Term Papers on Book Reports |
Critical Analysis Of Huckleber
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... cabin until he
returned in order to keep Huck from escaping. Nothing can harm a
child more than neglect and abuse.
The two ladies that take Huck in off the streets are Mrs. Watson
and the Widow Douglas. Mrs. Watson has several slaves, one of
whom was Jim. It gets to the point where she had no more use for
Jim, so she decides to sell him to New Orleans. Her actions are going
to separate and destroy a family. Jim decides that he would rather run
away than be torn from his family. This is another example of society
being cruel. Mrs. Watson doesn't have any use for Jim anymore so .....
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Brave New World 2
Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4.... proof that the system is not completely safe or stable, and will in time produce more and more “social rejects” that can only lead to destroy the system.
The conditioning process itself is also a good example of how innovation and “progress” can lead to the destruction of man. John got this in his belief that everyone, no matter how old, was an infant because of the conditioning systems. To truly mature, he thought, one must face suffering and constant cleansing (leading him to his time at the lighthouse). The acceptance and use of the notion that society should be .....
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The Flivor King
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2.... able to better himself, Shutt got married, had four children, and purchased a home. He was rising in the wolrd, in fact he had already surpassed his father in that he was able to bring home a paper after a days work and still have the energy to read it.
Shuytt worked hard for the Ford Company, and before he knew it, he had moved up in his line of work from a spindle-nut screwer to the manager of spindle-nut screwers. He was dedicated and believed he was doing the best for himself and heis family. His wife at home was begining to grow tired, however, with all four children, tow infant death .....
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The Colors Of Daisy Buchanan
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... desire.”(17). White is also a color that I find to be lacking depth and substantial emotion. Much of Daisy’s personality is never really revealed in the book and the use of white helps to shroud her in more mystery, as its purity does not disclose any further information about her. However, white is inaccurate when trying to portray Daisy as pure, as she did cheat on Tom. “His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp ag .....
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Native Son And Black Boy
Number of words: 1251 - Number of pages: 5.... they make him feel. I believe it to be though that Bigger does the most significant change in his character when he kills the young white girl Mary and gets sent to jail. With Mary he was able to let his feelings out after he had seen what happened, what he'd done. All the hate he could see that in a way he was like the white people, they're both full of hate and vengeance. The most significant change that effected the story is when all of this made bigger feel powerful and stronger so he felt better but everything just made him more angry and worse.
3. A narrative technique that I believ .....
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Huck Finn
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... took me for
her son, and allowed she would sivilize me...I got into my old rags and my
sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied." (page 1) Huck says this
shortly after he begins living with the Widow Douglas because it is rough for
him to be confined to a house and the strict rules of the Widow Douglas.
Huck’s father, a dirty and dishonest drunk, was also a problem. He
was so angry that his son could read, that he severely beat him and then
forced him to stay in a secluded cabin. Huck then devises a plan to escape
and heads down river were he teams up with Jim, a runaway .....
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Silas Marner: Characters In The Novel
Number of words: 215 - Number of pages: 1.... to opium. She was secretly
married to Godfrey. Godfrey would give her money and instead of using it
on their child she would use that money to buy more drugs. Molly died as a
result of her addiction to drugs.
Dunston was another character in this book that was not a class
citizen. Dunstun committed the second robbery. He was also the person
that got wildfire killed. On page 67 Godfrey said of Dunston " He'll
never be hurt, he was made to hurt other people. The robbery occurred
because of the death of the horse.
Godfrey was a man that did not ever want to acknowledge that he was .....
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Comparison Of The Characters In "A Doll's House" And "The Stranger"
Number of words: 1648 - Number of pages: 6.... around other people. This form of adjusting one's personality or
mask to suit a situation in life, is also common among characters in novels,
dramas, and other forms of literature. In certain characters it is evident
in the novel The Stranger and the play A Doll's House . In some
instances it is quite easy to notice but other times it may be difficult to
identify the changes in character's masks as the changes slowly develop
throughout the plot.
A form of mask wearing was found at the beginning of the novel The
Stranger, where Meursault goes to the beach to go swimming and meets .....
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Bartleby, The Failure
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... Melville had reached the prime of his popularity early in his career,
so when he published Moby Dick, his career was already in decline. His
disappointment was only to increase as his career diminished until his death
which was hardly noticed in the literary community. The narrator also resembles
Melville, but in a different way. Melville uses the narrator to view his own
situation from a 3rd person perspective. He attempts, and is somewhat
successful, in getting readers to feel sympathy for Bartleby, therefore,
sympathy for him. On the contrary, the narrator also scorns Bartleb .....
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Much Ado About Nothing
Number of words: 361 - Number of pages: 2.... Claudio first saw Hero and instantly fell in love with her, while Hero stood by and took orders from her father, Leonato. Only when Don John devised his deception to break Claudio and Hero apart that I felt the relationship was in trouble, but even then I felt there was hope.
In Act 4, Scene 1 when Claudio denounces his plans to marry Hero, I believed the Friar played the most important role. In fact, I will go as far to say that the Friar played one of the most important roles in the whole play, simply because he made Claudio understand that he loved Hero still, and made Claudio feel .....
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