Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Chosen By Chaim Potok
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3.... with Danny to becoming his best friend with whom he spens all of his free time, studies Talmud and goes to college. Reuven truly grows because he leans, as his father says, what it is to be a friend. Another way that Reuven grows is that he learns to appreciate different people and their ideas. He starts out hating Hasidim because it’s the “pious” thing to do, even though his father (who I see as the Atticus Finch of this novel) keeps telling him that it’s okay to disagree with ideas, but hating a person because of them is intolerable. Through his friendship with Danny, stud .....
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As For Me And My House And Surfacing: Heros
Number of words: 1731 - Number of pages: 7.... the fact that Mr. Bentley is Horizon's minister.
Religion is a system of beliefs which contextualizes difficult subjects such as death, pain and suffering. According to Jordan Peterson it is human tendency to model facts, value is placed on these facts and we systematically assess what each fact signifies. This psychological process eliminates anxiety and fear. The need for a belief system is so great that Peterson states that: "We must model meanings in order to survive" (Peterson 8).
The character of Paul effectively articulates the psychological function of religion. Paul articulates .....
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Cheaper By The Dozen
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... lather his face with two brushes and then try to shave with two razors. The idea with the two razors didn't work quite as well as some of his other objectives. For instance, he was angrier at the fact that it took him two minutes to put a bandage on his neck then the slash he gave himself while shaving with two hands!
No matter what the situation was, Mr. Gilbreth always pushed to work harder and have the family retaliate with the same amount of effort. Every so many months, he would stop into the children's school and pay a visit to the principal and teachers. He would always ask how his .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... He is trapped between a rock and a hard space. If he tells the citizens, he is no longer the great reverend. Then again, if he doesn’t, he will be forced to carry the ever so heavy burden. Dimmesdale waits for such a long time that the guilt has already got to him by the time he is ready to confess. He carves the letter, “A,” into his chest. He beats himself with leather whips, and has to go for long walks in the woods. Back then the woods where known to everyone as the place where the Black Man lives. In this book, Dimmesdale is the dominant character that shows how guilt ca .....
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A Heritage Denied
Number of words: 891 - Number of pages: 4.... (Dee) will manage to visit (Walker 73). Although Dee indicates that she will visit, shame prohibits her from revealing what she considers an inferior home life to her friends. Her mother realizes Dee’s embarrassment and knows “she will never bring friends [to the house]” (Walker 73). Unfortunately, the manner in which Dee chooses to alleviate the shame of her heritage, seemingly with no regret, causes her family to suffer.
Shame motivates Dee to conceal parts of herself that reveal her heritage. When Dees’s mother addresses her by her birth given name, Dee corrects her and sa .....
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Arugumentative Essay On The Gl
Number of words: 932 - Number of pages: 4.... She would constantly downplay her children about what they had become. "Sounds to me like a fairly responsible job you would be in if you just had more get-up." (Act 1, Scene V, pg. 54.) Amanda could never show any
recognition for what her children had achieved. After Laura had dropped out of business school, Amanda was very pessimistic about her future, and was sure she
would become an "old maid." Amanda did not even think of the
possibility that Laura could be successful on her own, she failed to recognize
that maybe both Laura and Tom would be happy and successful if they were only gi .....
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Crime And Punishment: Protagonist And Antagonist Essay
Number of words: 1691 - Number of pages: 7.... that he resides in, and we get to know his
family situation as we read the long letter from Raskolnikov's mother.
Then we witness the murder as it is graphically described by Doestoevsky.
After reading this graphic description of the murder, how can the reader be
sympathetic towards Raskolnikov? How can the reader believe that a
murderer is the protagonist? It is, in fact, not hard to accept this
murderer as the protagonist. Raskolnikov believed that by murdering the
pawnbroker, he rid society of a pest. We realize that if the victim would
have been someone other than an evil old p .....
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Jurrasic Park
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... park, and everything goes wrong from there. As he is racing to get to the dock, where a boat is waiting to take the embryos, He realizes that he has gone the wrong way. He gets out of the car to try and figure out where he is and he's attacked and killed by one of the dinosaurs. Now the power is out and all the animals can get out of the no longer electrified fences. The others are stopped in front of the T-Rex holding area and he breaks through and attacks them. Everyone flees and is scattered through the park. The animals begin attacking the control building. Since all the power is out th .....
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A Journey Into The Heart Of Da
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... in his life. After reading Kurtz's report about his progress down the Congo, Marlow finds that Kurtz lied, and in part loses all the respect he ever had for Kurtz. However, Marlow still continues to pursue him. Marlow continues his journey up the Congo River, penetrating further and further into the heart of darkness. In the process, Marlow reverts back to his innate state to survive, whether or not that means going against his principles. Finally, 200 miles later, Marlow meets Kurtz, who is the object of his psychological desire, only to find him very ill. After Kurtz's death, Marlo .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: The Brave Jem Finch
Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2.... thought it was
his dutyto stick up for his father when others in the town said thingsabout him.
"Jem," he said, "are you responsible for this?" "Yes sir." "Why'd you do it?"
Jem said softly, "She said you lawed for niggers and trash."
Jems bravery was also evident in other character traits;emotions were a large
part of his life. Because Atticus was a lawyer, Jem often went to the court
room and noticed the variety ofstrong emotions that are invoked by the pressure
and atmosphere ofthe courtroom. Jems bravery makes him conscious of his
emotionsand he doesn't always want others to know ho .....
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