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Term Papers on Book Reports

Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six
Number of words: 1476 - Number of pages: 6

.... as a ‘special consultant'. He will become very important later on in the book. Clark is the commander and in charge of starting a new European anti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is split into two teams; Team 1 and Team 2. These teams are the best there is. They are based in Hereford, England, but any European country can call on them at any time. They run 3 miles in 20 minutes every morning at 6:00 am. Only one team will be on-call at a time. The team that is not on-call will be doing live fire practices. In the first 6 months of being in operation they are ca .....

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Hesse's Siddhartha: Siddhartha's Character
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4

.... and felt that he had learned all he had to learn amongst his elders, and he was right. He chose to follow another path in life, a path that would show him another part of how people in his world lived. Siddhartha did not allow himself to stick to something that he could not feel to be right, thus he could not stay and worship the gods his father worshipped. He, as discontent people long for, set out to search for the internal happiness that he had not redeemed yet. As Siddhartha wandered through his multiple phases in life, he learned overwhelming aspects. He seemed so above the c .....

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Lord Of The Flies: About The Author
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3

.... Flies as the first hint of the evil within man and society. The entire book is set upon a beautiful desolate island located probably somewhere in the Pacific near the first atomic bomb detonation. This land was pure and basic; it was a Garden of Eden, that is, until man arrived. Upon the boys' arrival (a plane crash), a scar was left on the island. It was a plane, an offspring of man's creation, that disturbed nature's beauty. Golding continuously showed how the setting was terrorized by man. Man was not even there for one week and they have already destroyed half of an island that nature t .....

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Parkland By Victor Kelleher
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4

.... even when threatened. Physically he is very fit and is great at climbing walls.This comes in handy when he is trying to find out information with out being caught. Half way through the book the keepers do to him what is known as ‘ deprogramming', which gives him a stroke and his skills are reduced due to the left side of him being limp. Boxer goes through a lot of pain to save his friends and never grizzles or wants anything in return which I find is very admirable. Near the end of the book Boxer commits suicide so not to slow everyone else down, this part of the book is very sad. RALPH .....

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Waterlily By Ella Cara Deloria
Number of words: 350 - Number of pages: 2

.... suppose to publicly display emotion in Dakota tradition. After being publicly humiliated, Blue Bird, her grandmother and Waterlily luckily and happily ran into their family's tiyospaye. The reason why it was so fortunate is because Blue Birds parents and brothers were killed one day when Blue Bird was about fourteen. They were taken in and made to feel at home. Along with finding their family, Blue Bird also met her new husband, Rainbow. Rainbow was a good provider, hard worker and a widow who had a son. Little Chief. Together, Rainbow and Blue Bird would have two more children. .....

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Summary Of 1984
Number of words: 838 - Number of pages: 4

.... Party very well from the telescreens. He hated the party but he knew there was nothing he could do. He had heard of an anti-Party organization called the Brotherhood, but there was no way of knowing if it really existed. He didn¹t know if anyone felt the same way he did, but he was sure there must be. The Party was reconstructing society as a whole, and no one seemed to notice. it was done so systematically and effectively, it was hard to believe the world had ever been otherwise. Children were raised to love Big Brother (the human face the Party took on). They were taught to turn anyon .....

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A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy For
Number of words: 2413 - Number of pages: 9

.... onto his senses, its effect is more powerful than the drug induced mood in `Nightingale`. The first line introduces us to the personified autumn. The exclamatory phrase `mellow fruitfulness` heightens the syntax tone immediately and prepares the reader for a stanza rich in tactile and visual images which intensify this opening. The beauty of autumn is emphasised through phrases like; `ripeness to the core`, `swell the gord`, ` o’verbrimmed their clammy cells’. Keat’s use of the adjective `plump` as a verb excels this `ripeness` and together intensifies the beauty, .....

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The Anasazi Indians
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2

.... families of hunters and seed gatherers. They developed agriculture, learned to make baskets and irrigate. The Anasazi religion was very different compared to other religions of the world. Anasazi Indians chose to bury their dead either in the trash or against walls. The ghosts of the Anasazi were feared widely by most Navajos for some reason. The oddest thing about the Anasazi is that they had some kind of infatuation with a humpbacked, flute playing man named Kokopelli, or the Watersprinkler. On many walls all over the area, a drawing of Kokopelli can be found. These Indians also drew wid .....

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Heart Of Darkness 3
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2

.... reside. This is a large contrast from where Marlow started out, which was seemingly the Garden of Eden. Reading the section of the story that I did consider the Garden of Eden, I felt quite empty, as if it was a place where only Marlow and his companions were. Conrad used detail in this section which really made me pick up on this feeling of loneliness. When we finally arrive to the “inhabited devastation,” the feeling that Marlow along with his companions are the only people there, evaporate. Immediately, the mountainous scenery strikes me. The details that Conrad gives of .....

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The Scarlet Ibis: Summary
Number of words: 263 - Number of pages: 1

.... and is challenged to learn how to walk with the help of his brother, six years older than he is. Doodle's brother didn't want to take Doodle everywhere in a go-kart, so the both of them were determined to make Doodle walk by his birthday, and he does. Throughout the entire story Doodle and his brother are faced with challenges that people believe he won't be able to accomplish, but they show them wrong. As Doodle grows older, his brother makes sure that he doesn't fall behind the other kids and tries to keep Doodle ahead of, or at least at the same level as the other children. Doodle l .....

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