Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: Unexpected Horizons
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... to a
favorite fishing spot of ours which was about twenty-five miles out called the
Pelican Flats. We headed out on the gently, quiet, rolling blue monster's back
as our twenty-two foot vessel handled the one to two foot ocean swells with
sheer ease. Finally, after an hour long haul, and fifteen fishing minutes
later, we ran into our first sign of action.
"Fish on starboard!!" screamed my younger brother.
"Fish on stern, grab 'em!", bellowed by dad from the steering wheel.
Instinctly, my brother and I had quickly grabbed the poles as the line
screamed off and the tips bent almost t .....
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Stresses In My Life
Number of words: 318 - Number of pages: 2.... I
have many stresses causing me to become frustrated.
Growing up had been no easy task for my brother and I. My parents hardly
ever got along and it seemed that each time they would argue, we were in
the middle of it or the cause of it. After graduating from high school, I
left home. Since my brother had recently moved out, only my parents would
be left to live together, but that didn’t work out. My mother became
desperate to leave my father since their marriage wasn’t working out and
also due to her daily responsibilities ceasing. Moreover, she left to
reunite with her fami .....
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Creative Writing: Dogs And Cats
Number of words: 5027 - Number of pages: 19.... his tiny legs beating furiously on the grass. The beagle could never
quite get over a loss. Mustard lay his head on the ground and watched the
passage of time on the street while Scampi vented.
Soon, Roy the Basset and his owner walked by. Mustard nodded hello.
"Who's that?" Roy asked, looking in the tree.
"Dunno. New in town."
"Which house?"
"No house."
"Freeloader, hm? Give him one from me." Roy's owner shushed him. Poor
guy. Owner was one of those uppity types who had to have everything perfect.
Mustard rolled on his belly. They had better catch the thing quick, or
the whole neig .....
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Personal Writing: Death
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... comes to me. She tells me that my aunt, Patsy’s daughter Trisha has died. I never knew her well, so up to this point I did not have much of an emotional reaction to the news. However, I knew that her death would devastate her mother. I doubt any parent takes the death of their child well, a parent never expects to witness the funeral of their child.
My family is invited to the funeral, and we assure the couple we will attend. The following morning my mother, brother and I embark on the trip. It was held at Rosehills in a little white chapel on a hill. We park in a sea of tightly park .....
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My Cultural Experiences And Their Influence
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... understand their own culture, they have to go research and experience it themselves. Playing Thai traditional instrument manifests one of my researches. I learned to cooperate, function and focus with other people. I also learned to try my best as a leader of the band with full responsibilities and never give up. My other research would be my relation with my religion as a Buddhist. What I learned from my religion definitely uplifted my spirit and souls. I discover more of my inner self each time I meditate. This is the reason why I started to get involved in my community and try to c .....
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Personal Writing: My Holiday
Number of words: 866 - Number of pages: 4.... my first train journey. I kept on looking out of the window and let out loud shrieks every time I saw a monkey in the trees. The scenery was beautiful as the train passed between two mountains. There were trees on either side and I kept on running from one side of the train to another to count the number of monkeys that I could spot during the train ride.
It was an exhausting journey. We got to the hotel, picked up the room keys from the reception and went to sleep immediately as it was late at night and we had already had dinner.
The next day, my mother woke me up at eight in the morning. I .....
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Creative Story: Day The World Turned Black
Number of words: 1111 - Number of pages: 5.... with the heat
that was needed to keep most happy. The sun, and both ships are now closed up
in the thing and are increasing their velocity as they head for some minuscule
object way in the distance.
The team of explorers decide to catch the other ship but it is on the
opposite side of the sun. It takes them a few days but they finally reach the
other ship. The only thing that they cannot figure out is how to make contact
with the other ship. They have exhausted every possibility and the only thing
they have done is wasted time. They are floating in nothing, the scenery looks
black .....
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Personal Writing: Devon
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... known in the coffee shop. He goes to the coffee shop
about 3 times a week and tries to meet someone new every time he goes. He
is really nice and it's not hard for him to make friends. Almost everyone
in the shop know who he is. If he sees someone he doesn't know he'll go up
and talk to them.
Devon told me why he dressed the way he does, "I do it to show
people that everyone is different and to like them for who they are."
Devon does not take a look at anybody and judge them for that one look.
When he meets someone he automatically likes them, once he gets to know
them he makes his deci .....
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Creative Story: Concussion
Number of words: 956 - Number of pages: 4.... a product of the last
few weeks.
"That will be two dollars" she said. But that was needless because I had
already left the money and was half way out the door. I mounted my bike and rode
the steed while sucking down as much sugar as possible. We finally arrived at
the bike trails. We then Infiltrated the left over food that we bought from
Dons Deli. We were all on a sugar high, it's now time to ride. We did the usual.
Had jump contests, fix jumps, and practiced new tricks. I had a good day, my
jumps were perfect. And we would soon would move on to the hardest jump…. The
big double. T .....
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Going To The Beach
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3.... up, we, following our chosen route, dreamed of our coming
adventures. On that particular vacation, we had chosen a place named Blue Lakes.
It was really a place of wildlife. In the summer, the forest was
beautiful. It burst into leaves and needles, and abounded with mushrooms and
berries. The unbelievable silence was sometimes interrupted only by birds and
insects. The amazing lakes, which were situated all over the wood, seemed to
complete the picture. In addition, Mother nature had given every lake some
unique feature. Red Lake, for example, seemed to have red water, because of the
io .....
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