Term Papers on Book Reports |
All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4.... the novel, and that it supports many of the author's lesser
themes. For the purpose of portraying war as something terrible, though,
the nature motif is expressed most dramatically in the following passages.
These passages mark the three distinct stages of nature's condemnation of
war: rebellion, perseverance, and erasure.
The first passage occurs in Chapter Four when the troops are
trucked out to the front to install stakes and wire. However, the
narrator's squad is attacked unexpectedly by an English bombardment. With
no visible enemy to fight, the soldiers are forced to t .....
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Emily Bronte's Life And Wuthering Heights
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5.... a vengeance ridden, cold, wild tempered, working class man who destroys the lives of everyone around him in seeking restitution for the injustices against him as a young boy. Edgar Linton is well-mannered, considerate, financially secure gentleman who sought only the love of Catherine. Many of those who read this novel would support the blatant obvious; Edgar Linton as the unsung hero of the story. That though is the blatant obvious and the easiest choice to consider within the novel. But the true hero of the novel is Heathcliff, due to the misfortune and bleakness of his past.
When exa .....
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The Magic Circle
Number of words: 402 - Number of pages: 2.... he knows about the devils. Peter is a normal young child who keeps his faith in The Ugly one till the end. Peter turns into a strong young man who is very knowledgeable about anatomy and demons due to his studies in books.
Bala was the neighbor who convinced The Ugly One to heal people. The Ugly One was not sure if the Bala was good or evil because of her name. The letters in Bala’s name were so similar to the Devils’ names. Bala treated The Ugly one very cruelly and had no respect for her because she was a hunchback. When The Ugly One turned into a witch, Bala was very q .....
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Persuasion--austin Poor Dick
Number of words: 1011 - Number of pages: 4.... important point. It seems that in the world of Persuasion, it is the qualities of usefulness, resourcefulness and capability that are attractive to the reader. To the aristocracy, what one does with one’s day is of the utmost importance. The Elliots are landed gentry and as such they do not work or conduct themselves in any manner of labor. It has often been said that the true mark of a gentleman is the ability to do no work. Austen, from the very beginning, sets the tone that the Elliots, excepting Anne, are worthless members of a worthless class. Austen describes Elizabeth Elliot in .....
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Johnny Tremain
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... because he couldn't work on Sabbath. So, Johnny told Mrs. Lampham
about this and she said that he could secretly work on Sunday. While Johnny
was working, One of the other workers handed him a broken piece which had a
crack in the side. It broke and silver when everywhere. Johnny's hand went
on the stove. He nearly burned it, it was completely silver on his palm.
They called for an old lady. A month later, they were going to unwrap his
hand out of the cloth they put it in. When they took off the cloth, it was
crippled. Johnny's thumb grew into his other fingers. He couldn't work .....
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The Double Life In The Importa
Number of words: 1338 - Number of pages: 5.... with a joke in the title that is not only a piece of frivolity. It concerns the problem of recognising and defining human identity. The use of earnest and Earnest is a pun, which makes the title not only more comic, but also leads to a paradox. The farce in The Importance of Being Earnest consists in the trifle that it is important not only to be earnest by nature but to have the name Earnest too. Jack realizes "the vital Importance of Being Earnest"(53) not till the end of the play. Algernon calls the act of not being earnest Bunburying which gives the plot a moral significance. Bunbury .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Holden's Love FOr Children
Number of words: 313 - Number of pages: 2.... to. He does not want to see her grow up. It is Phoebe who ultimately saves Holden.
Holden Caulfield is a confused sixteen-year-old who refuses to grow up. He is frightened to face his approaching adulthood and often thinks of killing himself so he doesn’t have to. He often thinks of his deceased brother Allie who will always be remember as a child, and he realizes the price one has to pay to remain a child is death.
Holden’s fear of growing up and his love for children is an important aspect of this personality and cause of some of the problems he has to deal with .....
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Jane Eyre: Ladies First
Number of words: 1462 - Number of pages: 6.... everyone except Mr. George
In Jane Eyre, Jane demonstrates a strong need to be herself, to
take responsibility for her action. She is put to the test by her daily
teasing and abuse from her cousins. When she is brought to a boarding
school she soon distinguishes herself through her classes. Eventually ends
up in Thornfield where she meets Edward Rochester.
While growing up in Gateshead Hall, Jane is treated less than a
servant. Her cousins John, Eliza, and Georgiana Reed remind Jane she has
no worth and is an unwelcome relative. Out of the three cousins John was
one o .....
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The Witches In Macbeth
Number of words: 1727 - Number of pages: 7.... were the witches, who surprised him, and he was impatient to verify their predictions, causing Duncan s murder (Hazlitt 11). Hazlitt noted that in this statement: "...and from the superstitious awe and breathless suspense into which the communications of the Weird Sisters throw him, is hurried on with daring impatience to verify their predictions (Hazlitt 11). This quote shows that the witches have control over Macbeth, since he is thrown into their world and pushed on to verify their predictions . Before heading to the very known area, let us explore a different point of view .....
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Racism In Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5.... in the author's bestowal of human expression to the one and the withholding of it from the other."(Achebe, p.255) This lack of human expression and human characteristics is what Achebe says contributes to the overflowing amount of racism within Conrad's novella. Human expression, is one of few things that make us different from animals, along with such things as communication and reason. This of course, being that without human expression, the native woman is considered more of a "savage...wild-eyed and magnificent," (Achebe quoting Conrad, p. 255), possibly even "bestial."
In an attemp .....
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