Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2.... have to kill another human being, or worse I myself will be shot and killed. How could my family and Abbey deal with this? Everyone here hates the war and just wants to go home to their families. Everyday dozens of men are shot or killed by land mines, and I am really becoming depressed. I have seen so many men die just inches away from me. All I can think of is that could be me. I have come to the conclusion that war is the most awful and barbaric thing that anyone would ever have to go through, and I hate it.
One night, in my sleep, I had a dream about being back home. I was with Abbey and .....
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Perosnal Writing: My Experience In The Navy
Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4.... Great Lakes, Illinois where the training camp for all new sailors started their first step of becoming a member of the United States team. There I see many young men and women came from different ethnic background, and different states. There was this one man wearing the Navy uniform, he gets everyone in attention by yelling “all of you stand up straight and fall in a single line.” Everyone just followed his ordered and formed a single line in just an instant. From that moment I knew I have to face a very challenging job which included with rules and regulations by the United States .....
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Problems With A Happy Ending
Number of words: 326 - Number of pages: 2.... nearby caught us. I could not escape because of the cigarette's strong
smell. It was a small offence to my friends, a big one to my parents and an eye
opener for me.
My father was raged, my mother was crying, and I saw that they actually
cared about my doings. They were concerned for me after all. With a hint of
tears in his eyes, my father turned to my weeping figure and asked once again,
in a warm voice, "Why did you do it?" As I began to reveal my feelings, my
mother hugged me and healed where it hurt the most. I guess I did it to get
their assurance of love for me. .....
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Personal Essay: Prejudice
Number of words: 1815 - Number of pages: 7.... and another was an
acquaintance. The African-American was also a friend of mine. Of the three
gentlemen that approached us, two were hispanic males that appeared to be over
21 and the other was a caucasian male that appeared over 21, although I couldn't
be sure. Although I didn't want to make any judgements about them, they looked
as if they were poorly dressed and over 21. So I deduced that they were in a
gang or they were drug dealers, high school dropouts, etc.;.
At first it appeared as if both groups would just pass by each other
unnoticed but the caucasian male in the o .....
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From Memory Back To Reality
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... Prom, and sport events. Furthermore, the yearbook must have picture of each student individually, teachers, staff, etc. I found it on the bookshelf in my room and withdrew it from the shelf. I placed it on my study desk and looked at the book cover of the yearbook. The color of the cover page was combined with many colors such as purple, green, blue, white, brown, and yellow. The title of the book for 1998 was In Vision. There was a huge eye with the number 98 placed at the center of the front cover page. It looked colorful but unique.
I turned to the front book cover over to the l .....
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My Decision To Get A Degree
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... that is required to be an over achiever. I believe this will motivate them to succeed and maybe “compete with mom”. With the computer information technology, it brings even more opportunity to learn a whole new area of skills.
Some people have not grown with the knowledge of computers and are finding they need more education in that area in order to function at a modern pace. Whether young or old education is valued and respected. Educating myself has changed my self-esteem in a positive, uplifting way. I will continue to work hard and discipline myself for what I must .....
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The Green Light Café
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... outside became trees and houses once again. Inspiration for a new song was never more than a glance to the sky away for Nick. He savored his forte- clever, witty social and spiritual observations. On this particular night, however, we rewrote the words to an old 80’s song that could not have been that good because none of us could remember the words, title, or artist who performed it. We knew the tune however, and the green light reaching down from overhead was enough to lead us through an improvisation that we happened to catch on tape. We listened to it over and over again. The s .....
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Narrative Essay On An Unforgettable Experience
Number of words: 254 - Number of pages: 1.... mum and I were also completing our
shopping at Margate on the last Saturday before christmas.
Hundreds of people were in the complex. Parking was at a premium. Fortunately we
went early and got a parking. We went about to complete our shopping. Shortly
after midday we had just entered a jewellery shop when all of a sudden there was
a tremendous explosion. My first thoughts were that it was an earthquake. My
hair was standing on ends.
I turned around and to my horror there were several people lying down with blood
around them. Slives of glass were strewn everywhere. Babies were howl .....
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Being The One Who Cares: A Good Teacher
Number of words: 2581 - Number of pages: 10.... We as teachers must
educate our student to the deadly effects of unprotected sex. I feel as
teachers earn tenure, they are more likely to effect the students in a more
personably manner. Having a stable and open classroom, I feel the students will
learn more and be a respected citizen in our society. In this project I will
discuss, prayer in the classroom, AIDS and tenure.
Prayer in school is a controversial issue that must be considered and
dealt with as quickly as possible. All people should feel free to worship and
have loyalties to whichever religion they choose. If no rel .....
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Never Trust A Man Who Wears Sunglasses At Night
Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4.... Park and found nothing unusual. he completed his second
search of the area, again finding nothing out of the ordinary. Now the
waiting began. Vlad was experienced in waiting, one had to be in this
profession. exactly a black car rolls into the park. Punctual, Vlad
thought, a good sign. Vlad watched as two men emerged from the front seat.
Both men had large bulges under their arms. High caliber handguns Vlad
thought, very nice, very efficient, very professional. The two man walked
to the side of the car, one surveying the area, the other slowly opened the
rear passenger door. A tall man .....
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