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Term Papers on Book Reports

John Steinbeck's`"In Dubios Battle": Summary
Number of words: 2133 - Number of pages: 8

.... A strike was brewing, and Mac and Jim were determined to carry it along and direct its course. Luck was with them. Shortly after their arrival at the camp of the workers, Mac, by giving the impression that he was a doctor, delivered the camp leader's grandchild. Word of his accomplishments spread throughout the area. After Mac and Jim became friends with London, the leader of the camp, and the other workers, they persuaded the fruit pickers to organize and strike for higher wages, and better living conditions. This was not easy to do. As usual the orchard owners had made effective .....

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Book Report, Reinventing Government
Number of words: 1244 - Number of pages: 5

.... a howitzer brought out to shoot ants, it left us with other problems.” The new problems grew out of the focus on internal processes and not, necessarily, effective outputs. The slower pace of society, technologies, and information availability allowed bureaucracies to be basically successful as it was still be able to handle the fundamental problems and services that the public wanted addressed. Osborne and Gaebler point out a variety of reasons that government cannot be “run like a business.” They do, however, advocate that government can borrow and tailor many of the management ap .....

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The Study Of Imagery In Adrian
Number of words: 1327 - Number of pages: 5

.... with high heels. “ (p. 35)” Before the entrance of Adrian to the psychologist’s room, he obviously does not expect much of a physical appearance. However, after he enters the room, ironically, Lenora turns out to be a smashing woman. Another use of irony is present in Adrian’s description of his mother in the new year’s eve: “As she slopped wine into a plastic glass for me, I could have a chance to take a close look at her. Her lips were surrounded red, her hair was blonde and glossy. Her cleavage wrinkled and her belly protruded from the little black d .....

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Martin Heidegger’s Being And Time
Number of words: 1191 - Number of pages: 5

.... In other words God had an underlying purpose in the creation of human existence. It is from Heidegger’s belief that existence precedes essence, which he finds the question of Being such an important question to come to terms with. He believes that if we have the ability to formulate and pose the question of Being, then we must also possess the answer to it. Heidegger’s term “Dasein” can be understood as meaning “being there.” “Being there” implies that there are a “being here” and a “being-over-there” etc., which are both spatial and temporal concepts. In other w .....

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Babbitt: Conformity
Number of words: 1786 - Number of pages: 7

.... his normal routine praising modern technology, material possessions and social status as ways to measure the worth of an individual. In fact the readers first encounter with Babbitt sees him praising modern technology. "It was the best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments, including cathedral chime, intermittent alarm, and a phosphorescent dial. Babbitt was proud of being awakened by such a rich device."(Babbitt pg.3) Babbitt praises the technology of his alarm clock only because it is a symbol of material worth and therefo .....

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The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2

.... a major turning point for the story. Roaming free, these beast-people are highly intelligent with murderous instincts. Their thirst for blood is pacified through a combination of sedatives and shock discipline. But events triggered by Prendick's unexpected arrival are about to break Moreau's God- like domination over these resentful creatures. The last drawing in my visual essay symbolizes a catastrophe. This was a point in the novel were all hell broke loose. Prendick found himself in the middle of a violent eruption between the doctor and his "family." Moreau, Montgomery, and .....

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The Last Of The Mohicans
Number of words: 613 - Number of pages: 3

.... of the book is Hawkeye. Hawkeye is described as having a big head and narrow shoulders. His arms are long and skinny and he has small hands. He also has thin legs which are very long. Hawkeye is much like a Metis Because he is white and educated but raised an Indian. Hawkeye at first does not want to get involved in the war he only wants to go and trap and make some money. He only wants to take them to the fort but then he falls in love and he stays. In the book Hawkeye faces a big challenge. Munro's daughters are taken hostage by a ruthless Indian chief named Magua. Hawkeye tries sa .....

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The Surprising Aspect Of Sex In Heller's Catch-22
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4

.... other level which when I first opened it was not expecting. This level is almost in a way more humanistic than the level I thought it would reach. The typical war story of courage and bravery seem to have disappeared from Heller's depiction. It shows that while there is a traumatic World War, and these soldiers are fighting for their country and more importantly to them, their lives, these soldiers have a life outside of the war to which they want to keep. Most of the soldiers are not there by choice. To be considered sane is to save your life and prevent yourself from having to fight. In .....

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France And England In A Tale O
Number of words: 2813 - Number of pages: 11

.... of comparison only" (1; bk. 1, ch. 1). The rest of the chapter shows that Dickens regarded the condition to be an 'evil' one, since he depicts both countries as rife with poverty, injustice, and violence due to the irresponsibility of the ruling elite (1-3; bk. 1, ch. 1). As the novel unfolds, however, England becomes a safe haven for those escaping the violence perpetrated by the French Revolution. In this paper, I shall argue that A Tale of Two Cities reflects the popular confidence in the stability of England in the eighteen-fifties, despite Dickens's suggestions at the beginning. A Tale .....

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Sea Wolf
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3

.... very different people with few similarities. Wolf was very strong and bullied everyone around. He believed everyone was insignificant, while Hump was nice, proper and believed everyone was unique and we all should live and that one person can make a big difference and change in the world. Wolf also tried to turn Hump into a strong man, since Hump was a wimp in everyone's eye on the boat. Wolf had one disadvantage though, during his voyages, he read many books, but was never able to say what he read or really talk about anything he read. When Hump came along, they shared and exchanged .....

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