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The Influence That Hsi Yu Chi
Number of words: 1633 - Number of pages: 6.... writers. This ludicrous work which lacked philosophical depth and profundity was not only a satire of the Chinese Imperial System and Chinese bureaucracy, but it was an insult to the two most dominant religions at the time, Buddhism and Taoism. The writer had taken the text 'Hsi Yu Chi' and turned it into what was considered at the time, utter nonsense.
No wonder it was released anonymously.
Until very recently, an unabridged edition of 'Hsi Yu Chi' has not been available to Western Readers. Professor Yu has done a
marvelous job translating the long book (one hundred chapters). The Journey .....
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Silas Marner
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... Eppie “can’t feel as [she’s] got any father but one,” (715) meaning , who cared for and loved her for sixteen years. The lack of love that Godfrey has given Eppie can not be replaced with wealth, and Godfrey’s life must remain incomplete.
was once incomplete and unhappy also when he was “cut off from faith and love,” (602) and lived only to collect a hoard of gold. He shut out the rest of the world and any love he had for anything with it. “His life had reduced itself to the functions of weaving and hoarding” (602). In this life .....
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Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4.... own mother was forced to wear the bit so often that she has a permanent smile frozen on her face. Robbing the slave of the power of speech is a powerful way to make him or her feel like a beast. Paul D feels even less than the rooster that struts around him as he sits, mute and chained. Baby Suggs recognizes the importance of speech. She often tells her parishioners to love their mouths. Throughout , speechlessness defines the former slave's reaction to her and her past. For Sethe, the past is an unhealed wound that haunts her like the ghost of her dead daughter. Her daughter, Denver, lives .....
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Overview Of "Catcher In The Rye" And "Death Of A Salesman"
Number of words: 345 - Number of pages: 2.... be the best salesman, to
die, and have the death of a salesman, but in the end, it all backfired on
him, everything was the opposite of what he strived for. He started going
crazy, and then he lost it. He started to have his own conversations with
people that were not with him; people that were in his mind. He had a
imaginary girlfriend and many other friends that he would talk to. He put
most of his time into the people in his head, that he forgot about reality,
and went on a voyage with one of the people in his mind. That is how he
killed himself. Listening to somebody that wasn't the .....
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Of Mice And Men: George And Lennie's Lonesomeness
Number of words: 1378 - Number of pages: 6.... of the boss's son. As the novel concludes, George has to kill Lennie for his benefit. Later he goes into town and abandons his dream by spending his money.
The main cause of George and Lennie's lonesomeness and that of all the people at the ranch was a lack of a home. The only thing that kept the two men going was their friendship with each other and the hope to soon get a place of their own. In the novel George and Lennie mention what their dream place is going to be like. "Someday we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house, and a couple of acres and a cow and .....
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Macbeth 3
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... example of her deception towards him, and how she acts differently when she
is alone than when she is around him.
Another example of her being two sided is the role she talks about
playing in Duncan’s death, and the role that she actually does play in it.
There are a few times in the play, mostly when she is attempting to persuade
Macbeth into committing the murder, that she says he should just leave the
murder to her. Throughout the play she gradually decreases her role in the
murder until it becomes Macbeth’s job to kill Duncan, not hers. This is
another very larg .....
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Yugoslavia 2
Number of words: 3026 - Number of pages: 12.... the late 13th century. For over 700 years there have been large scale conflicts faught in the former Yugoslavia. (Communist state) There is now a large concerted effort to end the centuries of fighting by the International community. The root of the problem in the balkans is the longevity of the issue and centuries of ethinic and religious hatred that have been passed along from genreation, to generation. Is it really possible for the internaional community to quell this hatred? Sober second thoughts suggest that the type of peace imposed on the Balkans by the Dayton Accord continues to fuel .....
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The Lady With The Pet Dog: A Review
Number of words: 904 - Number of pages: 4.... erase the pain of the last affair and excite him with something new. This lasted until one day he saw a woman wearing a beret walking a white Pomeranian. He lusted after her. He would see her in a public garden and in the square several times a day. Dmitry gets to know the woman as Anna, which then turns his lust of women into passion for Anna.
Dmitry’s passion begins as he starts to learn about Anna. He recognizes that they have a lot on common. They are both married, not of their free choosing. Dmitry, who’s marriage was chosen for him when he was in the second year of school. Anna, wh .....
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Hysteria In The Crucible
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... of the event. This happens by the promotion and spread of fear throughout a community. Promotion is important because without public knowledge of the fear social unrest will not take place. As seen in the Crucible, promotion is shown when Reverend Parris holds a meeting of the largest town gossips to tell them of Betty and Ruth's ailment, and that witchcraft may be involved. This knowledge starts a chain reaction through Salem, which spreads the news to everyone in the town. During the Red scare media exploitation had already plagued America, so promotion was almost instant.
At this poi .....
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Critical Essay On Billy Budd
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... Billy is unable to
defend himself verbally, he "responds to pure nature, and the dictates of
necessity" by lashing out at Claggart. I agree with Reich's notion that Vere was
correct in hanging Billy, and that it is society, not Vere, who should be
criticized for this judgement; for Vere is forced to reject the urgings of his
own heart and his values to comply with the binding laws of man.
First, the moral issue aside, Captain Vere had no choice but to convict
Billy. As captain of a ship under pressure of war and the constant threat of
mutiny, Vere had to act swiftly. Also, as captain, Ver .....
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