Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: The Search
Number of words: 4217 - Number of pages: 16.... in his graduation
pictures and slipped it over my head. I stepped into the bathroom, combed back
my whitening hair, and left for the office.
The early morning sun shone in through the broken blinds that I noticed
hadn't been replaced as I asked. I looked over the pile of paperwork awaiting
me. “Why the hell do I gotta do all these damn reports?”
"Actually, you don't, not today." I turned to see a man much like myself,
but older and with his piece on. He was a little taller, but with the same
sagging features and large belly of my body. “I've come here to give you
some .....
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Number of words: 494 - Number of pages: 2.... new machines so I read the
magazines and listened to the representative to learn about the machines. My
determination is what helped me to learn about these products so that I could
share my information with the customer. Now with my expertise in copiers and
fax machines I can answer almost any question that customers have and perform
almost any type of service necessary on them. Determination again is what lead
me to be ahead in my field of study and work. A good wrestler has to have
determination. When I was at a tournament in January of 1996 I broke my
shoulder blade. I was in t .....
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Creative Writing: An Unforgivable Choice
Number of words: 2180 - Number of pages: 8.... that I was old enough to take care of my
self. So my mother sat me on the train and said that if there came any of
the cruel men I should hurry out, and I don't believe in Santa. But if you
do he properly heard you lien, I'm 7” Jason said “Would you like to buy
some christmaspresents with me?” Lucinda asked. “I don't know -maybe some
of the shopasistents will recognise me, and I'm really not supposed to go
with strangers” Jason said. “Well, only you can decide if I'm a stranger”
Lucinda said very tempting.
“My feets hurt” Jason complained. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't .....
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Personal Writing: Our Trip To See The Band "Last One Standing"
Number of words: 1162 - Number of pages: 5.... Walking into your house
and immediately recognizing that perfect smell of freshness (my mom keeps a
clean house), flopping yourself onto your comfortable bed, now this is what
makes me feel at peace.I was relieved to be home, knowing that I was going
to see Kristie,a friend of mine that I'm quite fond of.
A few hours slipped by with no significant happenings. I was really
looking forward to seeing Kristie. She called around six, and made plans to
stop by at seven. I was more than excited to see her, and when she showed
up I couldn't stop smiling(I was really happy to see her). We talked .....
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Our Father-Son Relationship
Number of words: 380 - Number of pages: 2.... football games but would not interact in any other activities with me.
Our relationship now is a lot better than ever after getting some major counseling. After a counseling session, my father came up to me with tears coming from his eyes, saying, “I love you.” I can also remember his putting his tree trunk arms around me, hugging so tight, not letting go. Since counseling, we talk all the time and go many places together. I am so glad our relationship and friendship has tightened rather than lose my father completely.
Parents in today’s world play a huge role in children .....
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A Camera's Eye
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... and natural surrounded by the
dark colors of the city. I can see the scene and I can move on.
My eyes go back to the girl in front of me. I can't stray too long,
I'll be caught surveying my surroundings and accused of not paying
attention. I bring my focus back to her eyes and then her mouth. A close
up of her lips would be a good shot. Forming each word, detailed curves
and slopes. I've captured the shot.
I've been told before that I see the world through the eye of a
viewfinder. I actually like that view. As a filmmaker I am constantly
alert and searching for the perfect lighting, the .....
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Creative Writing: Siege Of Yorktown
Number of words: 375 - Number of pages: 2.... of us to fire on the
British. Our plan worked and all the British inside were soon firing on them
while we dug our trenches. When dawn came around they saw their mistake and
started firing on us but no harm was done. It took nine days to dig all of the
trenches. Finally on October 15th we were prepared to start the siege.
As the American Flag rose ten cannons fired simultaneously. Since we
were firing from 150 ft. away our cannons had a devastating effect. Later,
during the second afternoon the Sappers and Miners, including myself were issued
axes and we were instructed to chop a path .....
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"The Stone Boy": Psychiatric Report
Number of words: 1312 - Number of pages: 5.... picking peas, they had to climb "…through the wire fence that divided
the wheat field from the marshy pasture around the lake."(p.2) Eugie had
gone first. When it was Arnold's turn, his rifle caught on a wire and
consequently fired. The next moment, his brother, Eugie fell forward, dead.
Some would suggest that Arnold, being the youngest, was jealous,
but the evidence suggests that Arnold greatly admired Eugie, making his
death even more traumatic. Eugie was the eldest in the family. He was
tall and had a very good figure: "Arnold never tired of watching Eugie
offer silent prais .....
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Personal Writing: My Mom
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... working two jobs, she has received her Bachelor of Science degree in counseling from Oakwood College and is just two semesters away from achieving one of her highest goals, which is to receive her Masters degree in Rehab Counseling. She continues to help out in her work force and even finds time to attend my extracurricular activities.
My mom is an outstanding woman and is the one I look up to. Most people say that they want to be like Mike, but not me. I say, “I want to be like Diane.” She inspires me to keep striving to achieve my goals. She never lets anything keep her down a .....
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Creative Writing: Stanley
Number of words: 2388 - Number of pages: 9.... life and life was hard, so this is how work must be. He hated this
thought, and therefore his own existence, which was his mind-set as he
entered the doors of Holiday Lanes Family Recreation Center.
Once inside, Stanley immediately asked the small, sheepish figure
behind the shoe rental counter where Kyle was, and was given the response
"Dunno." Dunno, What an asshole, Stanley thought to himself. Giving up
all hope on the worthless shoe rental man, Stanley decided to go to the
manager's office, hoping to see his new boss and therefore finding Kyle.
Again, his presumptions were wrong. The .....
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