Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: Jimmy Valentine The Safe Cracker
Number of words: 337 - Number of pages: 2.... Annabelle Spencer were married. That same
day, Jimmy threw all his safe cracking tools over the bridge into a small stream.
For three years everything went well. Their shoestore had great buiesness,
They had 2 children, and they bought a beautiful home in the country.
Everything was going well untill one day Annabelle woke up and her
beloved husband was missing. Nowhere to be found. Also, when Jimmy had thrown
the tools into the shallow stream, they had not gone far and you could still see
the top handle of the suitcase. Annabelle went across the bridge that afternoon
only to find he .....
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Interview With A UFO
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... gonna call the UFO sightings hotline
on them like I did on all of their friends. I said " I know about all of
your tests you run on them poor animals like Bessie cause I've been
watchin' the X-Files on my big 10 inch black and white TV." Then they
started gibbering back and forth again and I'll be dang if they didn't zap
my old John Deere up on that ship too. That's when I got really mad. I
think they understood English too cause when I told em what I thought of
that spaceship, they started shootin' that laser gun at me. I said
"Yowweee!!!" Then I took off runnin' up the hill.
I guess .....
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“The Night”
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... school, I knew the fun was coming, slowly but surely. I Finally got on my trip down to my buddy Scott’s house, it seemed like a long trip because I had to ride my bike there. But he lived right down the road so it wasn’t that bad. Also I knew that it would all be worthwhile when I arrived there and we went to Mandys.
After a while of watching television, Scott and I decided to go on down Mandys. We got down there after walking down to pitch black, roughed up road. We turned up the pot hole filled driveway, I started thinking of what might happen at this so-called party. Would I dr .....
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The Gold Fish And The Fisherman
Number of words: 480 - Number of pages: 2.... started a conversation.
"Hey, today's weather is very good eh? I bet there will be a lot of
fish," said Sun.
"It's hard to say nowadays. During this season we can't tell if there
will be any fish," replied Ko.
"Yes, I agree. During the last few days it appeared as though the
fish were all hiding. You're lucky that you only have a wife to feed while
I have a whole family to take care of. Sometimes my whole family had to
starve if there was no fish.", said Sun.
"Don't say that. To me I think we're all the same. As a matter of
fact I think you are more fortunate than .....
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Personal Writing: Disaster Hits Village !
Number of words: 308 - Number of pages: 2.... properties.
We thought that everything was over, but no. All of a sudden the ground started
shaking, more and more. I heard someone scream "It's an earthquake". I ran
towards the house, but I never got inside. All of a sudden something fell in my
head, and I passed out. The next thing I now I'm laying in my bed. I get up and
looks out the window. Everything so far I can see is destroyed, except from our
house. It was built on solid ground. The earthquake had filled the village with
water. It took years to restore the village. .....
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Cow Lore
Number of words: 2368 - Number of pages: 9.... that,
almost losing his balance. "Then it's a war they'll get." His statement
was met with a round of deafening cheers, which soon died back down. "You
are all people of war... and when we clash tomorrow, I want you to do what
you do best. I want you to destroy whoever gets in your way." Another round
of cheers exploded, then died down. "Tomorrow, milk will be released from
the confines of their bodies... it will flow through o'er the plains like a
river... and will dye the moon white!" He held up his large tankard of ale
to the ceiling. "We will show our true selves to The Great One I .....
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Personal Essay: Classroom Observation
Number of words: 1014 - Number of pages: 4.... desks were arranged in two rows, pushed together and facing each other.
There were about twelve seats in each group, so there were about 24 students in
the class. Apparently, the class had just been returning from a trip to the
school library when the fire drill went off, so when they came in they were
still carrying their library books. The students were asked to take their seats
and they did so quietly. Everyone's eyes were on Carrie and me. Mrs. Debolt
asked us to introduce ourselves, which we did. She told the class that we
were learning to be teachers and that we wanted .....
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Creative Writing: A Murder On The Eighth Night Was Caused By An Old Mans "evil" Eye
Number of words: 348 - Number of pages: 2.... the
butler opened the door and was real nice, he let us snoop around the house
to show us that nothing was wrong. He said he had a bad dream. Then when
he took us into the old man's sleeping chamber he started to get real
impatient and started to act weird that is when he confessed the murder to
us." explained a detective. "When we took off the planks we saw the
dismembered body parts and then we arrested him." said detective Smith.
"If it wasn't for that neighbor that heard the scream we would have never
known there was a murder." The butler is now in a hospital for the
criminally in .....
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Creaitve Story: Desert Island
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... ground around my feet, discovering a 1922 Sears catalogue. Exhausted and
hungry, I reached for a coconut from the only tree. I leaned against the palm
tree eating the coconut and leafing through the ancient catalogue. Thinking
aloud, I muttered, "Gee, I wish I had some clothes". POOF! Magically, I was in
the latest fashions of 1922. Hmmm.......could it be? I flipped through the
catalogue until I found what I was looking for. POOF! "Wow, I always wanted a
bread box". Curious as to what else I could find, I thoroughly searched the
catalogue, finding that the sports equipment .....
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Personal Writing: The Day Of Surprise
Number of words: 906 - Number of pages: 4.... you hated each other, on Valentines Day everyone put aside their differences
and even presented cards to the children nobody liked. That one day of love
seemed to unify the worst of foes through love and forgiveness. I could hardly
wait for that day to come.
As the night before Valentines Day had rolled around, anticipation had
escalated to an all time peak. Nevertheless, it was all set aside as my parents
once again started to fight. My brother and I were sent to the car in the garage
so that we would not witness them fighting. We knew the routine. I was scared
and I could still .....
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