Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave
Number of words: 1207 - Number of pages: 5.... able to give the reader a more true picture of slavery. His poignant speeches raised the ire of many Northerners, yet many still felt the slaves deserved their position in life. Douglass, for his own safety, was urged to travel to England where he stayed and spoke until 1847 when he returned to the U.S. to buy his freedom. At that point, he began to write and distribute an anti-slavery newspaper called "The North Star". Not only did he present news to the slaves, but it was also highly regarded as a good source of information for those opposed to slavery.
During the Civil war, Douglass .....
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Young Goodman Brown: The Power Of Darkness
Number of words: 1380 - Number of pages: 6.... ashamed to let her desires be known. As she kisses him goodbye in the doorway the breeze gently blows the pink ribbons in her hair. “She is clearly the more intimate of the two” (42) and this seems to alarm Young Goodman Brown.
As Brown walks into the forest he meets up with a fellow traveler who states he is late since “the clock of the Old South was striking as I came through Boston and that is full fifteen minutes agone.” (Hawthorne, p.642) This is an indication that the fellow traveler is the devil since no mortal man could cover that many miles in such a short time on foot, but .....
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For Water Like Chocolate And The Handsomest Drown Man
Number of words: 371 - Number of pages: 2.... In For Water Like Chocolate the young woman gives birth to Tita. When she does this the baby cries “enough to fill a ten-pound sack”(pg.6). This is an example of magical realism, which allows the reader to go beyond the normal story and expand their imagination. When Tita grows up she falls in love with man named Pedro. On the eve of his wedding night to Tita’s sister, Tita bakes the cake and tears fall into the batter. At the reception the next day, all those who eat the cake breakout into tears of sadness as a reflection of Tita’s jealousy, sadness, and bitterness.
Magi .....
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Catcher In The Rye 3
Number of words: 581 - Number of pages: 3.... really do better, in school he went to bed and got ready for a good night sleep, until Holden woke up to Mr. Antolini petting his head! This freaked Holden out. " I wondered if I was wrong about Mr. Antolini making a flitty pass at me " (194).
Holden met a friend who always kept her kings in the back row, what he loves about her. Jane to Holden she was a Goddess! It seemed like every guy wanted her. Stradlater wanted Jane and Holden hated it. He got so pissed off when he found out that the two of them went and sat some where a little too comfortable for Holden's liking! " Give her the tim .....
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Like Water For Chocolate
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... he could marry Tita's sister, Rosaura though, and he did just so he could be closer to Tita. He never felt any love for Rosaura. Meanwhile, Tita stayed at home everyday, cooking and feeling depressed, and Mama Elena did not make things any better. She always yelled at Tita, and made Tita do everything for her. Tita could hardly even talk to Pedro. Either, because Mama Elena was constantly watching, and would yell at them every time they talked. Later, Pedro moved away with Rosaura and her other sister, Gertrudis, had run away with some man on horseback, and later became a prostitute. Nac .....
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Catch 22 Analysis
Number of words: 1484 - Number of pages: 6.... a variety of characters, who take part in different activities that enrich their community, it shows a pattern of slowly diminishing individuality among them. This trend become more apparent as the book progresses, and eventually fosters situations that can be characterized as simply farce. One such incident is clearly portrayed in SHITHEAD’s parade strategies. As the book begins, SHITHEAD is introduced as a lover of parades and little else. At first strict, wanting all soldiers to march in perfect formation, he later wishes to string together all participants to create a perfect march. Hi .....
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Of Mice And Men: Mini-Critique
Number of words: 624 - Number of pages: 3.... and his
large retarded friend, Lennie Small. George and Lennie are on their way to a
farm that has harvesting jobs available. While camped along side a river George
and Lennie talk about their dreams of someday owning a farm with rabbits for
Lennie to take care of. The next day George convinces the farm boss to hire
Lennie and him. Lennie's Love for feeling soft things becomes a problem when he
is playing with a puppy and accidentally kills it. The wife of Curley, the
boss's son, comes into the barn to talk to Lennie. The climax comes when
Curley's wife lets Lennie feel her hair, but .....
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A Perfect Day For Bananafish
Number of words: 712 - Number of pages: 3.... Sybil’s eyes, and the Seymour Glass that we see through the eyes of the adult world. Even though these two characters are in theory the same man, they are slightly different in some ways. You could also say that they are the same character in different stages of development. Whatever the case may be, the "reasons" for the suicide shift slightly in emphasis as the character changes.
"" attempts to symbolize that the bananas in
See More Glass’s story represent all of the things which are taken in along the journey to adulthood. If pursued with too much zeal, these bananas c .....
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Silas Marner: Eliot's Manipulation
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... accused of stealing by the members of his religious sect in Lantern Yard, his hometown. Having lost faith in both God and man, he seeks a new life in Raveloe with new inhabitants, and falls into a routine of work and loneliness. We learn that his greatest joy is in amassing money. He likes how they shine and feel. Silas' few attempts at being neighborly are received with suspicion and he is thought of as fearsome. The children are afraid of his "dead" personality. It is during this important time span when we learn about Silas' past through his flashback, and about his present isolat .....
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A Journey To The Center Of The
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... light, getting lost, injuries, and fatigue, were among them.
They make many discoveries. They find that there’s a sea, with fish and sea monsters. They find forests, giant mushrooms, animals that look like dinosaurs, and even what seems to be giant human beings.
The idea of writing this story came from a scientist who explored the crater of a certain mountain. Verne got the idea that maybe it would be possible to descend even further into the earth. Many of Verne’s “fantasy” stories have come true in the years following his death in the year 1905. Earth is farthest from reality. E .....
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