Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Scarlet Letter: Chapter By Chapter Review And Analysis
Number of words: 4496 - Number of pages: 17.... as ever was the guillotine among the terrorists of France,”
(Page 52, pink highlight). Instead of using the pillory, which would lock
a person's head and hands together where they could not move and be forced
to not be able to show their humiliation. “No outrage more flagrant to
forbid the culprit to hide his face from shame,” is in Hawthorne's
commentary on page 53.
Hawthorne's commentary appears twice on this page (about more than
one topic) and you can see them in my highlighted sections. What really
got to me was the second highlighted section on that page where Hawthorne
is .....
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Voltaire's Writing Techniques In Candide
Number of words: 3861 - Number of pages: 15.... our world; that nobody knows his place in society or his duty, what he's doing or what he ought to be doing, and that outside of mealtimes...the rest of the day is spent in useless quarrels...-it's one unending warfare. By having this character take on such a pessimistic tone, he directly contradicts the obviously over-optimistic tone of Candide. In the conclusion (page 1617) an old turk instructs Candide in the futility of needless philosophizing by saying that "...the work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice, and poverty." In each of these examples, the character chosen by the a .....
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Analysis Of Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince
Number of words: 2612 - Number of pages: 10.... of the Florentine Republic, and then later that year, he succeeded Adriani as head of the Second Chancery.
While in this position as Chief Secretary, he went on many diplomatic missions and observed many foreign governments in action. From these experiences, Machiavelli would later draw the conclusions, he writes about in The Prince. He was entrusted with numerous missions to France, ally of the Florentine republic, to meet with King Louis XII in the years 1500, 1504, and 1510. In 1502, Niccolò Machiavelli married Marietta Corsini and traveled to Romagna, where he observed the inciden .....
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Moral Development In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1768 - Number of pages: 7.... the novel, and then make a remarkable move to end up as a hero.
The narrators of The Great Gatsby and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
develop morally as the relate the story that reflects each one's position
in society.
The Great Gatsby, by Fitzgerald, is narrated by Nick Caraway. Nick
is a sophisticated observer of character, who starts out as an amoral
person. His character is a very peculiar one, because he is somewhat
neutral though this whole story, especially without condemning others of
what they don't have. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just
remember that .....
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A Rose For Emily: Victim Of Circumstance
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4.... all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad being left alone. She had become humanized" (219). This sounds as if her father’s death was sort of liberation for Emily. In a way it was, she could begin to date and court men of her choice and liking. Her father couldn’t chase them off any more. But then again, did she have the know-how to do this, after all those years of her father’s past actions? It also sounds as if the townspeople thought Emily was above the law because of her high-class stature. Now since the passing of her father she may be like them, a middle class work .....
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Cold Mountain: The Civil War
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... War. Many people contributed their time, effort and lives in the Civil War. The main character, Inman, walks away from a hospital for Confederate wounded at the start of the book and is constantly on the move, meeting odd and dangerous characters, even a Circe. Beginning with Inman’s decision to leave the hospital where he has been recovering from a near fatal neck wound which turns him into a deserter, or an “outlier”. As a fugitive, Inman must take back roads and obscure footpaths, always hiding from the murderous Home Guards. Inman is sickened by the wanton waste of young lives .....
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Number of words: 880 - Number of pages: 4.... hurts; his loved ones. This originally peaceful monster, now bitter and hateful, resorts to random acts of violence to compensate for its mistreatment. At "birth," when the first spark of life shot through the creature, there is an apparent natural love and respect for the creator. Victor, on the other hand, fled in disgust at first sight of " the miserable monster which I have created"(57)and hoped to never see it again. But like a child, 's monster returned expecting to be accepted: " And his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me. His jaws opened, and he muttered some inartic .....
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The Glass Menagerie: Amanda Wingfield Is Annoying
Number of words: 380 - Number of pages: 2.... to have as many
gentlemen callers as she had when she was a young woman. She kept talking
about having 17 gentlemen callers at one time. How she would set each one
and talk to each one about the important issues of life.
Amanda wants to know what each one of her children are doing each
minute of the day, in scene III, where Tom and Amanda are having
dissolutions about his books, and he can not have certain things kept in
her house; not realizing it was he who was paying the rent, and she wanted
to keep him under her shirttails, and she hated him going to the movies;
she thought he wa .....
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A Worn Path: What Was Phoenix Jackson Doing Out There?
Number of words: 858 - Number of pages: 4.... this old lady or was there anybody at all. Maybe she was to shy to ask for help or she had to strong of a will and is "going to bend over backwards" for her grandson and will do whatever it takes to make sure that her grandson is healthy until she can not any longer. Another thing is the doctors and nurses know about the condition of her grandson and did nothing to help other than give her some medicine and sent her on her way. This was just one description of the lack of respect that was present in her society. In our society, were are taught always to respect our elders and help them in a .....
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The Invisible Man: Philosophy Through Characterization
Number of words: 591 - Number of pages: 3.... nearly
ruins him, but the narrator manages to survive and is given a briefcase
containing a scholarship to a Negro college. This acts a high peak in the
narrator's quest since it sets him for his struggle in searching for
The narrator adores the college however is thrown out before long
by its president, Dr.Bledsoe, the great educator and leader of his race.
Ironically the narrator had seen Dr.Bledsoe as an idol aiming to gradually
impersonate him. He was expelled for permitting, Mr.Norton , one of the
college founders into the slave quarters and the Golden Day bar. After
that in .....
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