Term Papers on Creative Writing |
The Three Part Assertion Method
Number of words: 664 - Number of pages: 3.... open, I can hear your music in my room which makes if difficult for me
to get school work done. I love music too, and certainly don't want you to not
enjoy it, but please don't force others to 'enjoy' it with you. I noticed that
when your door is closed, I can no longer hear it in my room and there is no
problem. Thanks! So, what exactly are playing there? I have this great
game.." The first sentence of this quote uses Bolton's tactic. The feeling
part, hostility and frustration, of it is implied. The last part implies that I
intend to remain friendly and hold no grudges.
To be consi .....
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Creative Writing: The Chase
Number of words: 1659 - Number of pages: 7.... home. They were hardly lucky enough to find a girl from school home on a Saturday night. They were even less lucky when it came to the matter of getting a girl to ride with them. Mostly because when she would ask: what are we doing to do, they would reply: drive around for awhile. This was not something a high school girl wanted to hear from two guys. Even the slowest of females would come to the conclusion that the proposal wasn't entirely good hearted. In the case of Alan and Dan, they happened to be looking for company, company other than each other. Their intentions, truthfully, were alwa .....
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Personal Writing: My Grandfather
Number of words: 334 - Number of pages: 2.... about the hands that were so
great they led the baseball team in an undefeated season. Grandfather’s
hands pitched fourteen “no-hitters” in a role. When I hear all the
wonderful things about them, I have to believe them, because all I
remember are crooked, old tree trunks. I’ve always wanted to see his
hands when they actually looked like hands.
In ten months, my grandfather will take my small hand in his and
guide me down the aisle, only to give me away. His hands have always been
my protection and comfort, but at that moment, they will become my sadness.
After grandfat .....
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The Farm Life
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... for his cows to graze in. The fences still have electricity running in them and the barn has a lot of things in it. My grandfather has collected a lot of stuff over the years. He also has a very old snowmobile in there and I can remember riding it when I was little. No one hardly goes in there now.
My grandfather was strict minded about disciplining his kids, as was his father with him. Now I would say my grandfather has softened up in his old age, but he still does everything that he thinks should be done, like things around the house. He is very smart and knows a lot about the woods .....
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My Truck
Number of words: 458 - Number of pages: 2.... did not work out. The trucks and the
blocks just continued to get me into trouble.
My windows would be open in the summer, we didn't have air
conditioning, and it was very windy. My door would slam in the night. The
rest of the family would not get any sleep. So, my mom came in to close the
windows a little and she would kick over my blocks and cars. In the
morning, I woke up ot see how muck damage was done. My blocks were
skattered, and some times my little plastic micro machine cars would me
broken. If you know about to toy cars, once the axle is bent from being
stepped on, o .....
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Phone Call To Bobbie
Number of words: 1841 - Number of pages: 7.... on watch and only two doors out of the barracks. I knew as a watch standee myself that the rear watch must report to the forward watch every fifteen minutes leaving me plenty of opportunities to come and go and I only needed two. My bed was near the rear of the barracks so I was in luck. I would also have to dress dark to blend into the surroundings. I took my dark blue sweats and a black ski mask and hid them under my blankets.
“Mail call,” yelled the mail officer! That was the call for the division to line up in front of there bunks at attention. At 9:50 p.m. every night I .....
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Candidate For Hall Secretary Speech
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... after requesting a hall jacket and being turned down and(2) by the hall name that I was recently given. Tonight I want to thank all involved for giving this VAGRANT a home in which to live and to plead for the opportunity to express my gratitude by serving this great hall.
I accept your nomination with a deep sense of humility. I accept, too, the responsibility that goes with it, and I seek your continued guidance and support. The task would be too great for anyone, who does not have the heart and hands of mine. And I promise you tonight that every fibre of my being is consecrated to the .....
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The Day In The Life Of A Drug Addict
Number of words: 843 - Number of pages: 4.... Doug pulled my arm close to
him and inserted the needle in my arm. As I was shaking, he told me "Make
this last for a while girl." I felt the dope hit me and ran out of the
restroom. I was shaking and could not get my breath. I enjoyed this
feeling although I knew it was not going to last. I could hear every sound
outside and inside the house. My heart beat grew faster and I felt the
rush going away. I wanted another fix. Doug had just got finished doing
I grew scared and felt like Doug was going to do most of the
cocaine. I did not want to feel the down side of this .....
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Creative Writing: The Shining
Number of words: 926 - Number of pages: 4.... the job, and
asked him to come back the next day. The next day Danny (his son) and wife Wendy
and Jack left for the hotel.
They arrive and get there bags dropped off, it is the last day the hotel is open
for the season, and people are checking out, and workers cleaning up, so they
can leave for the spring. Jack and Wendy goto meet up with Lloyd, and Danny
leaves for the game room. Lloyd takes them around the hotel to look around and
get a feel of were they will be staying, and shows them their rooms. They stop
and meet up with the head cook Dick Hallorann, Lloyd ask Dick to show Wendy and .....
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Creative Story: Positraction
Number of words: 507 - Number of pages: 2.... truck and started the engine (well I mean tried to start the
engine because he had to pull start it). Then he speed out of his driveway and
took off with smoke coming from the tires (and from under the hood). He caught
up with the Cougar and started hanging out the window trying to hit the car but
he couldn't hold the steering wheel and do bash the car at the same time. So he
got THE CLUB out from underneath his seat and put it on the steering wheel. So
he got the Baseball bat and started hanging out the window hitting the car. The
guy in the Cougar started swirved and Roger fell out of his .....
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