Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: The Kindergarten
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... children ran around, screamed, and threw
things as if they were unaware of the peacefulness that lay outside. I made
my way closer to the children. There appeared to be hundreds of little kids
looking up at me with me with mixed expressions, only pausing for a moment,
before continuing to make a noise.
It was a large room with a kitchen to the left and it had toys
scattered all over the floor. A door led outside to the playground and Mrs.
Smith the teacher sat at her desk keeping a watchful eye on the children.
Mrs. Smith noticed me standing there and motioned me to come over. I .....
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Popular Guy
Number of words: 1107 - Number of pages: 5.... I know why, because we are the big men on campus and they will look at us even more after we win that Glendale game tonight.
Later that morning Thomas and I meet up with the rest of the guys from the team, they were all as nervous as we were. Knowing that there was a lot riding on this game, and for some it was even more important because it was the last game of the year. It was their last chance to show the scouts what kind of talent they had.
As always we would have no class that day and there would be one big pep rally which the entire student body will attend to celebrate BGD .....
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Creative Writing: The Dinner Party
Number of words: 412 - Number of pages: 2.... lays the table and finds
the finest table cloth in the house. What they didn't see was the cat who
crawled under the table. When they are finished Mr. Smith says "I'll go
and change to a suit and you can maybe take on a long dress and your finest
jewellery you have".
At last the chief and his wife are here and Mrs. Fowler has flowers
to give to Mrs. Smith. I'll wish they welcome to our home and introduce my
wife to Mr. and Mrs. Fowler. Then we go into the dining room, but what is
that. The salmon is gone. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are horrified and Mr. and
Mrs. Fowlers don't know wha .....
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Creative Writing: Down And Out
Number of words: 1441 - Number of pages: 6.... you suppose are in these?" asks Chester.
"I don't know but as soon as we wash them a bit and open em' up
we should find out" replies Richard.
Chester fills an old fish box with water to wash the bottles. They
clean the bottles them take them out and dry them. Martha hands Richard a
corkscrew and finishes making supper. Richards grabs the first bottle and
pops out the cork. He pulls out what seems to be a letter written by hand .
Considering the conditions of the bottles the letters are still white,
except for the contrasting black ink. He sets this letter to the side .....
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Personal Writing: The Zoo
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... the monkeys’ cage. The monkeys were continuously jumping and swinging about in their large cage. They looked very alert and stared back at the people. Some of them clung to the iron bars, waiting for someone to hand them a banana or some peanuts. We left the monkeys’ cage and went to see the elephants. They were wandering loose in an open area, which was surrounded by large deep trenches. Bordering the trenches was a heavy iron fence. The elephants had rough and mildewed-looking skin. Their long and flexible trunks were moving constantly begging someone to give them food. A boy .....
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Personal Writing: A Schoolyard Lesson
Number of words: 1336 - Number of pages: 5.... in the front row. I turned around
and took a quick peak at the class; scanning the room for someone to talk to.
When I saw no opportunities I began to get a bit timid, but as soon as the bell
rang I felt all right.
We went through the motions for awhile: filling out paper work,
introducing ourselves, all the first day stuff. I heard a few kids say they
were new to the area, of which Brian Vedder was the only boy. He wasn't much to
look at, not a soap opera star, or a great athlete, just a regular kid.
Nonetheless I thought I'd like to meet him and talk to him later on in the day.
By this .....
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Balances Of Values And Academic Freedom Of Inquiry
Number of words: 601 - Number of pages: 3.... beliefs we are accustomed to and the material presented to us. When there is
a difference, we should not ignore the idea or block it out. We should feel free
to learn and question new ideas. Just because we learn something doesn't mean we
have to accept it. We should leave ourselves open to new ideas. When we do this
we become very well rounded individuals.
An example of this is the issue involving the debate between evolution
and creationism. As Christians, we naturally believe in creationism, but we
shouldn't stop learning about evolution because we don't believe in it. This
mak .....
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Creative Writing: South Vs. North
Number of words: 1192 - Number of pages: 5.... out. Like I said earlier they would have died if it wasn't for us.
We gave them a home and fed them when they needed to be fed. All we ask
for in return is that they work on our farms. They are property of ours,
we bought and paid for them legally. It says that one of my rights as a
United States citizen, is my right to own private property. I have written
proof of ownership of these wild animals. That's all that they are,
Think about those black bums in the North. They have to try to
work on their own, and most of them are out on the streets. They don't
know how t .....
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Creative Story: A Nineties Love Story
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... either one of their gangs. They never got to see each other because
Leroy didn't have a phone and neither one of them had cars.
Finally Leroy had to see and be with Marsha so he snuck out of his
apartment, stole a car and drove it to the neighborhood where Marsha lived. He
stood up by her room and threw rocks up at her bedroom window until she looked
out and said "boy how you trippin down there trying to through rocks up at this
window know in I is fast sleep" then she wiped the sleep from her eyes and saw
that the person throwing rocks at her window was Leroy. When she noticed th .....
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Life Long Friendship
Number of words: 618 - Number of pages: 3.... our friendships in adversity. During illness we see the real caring and concerns of others. Being present during the adverse times often permanently bonds humans together.
Of course, not everyone can maintain friends from our childhood as I have been able to do. People are mobile, they move from city to city or merely change neighborhoods. Yet, regardless of the length of the relationship, we all have a need for friendship and continually strive to make close and true friends in our lives.
If our immediate family can be called the body of love, then our friends are its' wings .....
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