Term Papers on Creative Writing |
The Hurt Of Others
Number of words: 340 - Number of pages: 2.... him once or twice, but we were unable to get together. When I entered grade ten, I found I was making more new friends, forgetting about Fred. Later I had found Fred had buried himself with crime, getting into a lot of trouble.
One day I saw Fred sitting on a bench by himself. I approached him with an uneasy walk..... " Fred..," I said.
" Colin!" he exclaimed. We talked for about half an hour, forgetting I had to be in class. After I talked to him I felt a sigh of relief. I have not spoken to Fred since that day on the bench as he is living somewhere else now. I still have a feelin .....
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Creative Writing: Downfall
Number of words: 1171 - Number of pages: 5.... this point madness must have surged through my blood for before
I understood what was happening I found myself staring at the rickety old
sign at the border of our town which read Melas. As I came nearer to the
chapel I expected the tormenting sensation in my head to diminish. Alas,
it did not. The truth is that the throbbing increased to what I can only
describe as a cranial vibration. This timbre was not painful, however, nor
uncomfortable, but pleasant.
Up ahead loomed the ancient chapel. It had been abandoned for
nearly a century and some invisible force kept the decrepit mort .....
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Creative Story: Our Journey To Earth
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... setting in this picture is very
relaxing and seems to be a place of excitement for the jovial humans.
Cigarettes appear to be a source of absolute happiness.
Another source of satisfaction for the humanoids are bottles of alcohol
which seem to bring smiles to dispirited individuals. This picture that I'm
looking at now has some type of amphibious creature saying the same word
"Budweiser". This small creature is in the middle of a large humanoid gathering,
where females are sitting on the laps of males, and everyone seems joyful.
Everyone has their forelimbs risen, holding drinks, and there .....
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The Loss Of A Friend
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2.... me to be there for her. The next two days seemed to drag. Dread and anxiety filled my body. The day was coming and I had no idea what to expect.
The day of the funeral was a beautiful summer day. The sky was blue with not one cloud visible. It seemed ironic that a day filled with such sorrow had such a gorgeous setting. I remember walking into the funeral home seeing so many faces filled with pain. Amanda was sitting with her family. She turned and cried in my arms. Her Mom gave me a hug. I felt at a loss for words. I had nothing to say. As I sat she promised me she would not cry. I sat .....
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My Wedding Day, Or Is It?
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... all over, I found the perfect wedding gown. I got the invitations out, and all the other arrangements changed.
I awoke early Saturday morning August 17, my wedding day, or was it? I really wasn't a nervous bride. I finished packing my luggage for the honeymoon. I went to get my hair styled and do some last minute touches. All set at least that's what I thought.
My wedding was scheduled to start at 4:00 P.M. My mother, sister, and I arrived at the church. It was almost four o'clock. I was at the church waiting to walk down the aisle with my dad. Suddenly, someone came in and .....
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Creative Story: Death Cload
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4.... Oldsmobile can travel over twice the speed of sound
undetected by enemy radar. With a push of the throttle the twin-turbine engines
roar with authority. The bird takes flight disappearing into the night skies
evanescently. The only sign that it exists is the trademark sonic boom as it
passes the sound barrier.
After approximately seven hours flight time and two in-flight re-fuelings,
the Blackbird reaches its destination, Moscow, Russia. The thermal imaging
camera, located in the bird's hull, depicts the radioactivity from nuclear silos
as bright yellow and orange blobs on the terr .....
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Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... the kings magician, and would seek some answers from the faceless man. Beson was not one of those little tricky magicians, no, he was a true magician who used real magic instead of illusions, for Beson had served Seripita for more than five hundred years yet he did not look a day over thirty five. Beson had come across thousands of kings and had not found one half as sinister as King Peyna, so when prince Anders came seeking a solution Beson was more than grateful to conjure a plan to eliminate and rid the kingdom of the horrible Peyna. Beson told Anders of the dangers and punishment of .....
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A Creative Essay On A Birthday....
Number of words: 731 - Number of pages: 3.... stood there, waiting. With
a humming sound, the elevator started its quick ascension. Stepping out at
his floor, Jake looked around and spotted the door marked "2024."
"Okay, its only 2:54, I still have one minute left." Jake grasped
the knob, turning it and pushing at the same time. The door swung open
into a small, warm looking room. In the center there sat a small
receptionist's desk, and a blond woman sat there.
"Good afternoon, Ms. ..."
"(3****), she said, "You would be Mr. Jake Burgess?"
"Yes, I am him. Is Dr. Smith ready to see me yet?"
"Yes, I'll tell him you're here. He's .....
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Personal Writing: Why I Need A Car
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... late because the routes are convoluted. It takes hours to get
anywhere. The closest commercial area to my house is Park Royal and that
is a two hour walk away. There are no small stores and if I want milk, the
closest store is in North Vancouver, would you believe. I guess they
expect everyone to be so rich, so they can afford a car for every member in
the family (think again). Waiting for the buses in the freezing rain or
snow is so annoying. If I just had a car, I could jump into my it and
drive to Park Royal in a fraction of the time. I wouldn't have to wait for
buses anymore and I .....
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My Brother Christopher Mikula
Number of words: 388 - Number of pages: 2.... not only a brother but a friend !
Five years have pasted since my brother first left home. I'm away at
school and having a good time doing it. My brother goes to school just a ways
down the road. We have grown very close over the years. What I have here today ,
at school, playing hockey and studying to make the honor role, I owe partially
to my brother. He kicked me when I was almost going to let go and encouraged me
with his stories of his experience away from home. He has truly made the
greatest impact on my life and has helped me through those rough times. Although
it may hav .....
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