Term Papers on Book Reports |
The French Lieutenant's Woman
Number of words: 1155 - Number of pages: 5.... and she is shunned by her community because, as she says: "I have a freedom they cannot understand." (Fowles 142). She is an admitted non-conformist as is evident when she states: "I am a doubly dishonored woman. By circumstances. And by choice." (Fowles 142). Her status is not something she is ashamed of; in fact, she does not wish to give it up. Sarahs' choice to be different is what has given her her freedom. The reader can easily relate to Sarah's motives since it is often a wanting of change that brings on the desire to be different, to be an individual. Sarah's personality ca .....
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John Jake's Homeland: A Review
Number of words: 292 - Number of pages: 2.... primary attention on Paul Crown, a young German immigrant.
Paul leaves behind a Germany of cholera, poverty, and political upheaval
only to face problems of equal magnitude in America.
Undaunted by a difficult ocean crossing, Paul arrives at Ellis
Island penniless but naively optimistic about his future. He makes his
weary way to the opulent home of his uncle, Joe Crown, a well-established
brewer in Chicago. Jakes uses the Chicago setting as a backdrop for his
"class struggle" motif which is central to the plot of his story.
Pual's uncle, Joe, and cousin, Joe Jr., are foil .....
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The Battle For Your Mind: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public
Number of words: 2571 - Number of pages: 10.... Professional Hypnotists
Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although the tape carries a copyright to
protect it from unlawful duplication for sale by other companies, in this
case, I invite individuals to make copies and give them to friends or
anyone in a position to communicate this information.
Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and
regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to
be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very
media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Some government
agen .....
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Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... eventually was forced to become a lawyer, whereas what Kafka wanted was a literary degree.
Franz Kafka made his character, Gregor, transform into an insect in the story. Nobody wants to associate themselves with an insect, which is a lowly creature, a pest, or nuisance. This symbolizes Kafka’s depression and his poor self image. Since his family treats the insect like an outcast, that must be how Franz felt about the treatment that his own family gave him. It showed the control that his father put on him. He was not allowed to leave his room. Gregor’s parents were so afra .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man: Themes Developed Through Allusions To Classical Mythology
Number of words: 2836 - Number of pages: 11.... -- in spite of his
father's warnings, his wings melted, and he fell into the sea and drowned. His
more cautious father flew to safety (World Book 3). By using this myth in A
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Portrait of the Artist), Joyce succeeds
in giving definitive treatment to an archetype that was well established long
before the twentieth century (Beebe 163).
The Daedalus myth gives a basic structure to Portrait of the Artist.
From the beginning, Stephen, like most young people, is caught in a maze, just
as his namesake Daedalus was. The schools are a maze of corridors; Dubli .....
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Amazing Grace A Book Report
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... opposite in these ghettos. There was very little, if any for the people living here. No chance whatsoever of employment outside the ghetto, or being accepted outside it. It was their home, they were not supposed to leave it, and when they did they were eyed with hate by other people who did not want to be in their presence.
I was also mortified by the extremely high amounts of child deaths in this particular ghetto. It seemed terrible that so many young children were getting killed, whether it be an accidental death in an elevator shaft, and mistaken shootings, or because of the extremel .....
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The Effects And Implications Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 817 - Number of pages: 3.... discerning the scarlet letter on her breast, would
scamper off with a strange, contagious fear.” In addition to the physical
separation, a more intangible manner of exclusion also exists, in that
Hester becomes a pariah. She is subject to derision and malice from the
lowliest of vagrants to the most genteel of individuals of the community,
though many are often the recipients of her care and attention: “The
poor...whom she sought out to be the objects of her bounty, often reviled
the hand that was stretched forth to succor them...Dames of elevated rank,
likewise, were a .....
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African Americans Unnoticed
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... she could so that young women like me can attend college. Fannie Barrier Williams realized that racism was a major problem, but also realized that sexism was an even greater problem in equality. For, as she said, "to be a colored woman is to be discredited, mistrusted and often meanly hated." Through times of strife and stress she worked, sometimes successfully, to eliminate discrimination against black women. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmicheal; these names when said are ones to which black people respond to, because .....
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The Great Gatsby: Doubleness
Number of words: 7517 - Number of pages: 28.... named for his great, great, great grandfather's brother, the man who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner." And Edward Fitzgerald, Scott's father, was a handsome, charming man, but one who seemed more interested in the family name than in hard work.
The McQuillan and the Fitzgerald in Scott vied for control throughout his childhood. He was a precocious child, full of energy and imagination, but he liked to take short cuts, substituting flights of fantasy for hard work. On his seventh birthday in 1903 he told a number of the older guests that he was the owner of a yacht (perhaps the seeds .....
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12 Angry Men
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... Three is. He is a grown man
living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even
know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says
about killing the boy and shouts "your a sadist."(17) which is the absolute
truth about Three.
The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or
not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud
not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man
who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts .....
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