Term Papers on Book Reports |
A Clockwork Orange
Number of words: 1720 - Number of pages: 7.... This lack of personal moral
choice imposed upon Alex creates conflicting situations in which he has no
control over. This is apparent when trying to readjust into society. As
conflicts arise within the spectrum of criminal justice the main focus is
revolved around the corrections aspect of reforming the criminal element.
Within the confines of the seventies Londoner. The character, Alex is
created as the ultimate juvenile delinquent leading a small gang. Living within
his own world the use of old Londoner language and attire reflect the non-
conformity with society. Let loose .....
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The Odyssey The Role Of Prophe
Number of words: 1534 - Number of pages: 6.... periodically every year because her daughter ate Hades’ pomegranates. Prophecy plays an important role in the whole of Greek folklore. Something this ever-present bears further examination.
In The Odyssey, prophecy in its myriad forms affects nearly every aspect of the epic. Prophecies are seen in the forms of omens, signs, strict prediction of the future, divine condemnation, and divine instruction. Though conceptually these forms are hard to distinguish, they are clearly separate in the Odyssey. Moreover, prophecies can be interpreted not only on the "plot device" level, but al .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Forms Of Punishment
Number of words: 238 - Number of pages: 1.... given
can take many forms. In the book The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniele
Hawthorne, The protagonist, Hester Prynne, is punished for an act of
adultery. Her sentence was to bear a scarlet letter of "A" upon her
bosom. This punishment is a form of public humiliation. In the 1620's
this form of punishment was one of the severest sentences given. The
people would want the guilty to suffer in front of his fellow man. To
keep the person from hiding himself from his humiliation, they produced a
device that would hold the hands and the head of the culprit in front of
everyones view. Accor .....
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The Ambivalent Relationship Of Nick And Gatsby
Number of words: 1051 - Number of pages: 4.... him. Such as when he describes Gatsby’s attire as a “
gorgeous pink rag of a suit...” (162) Nick is constantly putting Gatsby
down in his mind. “Gatsby who represented everything for which I have an
unaffected scorn.” (6)
Carraway is curious about Gatsby, he can’t quite figure out whether
or not Gatsby is lying because Gatsby resists classification (Donaldson134).
Nick can almost forgive Gatsby for going after Daisy because of his
extraordinary commitment to his dream(Donaldson137). Nick isn’t able to
grasp the depth and intensity of Gatsby’s dream (Donaldson 138). Gatsby .....
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Frankenstein: The Creator's Faults In The Creation
Number of words: 1323 - Number of pages: 5.... of causes
its creator to say "breathless horror and disgust filled my heart"(56). He
overlooks the seemingly obvious fact that ugliness is the natural result when
something is made from parts of different corpses and put together. Were he
thinking more clearly he would have noticed monster's hideousness.
Another physical aspect of the monster which shows a fault in Frankenstein is
its immense size. The reason that Frankenstein gives for creating so large a
creature is his own haste. He states that ,"As the minuteness of the parts
formed a great hinderance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to .....
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The Effects Of Setting On Character In "The Masque Of Red Death" And "The Shawl"
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... to survive. She had nowhere to hide
as Prospero did. Yet in the end Prospero had to face death while Stella
did not, even though she was in the camp. The attitudes of the two
characters and the setting probably are what kept them alive.
In comparison of the way the setting affected character, we see
they were quite alike also. Prospero's morbid lifestyle was quite unusual.
His room of black with scarlet panes of glass, his ebony clock with a low
dull monotonous chime and the bizarre masquerade party all show he was
unusual and fascinated with the bizarre. Stella's description of ravenou .....
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Diary Of Anne Frank: Notes
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... Daan loved her son, Peter, and her husband, although they argued
most of the time. She clinged to one material possession, her fur coat
given to her by her father.
Mr.Dussel was a Jewish dentist that picked on Peter van Daan for every
little thing. He wasn't a very religious Jew, but he still wore the blue
Mr.Kraler was one of the people that helped them survive in the lonely
attic. He with Koophuis was sent to the camps with the Jews for housing
them. They both miraculously survived the camps.
Mr.Koophuis was the manager of the building occupying the group of Jews. As
I already .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 1022 - Number of pages: 4.... of others. The developers’ greed took away the sun and left him with only shadows. Willy’s boss reduced him to commission and even his sons reduced him to a failure. All of this greed around him led him to ruin. The next largest flaw in society is a lack of compassion. This could be as a result of overwhelming greed. The main culprit or cause of this flaw is big business. “I’m always in a race with the junkyard! I just finished paying for the car and it’s on it last legs. The refrigerator consumes belts like a goddam maniac. They time those things.” (Act 2, Page __, lines 16-1 .....
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Tribulation And Comedy In Lucky Jim
Number of words: 2175 - Number of pages: 8.... the same time, he feels compelled to continue seeing her.
Although it is not clear, his behaviour seems to be partly derived from a
tragic sense that beautiful girls are not for him. As well, it seems to
come from an unprecedented, yet noble sense of duty combined with pity; and
a belief that he hasn't "got the guts to leave her" (Amis, 1953, 201).
Essentially, Jim lacks confidence. In noting Margaret's deceit, one
observes from the inception of their friendship, that Margaret is
manoeuvring Jim into something he is not aware he is being involved: "It
had seemed only natural for a female .....
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Moby Dick 2
Number of words: 3474 - Number of pages: 13.... treatment on board this vessel, and would soon abandon them at an island of the Marquesas with another member of the crew. On this island they ran into a group of cannibals that, instead of harming them, would take them in. None the less, both the men would grow tired of the tribe and would escape, although Melville did remain slightly longer than is counterpart. When Melville did escape, however, he would board the Lucy Ann, a whaling ship that was temporarily docked on the island. This ship though, proved itself no better than the Acushnet, and Melville would escape to Tahiti, again .....
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