
farmer of yams to ward off the shame of his unsuccessful and dishonorable
Fortunately, among these people a man was judged by
his worth and not according to the worth of his father...
As the elders said, if a child washed his hands he could
eat with kings. Okonkwo had clearly washed his hands
and so he ate with kings and elders. (page 8)
This was Okonkwo's motive in life and so he .....
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Ambition In Macbeth
Number of words: 1133 - Number of pages: 5.... Macbeth becomes more ambitious as his wife and the witches make him question himself and his desires. Lady Macbeth is the biggest encouragement to his ambition, since she uses her husband’s trust to change her own future.
In Act I, Scene iii, the witches and their prophecies influence Macbeth’s ambition as he begins to consider murdering Duncan, “ If good, why do I yield to that suggestion/ whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/ and make my seated heart knock at my ribs,/ against the use of nature?” Macbeth strongly believes witches’ words. Also, the apparit .....
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The Metamorphosis: Shape And Form
Number of words: 1218 - Number of pages: 5.... work, because he wasn't happy with it. But he said to himself, "
Besides, I have to provide for my parents and my sister. (pp. 82-83)." He felt
that his family was too dependent of him. When Gregor wouldnt let anyone in his
room in fear that they would be horrified by his condition, he thought that his
family was harassing him because he was in danger of losing his job, and
because the chief would begin harassing his parents again for the old debts" (p.
76). At this point, everyone was angry and wanted him to get up for work.
All that mattered to the family was what Gregor was able to pr .....
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Wuthering Heights: Dark And Evil Themes
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3.... and insisted that he should labour outdoors instead, compelling him to do as hard as any other lad on the farm” (49).
Hindley is also envious of the love that Catherine has for Heathcliff, and he tries to force them to live apart from each other, but Heathcliff and Catherine:
“… they forgot everything the minute they were together again – at least the minute they had contrived some naughty plan of revenge…” (50).
Even so, Hindley’s abuse is almost solely directly towards Heathcliff. The only time Hindley abuses anyone else is when he is drunk.
Unlike Hindley, whose reaso .....
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Lord Jim
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... Jim experience extreme guilt and anguish. The way Jim struggled on the inside caused Jim to seem lack luster and lazy on the outside. If Jim would have been more at peace with his soul he would not have been in such pain. Being that Jim was somewhat innocent when he first became a water clerk aboard the Patna; he lacked the mental toughness that would be crucial in key situations. With virtue and perseverance Jim struggled on. Trying to find his inner self and to become a good sailor was important to Jim. Forced into maturing because of the importance of his job; Jim often felt isolated and .....
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Catch 22
Number of words: 1020 - Number of pages: 4.... to have benefited him. Doc Daneeka was making a nice sum of money from various illegal means. He received kickbacks from drug stores in the area that ran an illegal operation. He also utilized beauty parlors to perform two or three abortions a week to bring in more revenue. When the war begins, Doc Daneeka's practice starts to pick up because of the lack of other doctors. Originally, he thought of the war as a "godsend"; however what he did not realize was that, the war would catch up with him soon enough. One day someone from the draft board came to check on Doctor Daneeka, who was in .....
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