Term Papers on Book Reports |
Beowulf 4
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... arrogant and greedy, he relies upon worldly possessions. He metaphorically compares it to an archer shooting an arrow through a watchman, watching its poisoned shaft go through the watchman’s helmet, not being able to resist the devil’s treacherous temptations. He realizes how much he has, then he gets a taste for more and more material possessions. All of this leads to that person not realizing what his destiny is and, perhaps, having his throne taken away from underneath him.
Also, Hrothgar gives the belief that one should be gracious for what God gives to people in life and .....
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Fifth Business - Internal Battles Of Dustan Ramsey
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... did not exhort their religion it was known by all who was of what denomination and what they stood for.
Dunstans up bringing had an immense impact on his life style. To a certain degree, religion isolated people within the community from one another, however Dunstan’s mother had a tenderness display and was always open armed to anyone, despite their denomination. This influenced Dunstan’s disposition because he was raised to accept people for who they were, not merely for what they were, and despite his strict Presbyterian up bringing, Dunstan valued everyone equally and didn’t bel .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Characte
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... of the next guy. This malady is present on a national
level. It is the philosophy of business and comprises the dreams
of man. Sometimes, this can drive man to great things, sometimes
it can drive a man to ruin. Willy was driven to the latter.
(Not his own greed for he was a simple man with simple dreams,
but by the greed of others.) The developers who took away the
sun and gave birth to shadows, his boss who reduced him to
commission and his sons which reduced him to a failure.
The next largest flaw in society is a lack of compassion.
This could be as a result of almost overwhelmin .....
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Number of words: 1834 - Number of pages: 7.... written word, these stories could now be put down for people to read and serve as a reminder of their folklore. Not only to them, but to future people who come to read these documents. We have been lucky in the fact that over the last few hundred years, we have recovered many works from all over the world, dating back through years that had been long forgotten to many of us. In a great many of these works we have come into contact with many tales of heroism and the fight between good and evil. Just as the heroism in these stories may take on different faces, so does the evil present itself in .....
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Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk: A Review
Number of words: 277 - Number of pages: 2.... book talks a lot about control. People control the
conversation too much. We do this without knowing it. Sometimes people
control the conversation by talking Sarcastically: ‘is that what you're
wearing -- polka dots and plaid? Ooh, you ought to get a lot of
compliments today.' Blaming or Accusing: ‘Your finger prints are on the
door again, - why do you do that?" Name Calling: "How dumb can you be?"
Threats: "Touch it again and you'll get it!" Commands: "Pick it up,
now!" Lecturing, Warnings: "watch it you'll burn yourself." and
Comparisons: "Why can't you be more like .....
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Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations
Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2.... upon commodities. This led to "common" commodities
being used for exchange such as cattle, salt, or sugar. Metals became the
preferred common commodity because they were non-perishable and could be
divided. Metals were first used as crude bars of iron or copper with
richer nations using gold and silver. Eventually, the bars evolved into
money as we know it today, stamped by public office known as mint.
This first portion of Wealth of Nations struck me as a mini course in
basic economics. However, given the time period it was written, it did
give me an insight into how our ow .....
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The Horse And His Boy By C.S Lewis
Number of words: 1379 - Number of pages: 6.... to light a little further in the book.
Hwin- Hwin is a good-natured, sensible horse. Another slave taken from Narnia. She and Aravia become friends in time.
Other chractors who are seen in the book are:
Peter Pevensie- King Peter the magnificent, the High King.
Susan Pevensie- Queen Susan the Gentle.
Edmund Pevensie-King Edmund the Just.
Lucy Pevensie- Queen Lucy the Valiant.
The four Pevensies, brothers and sisters, visted Narnia at the time of the winter rule of The White Witch. They remained in Narnia for many years and established the Golden age of Narnia. Peter is the oldest, foll .....
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The Great Gatsby: Gatsby's Illusion Of Himself
Number of words: 693 - Number of pages: 3.... every newspaper he can find; he
buys a huge, romantic house that he hopes will merit her approval. The parties
that he throws every night in hopes that she will come become almost famous for
their extravagance and the variety of people that come.
A result of this is that Gatsby creates an illusion around himself,
also. His past is shrouded in mystery and speculation: some favorites of the
party-goers' theories on why he is so free and generous with his resources are
that he once killed a man and that he was a German spy during the war. He does
nothing to discourage these rumours; rather, he .....
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Wuthering Heights: Friendship Or Passion - The Chemistry Between Heathcliff And Cathy
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3.... a more
reasonable love for Catherine. Catherine is devoted to Edgar and his money,
yet was in love with Heathcliff. Nelly explains this situation when Cathy
told the maid Edgar proposed to her. “You love Mr. Edgar, because he is
handsome, and young, and cheerful, and rich, and loves you.”1 (Pg 80)
Catherine later admits her true love for Heathcliff and how Edgar never was
a match for her.
“That will do to explain my secret, as well as the other. I've
no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in
heaven; and if the wicked man in there had not brought
Heathcliff .....
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The Worth Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... point of the book
is that people are basically sheep, a point reiterated later when a large
group of people goes to lynch a man, and end up leaving quietly without
doing anything. This summarizes the basic view Mark Twain held of the
average southern person.
Mark Twain demonstrated the way a child might think when Tom Sawyer
started a band of outlaws in which everyone had to sign an oath in blood in
the beginning of the book. In Tom's band of thieves we see a stubbornness
in Tom whenever anyone tries to disagree with him, and a view of the world
that had a rather loose grasp of .....
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