Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4.... him the name Oedipus, which means “swollen feet”. He cares for the baby and when he returns to Corinth, he gives the child to Polybus and his wife Merope, who raise the boy until he reached manhood. Right after that, as Oepipus travels around the countryside, the inevitable happens.
“...When in my travels
I was come near this place where three roads meet,
There met me a herald, and a man that rode
In a colt carriage, as you tell of him,
And from the track the leader, by main force,
And the old man himself, would thrust me. I,
Being enraged, strike him who jostled me--
The d .....
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Tamed Shrews And Twelfth Night
Number of words: 1082 - Number of pages: 4.... the centuries, it is curious to note that many have considered it to be one of his most controversial in his treatment of women. The "taming" of Katherine has been contended as being excessively cruel by many writers and critics of the modern era. George Bernard Shaw himself pressed for its banning during the 19th century (Peralta). The subservience of Katherine has been labeled as barbaric, antiquated, and generally demeaning. The play centers on her and her lack of suitors. It establishes in the first act her shrewish demeanor and its repercussions on her family. It is only with the .....
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The Catcher In The Rye Is Hold
Number of words: 1223 - Number of pages: 5.... doesn't like how Catholics stick together
and he doesn't like intellectuals. He hates the phoniness of people and says, "it drives me crazy. It makes me so depressed I go crazy. He calls the athletes bastards, and just about everybody else a moron. On his way out of Pencey he yells, "Sleep tight, ya morons." And rather than referring to
a person as 'that guy' or 'the blond girl', he calls people perverts, screwballs, pimpy- looking guys,whory-looking blondes, dopes, jerks, corny, and ignorant. His hatred is not limited to people though. He also hates cars and cliques, movies and mo .....
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Trouble With Bill Clinton's Character
Number of words: 662 - Number of pages: 3.... This notion
comes from the reasoning that most Americans are only concerned with whether or
not the country and its citizens are taken care of, and so disregard the
President's moral imperfections which, in the people's opinion, have very little
to do with the issues. So the President can cheat on his taxes or even his wife
and the Americans will overlook it as long as he is getting the job done.
Claims such as these lead some to believe that Americans' standards of
acceptable moral behavior are going down.
Stengel mentions examples of different presidents and the issues tha .....
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Comparing William Faulkners Tw
Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5.... man¡¨ (¡§A Rose for Emily¡¨, 126). To keep him with her forever, Miss Emily chooses to murder Homer. ¡§Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and learning forward, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair¡¨ (¡§A Rose for Emily¡¨, 130), Faulkner implies that Miss Emily actually sleeps with the corpse. She must love Homer deeply, to endure the rotten smell and appearance of the dead body. She even enjoys being with it. ¡§The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace¡¨ (¡§A Rose fo .....
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A Clockwork Orange 3
Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... and in his novel.
Burgess's definition of moral freedom as the ability to perform both good and evil is presented by implication in his discussion of the first kind of clockwork orange. In his introduction, he states that if one "can only perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange - meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with color and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound up by God or the Devil or (since this is increasingly replacing both) the Almighty State." Burgess goes on to say, "It is as inhuman to be totally good as .....
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The Bean Trees
Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2.... for various lengths of
time. I asked her about them once, and she asked me something like had I ever heard of a sanctuary."(Kingsolver 105) It’s amazing how Mattie’s morals and beliefs make her sacrifice her everyday life for the benefit of people whom she had never met before.
Taylor Greer had been running away from premature pregnancy her entire life. Afraid that she would wind up just another hick in Pittman County, she left town and searched for a new life out West. On her way getting there, she acquires Turtle, an abandoned three-year-old Native American girl. Taylor knows t .....
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Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... This "horse" is, in actuality, the speaker's own consciousness, a moment that we create something to relive the stress of our deepest emotions. It acts as an internal censor to keep us close to sanity, the value of life, and maybe even God trying to save his life. When he comes "Between the woods and frozen lake," he finds that he is at a crossroad in life. The speaker ponders what direction to take, whether to live as the moral man that he is, or to take the easy way out by taking his own life. Frost portrays "The darkest evening of the year," as the speaker comes to the end of his r .....
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"Shame": Ignorance Of Reality
Number of words: 426 - Number of pages: 2.... talks about how he thought that the teacher
loved him. It's a shame that he didn't realize everyone felt sorry for him.
It was Gregory's ignorance that caused him to feel humility, but it
was his teacher that made him realize it. As far as Gregory was concerned,
the day of collection for the needy was his time to shine. In front of
the whole class, including the girl of his dreams, he was going to lie and
show how proud he was of his dad for donating a lot of money. With only a
few words from his teacher, all of Gregory's innocence and high self-esteem
was stripped from himsel .....
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Things Fall Apart
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4.... Shylock becomes limited by those descriptions (MV 3.1.56-8). Hence, Shylock conforms "no more than an opportunity for bringing him to life" because Shylock like the other characters, once created, determines the plot and the plot determines them (Palmer 114). With a great importance of first impression or lines of a character in Shakespeare's plays, Shakespeare reveals Shylock's personality through his economy of works and actions. Living in every word that he utters, Shylock's distinct language denotes his lack of warmth. Instead, his phrases "three thousand ducats" and "for three mo .....
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