Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Great Gatsby And The American Dream
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... his only goal and dedication in life. This symbolizes
how Gatsby being frustrated and disillusioned by failing to be satisfied in
his long sought position, tries to escape the American dream in favor of
the soft values in life. Daisy becomes his obsession in life and the
disappointment when he realizes her lack of affection for him is fatal.
By introducing Nick as a narrator, who is also partially supporting
Gatsby's principles regarding the pursuit of happiness, Fitzgerald lets the
reader start out with a biased mind. However, throughout the book, his
opinions become less influential on th .....
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The Outsiders: Character Changes
Number of words: 243 - Number of pages: 1.... Darry hated him because he was
too strict with him. But when Pony's best friend Johnny died of injury from
the church fire, Pony began to be in denial about Johnny's death. He started to
drop grades and fail classes, He became scatter minded. When he read Johnny's
note to him, he got over it and wrote a book for an English essay, and he found
out that Darry really did love him.
Johnny was a quiet, scared and abandoned teenager, yet when he
was with the gang he felt happiness and forgot all his troubles. But when he
saved the five children from the burning church, for the first time in h .....
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Macbeths Ambition
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... takes possession of the throne. Macbeth displays political ambition first of all because of his wife. After she reads her husband’s letter about his meeting with the witches, she suggests for Macbeth to kill Duncan so she could be queen. At the beginning Macbeth hesitates to talk about such a thing and even lists the reason not to kill: he is his king, his uncle and his guest. Not completely sure about it and victim of his own desires for power he finally accepts Lady Macbeth’s plan for murdering the ruler of Scotland. This decision portrays Macbeth’s dirty morality .....
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A Natural Curiosity By Margare
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... off to locate the father of the murderer. The reason this infatuation continues relies solely on the fact that Whitmore offers Alix an “intellectual and psychological stimulus of an unusually invigorating nature.”
The chain effect remains evident as individual dilemmas that arise between members of a social group ultimately affect the group as a whole, underlying the theme of the novel. Throughout the novel, when two or more people disagreed on an issue, a third party swiftly enters the picture offering either hurt or help to the issue. In one instance, Carla Davis, a deceitful woman, .....
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Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony
Number of words: 1093 - Number of pages: 4.... that they had never heard before and could not understand. They feared rituals and ceremonies that seemed strange and suspicious. They feared a social unity of sharing and togetherness that they found alarming and intimidating.
The Indians woke up one morning to find that the lands they once belonged to were no longer theirs. The deeds and papers said the land now belonged to the white folk. It was taken away from them by sheer physical force, stolen, and they were sent away to live on reservations. Tayo was a part of the Laguna Pueblo reservation.
As a young kid on the Lagun .....
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Symbolism In Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... “Jim, this is nice, I wouldn’t want to be nowhere else but here.” They no longer need to have the thrill of mischief to keep them going. Merely being surrounded by the Earth’s beautiful resources now give them satisfaction they need.
Although some days are filled with complete peacefulness, there are days when our loyalty can be tested. On what started out as a peaceful day, there became a great fog. Huck and Jim were traveling closely by one another. The awful conditions caused the raft and canoe to be separated. A true test of friendship was tried. Huck failed this test, as he .....
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How To Justify Spending Money On Oneself In A Pair Of Silk Stockings
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... life. She always put her children first, but this time she thought of her own self-identity.
The Need of Spoiling Yourself
A dilemma that many people are familiar with is the questions whatever to save or to spend the extra amount of money they have in their pockets. Everyone has a desire to spoil themselves every once and a wile, because of the need of feeling important, attractive and appreciated.
Mrs Sommers reacted in a way that most people would do in a situation like hers. When you at first find yourself as the unexpected possessor of a large sum of money you probably begi .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 1291 - Number of pages: 5.... comment." (189). Miss Emily was convinced that she had no
taxes in Jefferson because before the Civil War the South didn't have to pay
taxes and since her father had made a contribution to the town of a generous
amount, Colonel Sartoris, mayor at that time had remitted her taxes, she felt
that that promise or rather gift still stood good. "After her father's death
she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw
her at all."(190). Miss Emily might have stayed out the public eye after
those two deaths because she was finally alone, something she in her l .....
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Symbolism In The Scarlett Lett
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... a sinner and has committed adultery she is looked down upon by the people of the town.
In the middle of the book as several years have passed the meaning of the letter “A” starts to change. Instead of it meaning adultery it means something else which is a good meaning. The reason for this is because she starts to create beautiful needlework and she helps the people who are poor and sick. “The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her -- so much power to do and power to sympathize -- that many people refused to interpret the scarlet 'A' by its .....
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Mark Anthony's "Crypt Of The Shadowking": A Fantasy
Number of words: 990 - Number of pages: 4.... where the nightstone, an ancient artifact of great and evil
power, believed to be. Caledan finds this out through a connection within the
slums and goes to find his old traveling companions who once made up the Company
of the Dreaming Dragon. After reuniting, the company goes to find the tomb of
Merrimeck to find the secret of the shadow song, the known power against the
Shadowking and the nightstone. As the company travels to toward the Fields of
the Dead, they encounter a shadevar, a horrifying and powerful foe thought to
have been banished from the world of Toril long ago. After a .....
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