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Essay On Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... liberated from shame and self-consciousness" because he knew that his manner of hunting was evil and would only lead to lascivious killing. While describing that hunt to the boys, Jack was "twitching" and "shuddering" as he talked. He knew it was wrong. Eventually all the savages hid behind their masks when their lust for killing climaxes on the manhunt for Ralph. Throughout all of the story, all hunting, killing, and shedding of blood was done while hidden by masks.
The mask, to whoever wears it, makes the boy unknown, unrecognized, and mysterious. When the first mask was put on, Jack "l .....
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Macbeth And Lady Macbeth
Number of words: 645 - Number of pages: 3.... coming / Must be provided for" (Shakespeare 62-63), implying that Duncan must be killed.
Driven by fear of suspicion by day, and terrible dreams by night, Macbeth becomes completely paranoid with everyone, including Banquo, his right hand man. At this time Macbeth takes control and realizes that he must kill Banquo. He decides that Banquo must die tonight, and says, " Banquo, thy soul's flight, / If it find heaven, must find it out tonight" (Shakespeare 141-142). When Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth about his plan, she is reluctant and says, "You must leave this" (Shakespeare 36), wanting him to .....
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Heart Of Darkness: Mystery And Suspense
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... much mystery applies to
him and his personality. People haven't heard from him for quite a long time,
because h eis up the river from the station where Marlow is at. People are
wanting the boss, and they're getting restless. Is Kurtz, sick? Could one of
these people get a new promotion in their job? The people don't want Marlow to
go explore up the river a ways and kind Kurtz, suppling him with help that he
might need. And yet, Marlow needs Kurtz.
Yet, there is the mystery of the Congo river. It has a way with the
people that come into it and try to explore it's orgins. It seems to .....
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The Physicists
Number of words: 815 - Number of pages: 3.... two physicists. During the course of the play the personal and physical change is perceptible. Both the main characters and the environment are changing. For an example in act two, Herbert Georg Beutler alias Sir Isaac Newton turns out to be a long lost world famous physicist Alex Jasper Kilton who discovered the "Theory of Equivalents" also Albert Einstein alias Ernst Heinrich Ernesti is the also long lost discoverer of the "Eislereffect" Joseph Eisler. The most noticeable changes are that there are male nurses and the iron bars in front of the windows. There are many characteristic changes .....
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Subject: Joseph Conrad's-Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3.... reality of what his new idol was truly made of.
Upon reaching Kurtz's station, Marlow¦s disillusion begins to set in. He
is greeted by an English-speaking Russian whom he takes for a man who on
the surface is deceant level-headed person, but after short conversation
it is apparent to Marlow that he is talking with a disturbed individual,
but that was not what bothered Marlow. Hearing of and seeing the acts
committed by Kurtz made Marlow uneasy, and even afraid. It was at this
point that Marlow begins his denial of any affinity he feels with Kurtz.
He says in regard to the Russian ¦I sup .....
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An Analysis Of The Effects Of Spiritual Visitations On Scrooge
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... do something soon his testimony to life
would be much like the things his nephew said about him in the game played
at the party.
Then there was the Cratchit's who seemed to be more grateful
towards Scrooge, a man who gave them barely enough money to buy food and
shelter, then they really should have been. At first when Scrooge sees Bob
stand to toast him he's almost filled with pride or at least an enlarged
ego, but when Mrs. Cratchit says in a fit of rage "I'll drink his health
for your sake, and the Day's, not for his. Long life to him! A merry
Christmas and a happy New Year! He'l .....
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Analysis Of The Ending Of "Death Of A Salesman"
Number of words: 1228 - Number of pages: 5.... fulfill his unrealistic dream of great wealth and
success. But even here in one of his last moments, while having a
conversation with a ghost from the past, he continues to lie to himself by
saying that his funeral will be a big event [2], and that there will be
guests from all over his former working territory in attendance. Yet as was
to be expected, this is not what happens, none of the people he sold to
come. Although perhaps this wrong foretelling could be attributed to
senility, rather than his typical self-deception [5]. Maybe he has
forgotten that the "old buyers" have already died o .....
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Hypocrites In Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 915 - Number of pages: 4.... style for the things inside. In the parlor of this house "there [are] beautiful curtains on the windows, white with pictures painted of castles."(101) The curtains painted with castles give the family a false feeling of being elite. When you think of castles you think of queens and kings and aristocracy. Ironically they think of others who lack the few finer things like curtains with castles on them to be lower class then themselves. These minor details make them think they are above everyone else. Along with this false notion of aristocracy the Grangerfords also possess a false knowledge o .....
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Catcher In The Rye: The Quest For Love
Number of words: 2413 - Number of pages: 9.... is an ongoing dilemma in
the lives of many people all throughout the world. The constant need for love is
overwhelming, and the tragedy of this great world is the fact that some people
do not find the proper love that they deserve. Holden Caulfield is a perfect
example of the striving to acquire a love sought all throughout his life.
According to this quote, “He is simply expressing an innocence incapable of
genuine hatred. Holden does not suffer from the inability to love, but does
despair of finding a place to bestow his love” (Heiserman and Miller 30), Holden
Caulfield has the ne .....
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Some Dreamers Of The Golden Dream: Imagery
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3.... where anyone
with money can buy a devotion to God with the dialing of a number. The usage of
religion as a money-making business defiles the sanctity of societys most sacred
and cherished belief. However, money is made so morals and ethics are ignored.
Another example of this immorality is Edward Foley, Lucilles Millers attorney.
He says, "We dont want to give away what we can sell," (p.27) referring to
information about Lucille Miller and the death of her husband. Edward Foley, a
man only looking to benefit himself, shows no respect or regard for the Lucille
Miller tragedy. .....
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