Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: The Wave
Number of words: 327 - Number of pages: 2.... would show them a movie of Hitler and his Nazi's to show these students
what they are becoming. I will tell them all that they would make great Nazi's.
I mean, look at it, how close did they come to World War Three happening in the
extreme. That would make me the new age Hitler and I can't and won't let that
happen. Well, that is what I will do, I will stop this immature stupidity and
end this. It has to work, if so I will probably have no job and soon after that
no life, It has to end tomorrow. .....
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The Inauguration
Number of words: 289 - Number of pages: 2.... to destroy all that we
have accomplished. It is time for us as nations and as individuals to set
aside our long-standing feuds and unite.
The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us and we must seek refuge upon
higher ground lest we be swept away by the flood. The confederacy is no
more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection it once provided is a
phantom - a memory. With our enemies left unchecked, whom will you turn to
for protection?
The devastation brought by the alien invaders is self-evident. We have seen
our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of the .....
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Creative: In The Lamp Light
Number of words: 1873 - Number of pages: 7.... menthol-cool.
Where the second person came from, I'm not certain. I was surprised to
hear Howard's voice, strong and clear from across the driveway. "I know
you, Roy Best," he said. "I know about you and Mary. You want to take her
away from me."
Roy was a short man who walked with the help of a cane. I'd seen him
during the afternoon, sitting in the lounge, talking to the prettiest woman
in Pine Vale.
"You never even talk to her," Roy said. "Not once in all the years
we've been here."
"I--I will. And until I do, I don't want you interfering."
"She's not your propert .....
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Valentine Party
Number of words: 1306 - Number of pages: 5.... play yard. A large sand area littered with small bright colored pails, and a few matching shovels, dominated the left side. ide Though a few children of the play yard. Th ere wwere a few children were swinging on the swing set located to the right of the sand area., most of the children ran wildly to and fro,There were children everywhere, like ants on an anthill.
Inside the medium sized, white boxbox I was carrying were ,candy roses on sticks. The candy roses were colored red, pink and white. red, and pink, chocolate roses on white sticks. Thisis white box became a source of extreme curiosi .....
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Hopes And Dreams
Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... still remains unchanged, and my options have
widened. Last year, I learned about the Center for Science Excellence in one of
my Chemistry classes, but I wasn’t aware of the many advantages and rewards of
being part of such a remarkable program.
As a newcomer, I have made numerous mistakes in choosing my courses and
I need a lot of good advice and guidance. The Center for Science Excellence is
exactly the type of program that can fulfill these needs, and help to put me on
the right track instead me personally learning from costly mistakes. CSE is
center which guides many other science .....
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Rethinking The Watchtowers
Number of words: 1706 - Number of pages: 7.... composed them. Most of us, alas, did not know
and did not care. It was enough just to follow the rubrics and do the
rituals as prescribed.
But something brought me to an abrupt halt in my copying frenzy. I
had dutifully copied rituals from different sources, and suddenly realized
they contained conflicting elements. I found myself comparing the two
versions, wondering which one was "right", "correct", "authentic",
"original", "older", etc. This gave rise to the more general questions
about where a ritual came from in the first place. Who created it? Was it
created by one perso .....
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Creative Writing: A Sunday
Number of words: 2335 - Number of pages: 9.... pinching. Quiet good girls slumped in the seats in the garden with
their mouths open. Waiting for it. Drinking in death.
Her voice shakes when she asks for two sections. She wants it far too much.
Practised that too in her head over and over in the nights. Listening to
them in the corridors. If Mary shits herself again tonight she can sleep in
it. Listening to the cries and the calling, I have to get home. I have to,
the children want their dinner. She sits in the bus away from the window.
Afraid to look out. Cars and people on the footpath. People watching. For
her. Tom says it' .....
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Creative Writing: Heroz
Number of words: 1958 - Number of pages: 8.... their individual jobs, realized how unhappy they were with their
They wondered what would happen if things didn't improve. How would
they take care of their families if everyone continued to leave Lamron and
there wouldn't be any use for the arrows?
Apparently, many of the local Lamronians were unhappy living in
Lamron and were moving away. They had found that other nearby towns did not
charge as much for the dragon killing service as Lamron did.
Meanwhile, back at Lamron Castle, the King was meeting with his
Duke of Accounting and Duke of Operations, a .....
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Personal Writing: What I Learned This Semester In English Class
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... to take my writing more
seriously, and try much harder at producing good output. Also, my goal
isn't to write a paper that will get a good grade. Now, my goal is to
write better papers. I write to become a better writer.
That is, I feel, a very important thing that I learned this semester. I
don't think, "O.K., I have to get at least a B on this paper." Instead, I
think, "O.K., I have to use this assignment to improve my work." This is a
much better approach because it causes the writer to try to produce a well
written piece. Writing for a grade often causes the writer to do just
eno .....
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Personal Writing: Fragment - Changes In Life
Number of words: 1149 - Number of pages: 5.... realize it at first or not. Changes in life like these can change you both
physically and mentally for the rest of your life depending on the severity of
the situation.
In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I
don't really know what it was that started this thing between me and my parents
but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could to just annoy
me. I doubt this was intentional but at the time it seemed that it was. They
would find any excuse to yell or blame me for things that didn't even involve me
and they wouldn't listen to anything .....
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