Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Scarlet Letter: A Review
Number of words: 2198 - Number of pages: 8.... the same should be said of literature. Rosenblat
said the same idea better than I: "Keeping the live process of the
literary experience before us, I shall attempt to look more deeply into the
nature of the literary experience, and to explore implications for problems
of literary theory. . ." I think that Rosenblat would agree with me that
it might not be literature in my own sense, but on the larger scale,
literature it is.
II. At the beginning of the second semester, each individual in our
English class with Dr. Taylor wrote a small definition of what literature
was; it is this that I .....
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Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... picked up his bike and rode home, but just as he
thought he was safe Billy came out with his friends, attacked Alan and took
off, with his bike. He heard a drumming sound, Brummm-tum-tum! Brummm-tum-
tum!. He followed it to his fathers construction site where they were
building new offices. Finally he found where it was coming from. He dug
out a big trunk and smashed open the padlock with a spade. Inside the
trunk was a game called JUMANJI buried in sand. When Alan returned home
his parents were getting ready to go to a presentation. Alan's parents
announced that he would go to the .....
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Johnny Got His Gun Book Report
Number of words: 354 - Number of pages: 2.... informs the soldiers.
At the end of the movie Joe wants them to put him in a sideshow where, as a freak, he can make a living by making people see what happened to him in the war . If they won't do that, he wants them to kill him. The army does not do either. The nurse tries killing him but does not succeed because a army officer walks in on her when she was in the middle of the act. The irony of it all was that a patriotic young man went off and was wounded for no great reason. His mind remains the only thing alive in his vegetable like body. He becomes a prisoner of his own mind who will .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage: Henry Fleming
Number of words: 1186 - Number of pages: 5.... a battle" (Crane
16). Henry faces doubts and has to make a conscious effort to believe he
will not run. In addition, as Henry's regiment moves closer to the actual
battlefields, soldiers running from the battle render information to the
regiment. Henry's thoughts change after hearing the words of the fleeing
soldiers. "He resolved to get a view of it, and then, he thought he might
very likely run better than the best of them" (54). Henry assures himself
that he will run when he faces his first battle. Henry's worst fears come
true when he encounters the enemy for the first time. Henry fight .....
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Heart Of Darkness 2
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... and despair became the manifest themes of the novel. First of all, Marlow came face to face with death several times throughout his voyage. Marlow finds out about the death of Kurtz, the climax of the novel, when the manager’s boy said to Marlow, “Mistah Kurtz—he dead” (Conrad 64). Another death occurs when the attack on the steamer leaves the helmsmen dead with “the shaft of a spear in the side just below the ribs” (Conrad 64). Marlow decides to “[tip] him overboard” because “if [his] late helmsmen was to be eaten, the fishes alo .....
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"Evolution Of A Naturalist": The Biography Of Charles Darwin
Number of words: 355 - Number of pages: 2.... meant more to him. Even as he experienced extreme seasickness almost everyday of the five year long voyage, Darwin would not turn around and go back to England.
Another and maybe the most important trait was the ability to work hard. If Darwin found something that interested him, he would be willing to spend years working on it and improving it. An event that shows this occurred between 1846 and 1854. Charles knew that his fellow scientists would not agree with his theory unless he mastered the details of a zoological group. He decided to devote eight, painstaking years to the study .....
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The Canterbury Tales: Tools Of The Trade
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... so
many shall be slain himself before nightfall."
In "The Pardoners Tale" personification is employed to make Death a
person instead of a process. Death is given human characteristics to make
him more real to us. This tool allows the main characters to focus their
feelings.With the use of personification the three men are allowed to
focus their feelings of vengence on a person instead of a biological
Another tool that was heavily relied on was irony. There are many
examples used to show irony in the story. The old man sends the three
drunkards down a path where he says de .....
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Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3.... being presumed that the prize boy knew such things perfectly, for the lesson
of the term had been in the study of the four Gospels. Tom felt the necessity of
giving some answer, and his was "David and Goliath," to the surprise of the
visitor, the consternation of the head teacher and the amusement of the school.
When Tom went to church he took a large snapping bug (which has a grip like a
crab) with him, and it got hold of a church-going dog, which rushed around the
building and howled in a manner highly unbecoming to the place. When he was sick
his aunt gave him pain-killer, and when she wen .....
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Gulliver's Travels
Number of words: 1303 - Number of pages: 5.... not
only put into perspective the selfishness and unrelenting need for power of the
human race, but also opened his eyes to the untrusting and ungrateful nature of
those aforementioned. When he first arrived in their land, the Lilliputians
opted to tie him up, giving him no freedom, which he luckily did not object to.
Then, once they had developed a somewhat symbiotic realationship with him,
Gulliver was basically forced to abide to their whims and fancies, and
ultimately to be their tool in war. At any time, Gulliver could have escaped
their grasp, but instead, he opted to stay and ob .....
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Lotery Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 1993 - Number of pages: 8.... will "cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven.
The first real sign of evil is when he met up with the man (Devil) in the woods. The man was carrying a shaft. The shaft was dark and appeared to have serpents rapping around it. The man's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony, which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man.
Upon meeting the Devil in the woods Young Goodman Brown almost immediately stated that he did not want to continue this journey with the devil. He said he was from good people and that his dad or grandfather would have never done anything .....
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